FISHER BEQUEST. In 1885 the sum of £30,000, or thereabouts, was bequeathed to the University by Thomas Fisher, Esq., "to be applied and expended by the Senate for the time being of the University in establishing and maintaining a Library for the use of the University, for which purpose they may erect a building, and may purchase books, and do anything that may be thought lesirable for effectuating the purposes aforesaid." The Government of the State having decided in 1901 to defray the cost of the erection of a new building at the University, to be called the Fisher Library, the principal money of the Fisher Fund is, by direction of the Senate, to be kept as a perpetual endowment fund for keeping up and adding to the Library. NICHOLSON MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES. Committee of Management-Professor BUTLER, B.A.; Professor WooD, M.A. Professor WOODHOUSE, M.A.; JOSIAH MULLENS, Esq. Honorary Curator-Professor WOODHOUSE, M.A. REGULATIONS. 1.-The Bedell shall have charge of that portion of the building devoted to the Museum, and during the absence of the Curator shall be responsible for the due care of the collection. 2.-The Museum shall be open for the admission of visitors every Saturday from the 1st May to the 31st October, from two to five p.m.; and from the 1st November to the 30th April, from two to six p.m. Visitors may also be admitted at any other convenient time when accompanied by a Member of the Senate, or by any Professor or Superior Officer of the University, or by the Curator or the Bedell in charge of the Museum. 3. All visitors to the Museum shall be required to give their names and addresses, which shall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose. 4.-Children under 15 years of age shall not be admitted unless accompanied by older friends. MACLEAY MUSEUM. Committee of Management-The Challis Professor of Biology, the Professor of In the year 1874 the Hon. Sir W. Macleay, M.L.C., undertook to present to the University of Sydney his collection of Natural History, together with an endowment for the stipend of a Curator, as soon as a suitable building should have been provided for its reception. The conditions attached to this donation were— 1. That the present Curator should be continued in office; 2. That the endowment of £6,000 for the salary of a Curator should be used for this and no other purpose; and 3. That the Museum should be made easily accessible to students of Natural History and members of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. Under these conditions the Senate gratefully accepted Mr. Macleay's gift; and the Parliament having made liberal provision for the buildings required, the collection is now in the University. MUSEUM OF NORMAL AND MORBID ANATOMY. Committee of Management-The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, The Challis Professor of Anatomy, the Professor of Pathology. Honorary Curator-Professor D. A. WELSH, M.A., B.Sc., M.D. 1.-The Museum shall be called the Museum of Normal and Morbid Anatomy, and shall be established for the benefit of all the Medical Departments of the Univerisity. 2.-The Museum shall be under the control of a Committee of Management, to be appointed by the Senate at its first meeting in Lent Term. 3. The Committee shall consist of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for the time being, together with two members of the Medical Teaching Staff to be chosen by the Senate. 4.-The working Curator shall be under the control of the Committee of Management; and in the second Thurday of each Term he shall transmit to the Dean, for the Senate, a report, to be written in a separate book kept for that purpose, of all the work he has done since the last report. 5.-Requisitions for the expenditure of money in connection with the Museum shall be submitted by the Committee of Management to the Finance Committee of the Senate for its approval. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION LECTURES. SEE ALSO BY-LAWS, CHAP. XXV. (PAGE 64). UNIVERSITY EXTENSION BOARD, 1906.-Members of the Senate: His Honor Judge Backhouse, M.A.; H. C. L. Anderson, M.A.; the Hon. W. P. Cullen, M.A., LL.D.; R. Teece, F.I.A. Members of the Teaching Staff: Professors M. W. MacCallum, M.A.; T. W. E. David, B.A.; G Arnold Wood, M.A.; F. Anderson, M.A.; Pitt Cobbett, M.A., D.C.L.; W. J. Woodhouse, M.A., Acting-Professors A. Mackie, M.A.. F. A Todd, B.A., W. G. Woolnough, D.Sc. Unofficial Members: E. B. Taylor, Rev. Andrew Harper, M.A., D.D.; Rev. J. Fordyce, M.A., D.D.; John Kent, G. S. Littlejohn, J. M. Taylor, M.A., LL.B.; R. F. Irvine, M.A.; J. P. Cochrane. Secretary: E. R. Holme, B.A. REGULATIONS REFERRING TO LECTURE COURSES. 1. The Board is prepared to receive and consider applications for courses of University Extension Lectures to be delivered in Sydney, or in any suburb of Sydney or country town. Applications may be made either by a public institution, such as a School of Arts, or by a Home Reading Circle, or by a Committee specially formed for the purpose. They should be addressed to the Secretary of the University Extension Board, the University, Sydney, who will forward a list of available Lecturers and subjects, and give any other information that may be desired. The Board will, as far as possible, consult the wishes of the applicants in the selection of Lecturer and subject, and in fixing the dates of the lectures and the intervals between them. Courses have usually consisted of ten or six lectures, delivered at intervals of a week. 2.-Applicants must undertake to become responsible for the local management and local expenses of the lectures, and for the payment of the charges made by the Board. The local management undertaken by the applicants will include providing a suitable lecture room, furnished, if possible, with desks or tables for the convenience of students taking notes; advertising the lectures; arranging for the sale of tickets; and providing a room with suitable appliances and supervision for the concluding examination. The charge payable to the Board has been fixed at £30 for a course of ten lectures, and £18 for a course of six. But if the lectures are delivered in country towns the charge may be reduced to £20 for a course of ten lectures and £12 for a course of six. The arrangements for the sale of tickets for the course (including the fixing of their price) will be left in the hands of the Local Committee, who may use the proceeds to defray the expenses which have been incurred. It is left to the option of the Local Centre to raise the requisite amount by the sale of tickets, by subscription, or by a combination of these methods; but the amount payable, or a satisfactory guarantee for its payment, must be lodged with the Secretary of the Board before the course begins. 3.-Every person who attends the course will be supplied with a syllabus containing an analysis of each lecture and a list of books recommended for study and reference. The Board will issue to Local Secretaries all copies of syllabus. At each lecture the Lecturer will set questions to be answered in writing by the students. These written answers should reach the Lecturer at least a day before the following lecture. Each lecture will be of an hour's length, and will be followed by a conversation class, at which the Lecturer will comment on and return the written answers of students, invite and answer questions, and discuss and explain difficulties. 4.-Immediately after the last lecture of the course, the Lecturer will send to the Secretary of the Board a report of the attendance, together with a record (in the form of numerical marks or otherwise) of the written work of the students, and a list of those students who have regularly attended the lectures and conversation classes, and have satisfied him by their work during the course. The course will conclude with an examination, to which those only who are included in the Lecturer's list will be admitted. The examination will be conducted, in consultation with the Lecturer, by a Professor or other Examiner appointed by the Board; and certificates will be awarded on the result of the examination. MATRICULATION EXAMINATION. MARCH, 1909, AND MARCH, 1910. BY-LAWS, CHAPTER X., SECTIONS 5 AND 6. 5.-The examination for matriculation shall include the III. Mathematics (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry), IV. Greek or French or German, at a lower standard. Candidates who have passed the Junior Public Examination, and have satisfied the Examiners in these subjects, in accordance with regulations,* will be considered to have satisfied the requirements of this division. I. Higher Latin, II. Higher English, DIVISION B. III. Higher Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry), V. Higher French, VI. Higher German, VII. Mechanics, VIII. One of the following subjects:-(a) Botany, (b) Chemistry (Inorganic), (c) Geology, (d) Physics, Part I., (e) Physics, Part II., (f) Physiology, (g) Zoology. IX. Modern History, at a higher standard. Candidates who have passed the Senior Public Examination, and have satisfied the Examiners in these subjects, will be considered to have satisfied the requirements of this division. Under the existing regulations, a candidate must have obtained at least second classes in the three languages prescribed, or in the three Mathematical subjects, or Lot less than second classes in four of the six subjects. |