University to consist of a Senate. Ibid. s. 4. 24 Vic. No. 13, s. 2. Elections of 44 Vic. No. Vacancies. 7. The said body politic and corporate shall consist of a Senate which shall be constituted by (a) sixteen elective fellows, who shall be elected as hereinafter provided, and of whom at least twelve shall be laymen; and (b) not fewer than three nor more than six ex officio Fellows, who shall be Professors of the said University in such branches of learning as the Senate shall from time to time by any by-law select. 8. Every vacancy occurring by death, resignation, or otherwise among the elective Fellows shall be filled up as it occurs by the election, at a meeting duly convened for the purpose, of such other fit and proper person as may be elected to fill such vacancy by the majority of the following persons present at such meetings, that is to say, (a) Fellows; (b) Officials declared by this Act to have the same rights and privileges within the University as Masters and Doctors; (c) Graduates keeping their names in accordance with any by-law in that behalf on the register of the University who have taken within the University the degree of Master or of Doctor; (d) Bachelors and all other persons who obtain any certificate which the Senate by by-law declares to be equivalent to the degree of Bachelor, if such Bachelors or other persons are of three years standing in the University, after obtaining such degree or certificate, and are of the age of twenty-one years. 9. Unless by death or resignation no vacancy among 24 Vic. No. the elective Fellows shall occur for any cause not previously specified in some by-law of the University. 13, s. 4. Chancellor. 14 Vic. No. 31, s. 4. 10. (1) The Senate shall elect out of their own body, by a majority of votes, a Chancellor of the University, 24 Vic. No. who shall hold office for such period as the Senate shall from time to time appoint. 13, s. 5. office of (2) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the said office by Vacancies in death, resignation, or otherwise, the Senate shall, in Chancellor. like manner, elect out of their own body, a person to fill that office. cellor. 11. (1) The Senate shall annually, on a day of which Vice-Chandue notice has been given, elect out of their own body 14 Vic. No. a Vice-Chancellor of the University, who shall hold 31, s. 6. office for one year. 24 Vic. No. 13, s. 5. Vice-Chan (2) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the said office by Vacancies in death, resignation, or otherwise before the expiration of office of the year of office, the Senate shall, as soon as con- cellor. veniently may be, hold a meeting of which due notice has been given, and at such meeting elect out of their own body some other person to be Vice-Chancellor for the remainder of the year. (3) Any Vice-Chancellor shall be capable of reelection as often as is deemed meet. Vice-Chancellor eligible for re-election. 14 Vic. No. 12. (1) At every meeting of the Senate the Chancellor Chairman. or, in his absence, the Vice-Chancellor shall preside as 31, s. 10. chairman, but if the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor are 24 Vic. No. both absent, the Fellows present shall elect a chairman. 13, s. 5. 13. (1) All questions which come before the Senate Questions shall be decided at any meeting duly convened, at which how decided a quorum is present, by a majority of the votes of the 31, s. 9. Fellows present. 14 Vic. No. (2) The chairman at any such meeting shall have Chairman.' a vote, and in case of an equality of votes a second or casting vote. (3) At any such meeting Quorum. Ibid. (a) five Fellows of whom the Chancellor or Vice- 16 Vic. No. (b) in the absence of both the Chancellor and shall form a quorum. 28, s. 1. Senate may dismiss 14 Vic. No. 31, s. 8. 14. (1) The Senate shall have full power to appoint appoint and and dismiss all professors, tutors, officers, and servants officers. of the University. (2) The Senate shall have the entire management And to have of and superintendence over the affairs, concerns, and manage entire ment. By-laws. Ibid. ss. 8, 15, 21. 44 Vic. No. 22, B. 2. Approval of To be laid before the property of the University, and in all cases unprovided for by this Act the Senate may act in such manner as appears to them to be best calculated to promote the purposes of the University. 15. (1) The Senate may make by-laws and regulations relating to (a) the discipline of the University; and (d) the mode and time of convening meetings of the (e) all other matters whatsoever regarding the University; Provided that no such by-law or regulation shall be repugnant to any existing law or to the general objects and provisions of this Act. (2) All such by-laws and regulations shall be reduced to writing and submitted for the consideration and approval of the Governor, and when approved shall be countersigned by him, and when so countersigned and sealed with the seal of the University shall be of full force and effect. (3) The Colonial Secretary shall lay every such Legislative by-law and regulation before the Legislative Council Council and and Legislative Assembly during the session of ParliaLegislative Assembly. ment in which it becomes in force or within six weeks after the beginning of the next ensuing session. Evidence. University to report their proceedings to the Governor. 14Vic. No. 31, 8. 22. Copy of (4) Any such by-law or regulation may be proved in any Court by the production of a verified copy under the seal of the University. 16. (1) The University shall once at least in every year, and also whenever the pleasure of the Governor may be signified in that behalf, report their proceedings to the Governor. (2) A copy of such report shall be laid before the report to be Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly within six laid before weeks after it is made if Parliament is then in session, Legislative Council or or, if not, then within six weeks after the beginning of Legislative the next ensuing session. Assembly. 17. TheGovernor of New South Wales shall be the Visitor. Ibid. s. 16. visitor of the University, with authority to do all things that pertain to visitors as often as he deems meet. tests. 18. No religious test shall be administered to any Religious person in order to entitle him to be admitted as a bid.. 20. student of the University, or to hold any office therein, or to partake of any advantage or privilege thereof. Provided that this enactment shall not be deemed to prevent the making of regulations for securing the due attendance of the students for divine worship at such church or chapel as their parents or guardians may approve. PART III. Examinations and degrees. 14 Vic. No. 17, s. 1. 19. (1) The Senate may give such instruction as it Degrees. thinks fit, and may, after examination, confer the several 31, s. 13. degrees of Bachelor, Master, and Doctor, and such other 47 Vic. No. degrees and such certificates in the nature of degrees as it thinks fit in all branches of knowledge, except theology and divinity. Provided that no student in the University shall be compelled to attend lectures upon or pass examinations in any of the following subjects, namely:-Ethics, metaphysics, and modern history. Status of (2) All persons who obtain any certificate or quali- holders of fication which the Senate by by-law declares to be of certificates. equivalent rank to the degree of Bachelor shall have Ibid. s. 2. the same rights and privileges within the University as Bachelors. Examiners 20. (1) At the conclusion of every examination of to declare candidates the examiners shall declare the name of results of every candidate whom they deem entitled to any degree, tions. and also (a) the departments of knowledge in which his proficiency has been evinced; and (b) his proficiency in relation to that of other candi dates. examina 14 Vic. No. 31, s. 14. Certificates. Ad eundem degrees. 22, s. 1. (2) The Chancellor shall give every such candidate a certificate under the seal of the University and signed by such Chancellor, in which the particulars so declared shall be stated. 21. (1) When any person has obtained in any Uni44 Vic. No. versity, recognised by the by-laws of the University in force for the time being, any degree corresponding or equivalent to any degree which the Senate is now or may hereafter be empowered to confer after examination, the Senate may confer such latter degree upon such persons without examination. Rights of holders. Senate may authorise establish ments to (2) The persons upon whom degrees are conferred, under the provisions of the preceding subsection, shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as appertain to those who have taken the same degrees in the ordinary course in the University. 22. (1) The Senate may authorise any college or educational educational establishment, whether incorporated or not, instituted for the promotion of literature, science, or art, issue certifi- to issue to candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, and Doctor of Laws certificates to the effect that the candidate for any such degree has completed such course of instruction therefor as the Senate by regulation prescribes. cates. 4 Vic. No. 31, s. 11. Upon which degrees may (2) Any person who presents to the Senate any be granted. such certificate may be admitted as a candidate for the degree to which it has reference. Report on medical establish ments by Senate 31, s. 12. 23. (1) For the purpose of granting the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Doctor of Medicine, and for the improvement of medical education in all its branches, 14 Vic. No. as well in medicine as in surgery, midwifery, and pharmacy, the Senate may report to the Governor the medical institutions and schools, whether incorporated or not, in the city of Sydney, from which, either singly or jointly with other medical institutions and schools in New South Wales or in foreign parts, it appears to the Senate fit and expedient to admit candidates for medical degrees. Candidates from such establish (2) On approval of such report by the Governor, ments may, the Senate shall admit as a candidate for the degree of be admitted Bachelor of Medicine or Doctor of Medicine any person to degrees. |