THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of New South Wales, which received the Royal Assent on the 1st of October, 1850. The objects set forth in the preamble are "The advancement of religion and morality and the promotion of useful knowledge." By this Act it is empowered to confer, after examination, Degrees in Arts, Law and Medicine, and is endowed with an annual income of £5000. By the University and University Colleges Amendment Act, 1902, the statutory annual endowment was increased to £10,000. By the University Extension Act of 1884 the Senate is empowered to give instruction, and to grant such Degrees and Certificates in the nature of Degrees, as it shall think fit, in all branches of knowledge, except Theology and Divinity. The same Act admits women to all University privileges equally with men. The various Acts of Parliament relating to the University and Colleges have been superseded by the University and University Colleges Act, 1900. By a Royal Charter issued 7th February, 1858, the same rank, style, and precedence are granted to Graduates of the University of Sydney as are enjoyed by Graduates of Universities: within the United Kingdom. The government of the University is vested in a Senate, consisting of sixteen elective Fellows, and not fewer than three nor more than six "ex officio" members, being professors of the University, in such branches of learning as the Senate may from time to time select. Under this power the Professors of Modern Literature, Geology, Physiology, and Law have been constituted "ex officio" members of the Senate for the time being. Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor are elected by the Senate from their own body. A Vacancies in the Senate are filled by means of a convocation of electors, consisting of the Fellows of the Senate for the time being, Professors, Public Teachers and Examiners in the Schools. of the University, Principals of Incorporated Colleges within the University, Superior Officers declared to be such by By-law, Masters and Doctors in any Faculty, and Bachelors of three years' standing. There are four Faculties in the University, viz., Arts, Law, Medicine and Science. In the Faculty of Arts two Degrees are given-namely, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. The curriculum of study for the Degree of B.A. extends over a period of three years, during which students are required to attend lectures and pass examinations. The subjects of study are the English, Latin, Greek, French and German Languages, Ancient and Modern History, Mental Philosophy and Logic, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Palæontology, Biology, Physiology, &c. Evening courses, in Economics and Commerce, have also been added to the curriculum. In the Faculty of Law the Degrees of LL.B. and LL.D. are given. The curriculum of study for the Degree of LL.B. extends over five years. The Degree of Bachelor of Law is recognised under certain conditions by the Board for the admission of Barristers in New South Wales as a qualification for admission to the Bar. Graduates in Arts of this University enjoy certain privileges granted by Act of Parliament, exempting them from all examinations other than an Examination in Law before admission as Barristers of the Supreme Court. The Rules of the Supreme Court also provide for a shortening of the period of Studentshipat-Law, in the case of Graduates in Arts, from three years to two, one of which may be concurrent with the final year of studentship at the University. Graduates who enter into articles of clerkship with attorneys and solicitors are only required to serve for three years instead of five. In the Faculty of Medicine three Degrees are granted, viz., Bachelor of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, and Master of Surgery. The course of study for the Degrees of M.B. and Ch.M. extends over a period of five years. The University of Sydney also grants a Diploma in Public Health. The colony of New South Wales has been declared to be one of the British possessions to which the Imperial Medical Act of 1886 applies, and the Degrees in Medicine and Surgery granted by the University of Sydney are registered upon the Colonial List of the British Medical Register, under section 13 of that Act. The University of Sydney is recognised as one of the Institutions from which the University of London is authorised to receive certificates for Degrees in Medicine. The University of Edinburgh accepts certificates of attendance on Medical Classes in this University to the extent of three years of professional study, and the Royal College of Surgeons extends a similar recognition to attendance on the classes of the whole course, in the case of Graduates in Medicine who present themselves for examination for the Diploma of Member of the College. In the Faculty of Science the Degrees of Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Science are given, and Degrees are also given in the several branches of Engineering, viz., Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and Mining and Metallurgy. The course for the Degree of B.Sc. extends over a period of three years, during which the subjects of study are Mathematics, Chemistry (theoretical and practical), Physics. (theoretical and practical), Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology, Biology, etc. The curriculum in Civil Engineering covers three years, and in the other two departments four years. This University has been placed upon the list of institutions recognised by the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain for the training of candidates for the examinations of the Institute. In the School of Dentistry the curriculum extends over a period of four years, leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery. A department of Military History and Science with a three year curriculum including practical instruction, has been brought into operation in 1907. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge extend certain privileges to students who have completed two years' study in the University of Sydney and who desire to compete in the Examinations for Honours. Graduates of the University of Sydney who comply with certain requirements may be admitted as "advanced students" in the University of Cambridge. "Advanced students," may, under special conditions, proceed to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Law in that University, or obtain a certificate testifying to their proficiency in research. Courses of Lectures in connection with the scheme for University Extension are delivered in Sydney and other places upon application. Each course consists of six or ten lectures, and con-cludes with an examintion. Those persons who have attended. any course regularly, and passed the concluding examination, receive University Certificates to that effect. The subjects of the lectures have hitherto been English Literature, Modern History, Ancient History, Political Economy, Logic and Mental Philosophy, Commercial Law, Science, etc. Senior and Junior Public Examinations are held annually in Sydney, and at other places where persons approved by the Senate can be found to superintend the examinations. The lectures of the Professors are open to persons not members of the University, upon payment of the fee prescribed for each course. Undergraduates and Graduates of other Universities are admitted ad eundem statum and gradum under certain regulations prescribed by the By-laws. The object of the Sydney University is to supply the means of a liberal education to "all orders and denominations, without any distinction whatever." An Act to provide for the establishment of Colleges in connection with different religious denominations was passed by the Legislature during the Session of 1854. Ample assistance was offered towards their endowment; and the maintenance of the fundamental principles of the University-the association of students without respect of religious creeds, in the cultivation of secular knowledge-is secured consistently with the most perfect independence of the College authorities within their own walls. Colleges in connection with the Church of England, the Roman Catholic and Presbyterian Churches, and a College for Women, have been established. An account of the several Scholarships and other Prizes for proficiency which have been established out of the funds of the University, or have been founded by private benefactions, will be found in this Calendar. At the yearly Examinations of 1882, women were first admitted to Matriculation in pursuance of a resolution passed to that effect by the Senate on the 1st of June, 1881. The University Extension Act of 1884 provides that "the benefits and advantages of the University, and the provisions of the Acts relating thereto, shall be deemed to extend in all respects to women equally with men." |