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University established within the United Kingdom under
a Royal Charter or an Imperial enactment; and the
Memorialists therefore hereby most humbly pray that
we will be pleased to take the premises into our gracious
consideration and grant to the University of Sydney
Letters Patent effective of the object therein set forth.
NOW KNOW YE that we, taking the premises into consider-
ation, and deeming it to be the duty of our Royal office,
for the advancement of religion and morality and the
promotion of useful knowledge, to hold forth to all classes
and denominations of our faithful subjects, without any
distinction whatsoever, throughout our dominions
encouragement for pursuing a regular and liberal course of
education, and considering that many persons do pro-
secute and complete their studies in the Colony of New
South Wales, on whom it is just to confer such distinc-
tions and rewards as may induce them to persevere in
their laudable pursuits; do, by virtue of our Prerogative
Royal and our especial Grace and certain knowledge
and mere motion, by these presents of us, our heirs and
successors, will, grant, and declare that the Degrees of
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, Such
Doctor of Laws, Bachelor of Medicine, and Doctor of
Medicine, already granted or conferred or hereafter to be
granted or conferred by the Senate of the said University
of Sydney shall be recognised as Academic distinctions
and rewards of merit, and be entitled to rank, precedence,
and consideration in our United Kingdom and in our
Colonies and possessions throughout the world as fully
as if the said Degree had been granted by any University
of our said United Kingdom. And we further will and
ordain that any variation of the Constitution of the said
University which may at any time or from time to time
be made by an Act of the said Governor and Legislature
shall not, so long as the same or a like standard of
knowledge is in the opinion of the said Governor preserved
as a necessary condition for obtaining the aforesaid degrees
therein, in any manner annul, abrogate, circumscribe,
or diminish the privileges conferred on the said
University by these our Royal Letters Patent, nor the
ranks, rights, privileges, and consideration conferred by
such degrees. And, lastly, we do hereby for us, our

recognition granted.

heirs, and successors, grant and declare that these our Letters Patent or the enrolment or exemplification thereof shall be in and by all things valid and effectual in law according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and shall be construed and adjudged in the most favourable and beneficial sense to the best advantage of the said University, as well in all our courts as elsewhere, notwithstanding any non-recital, uncertainty, or imperfection in these our Letters Patent. IN WITNESS whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent.

Witness ourself at Westminster, the Twenty-seventh day of February, in the Twenty-first year of our Reign. By WARRANT under the Queen's sign manual.






An Act to consolidate the Acts relating to the University of Sydney and Colleges within the University of Sydney.

[Assented to 22nd September, 1900.

WHEREAS it is expedient for the better advancement of religion and morality and the promotion of useful knowledge, to hold forth to all classes and denominations of Her Majesty's subjects resident in New South Wales, without any distinction whatsoever, an encouragement for pursuing a regular and liberal course of education; and to ascertain by means of examination the persons who acquire proficiency in literature, science, and art, and to reward them by academical degrees as evidence of their respective attainments and by marks of honour proportioned thereto; and to encourage and assist the establishment of colleges within the University of Sydney, in which colleges systematic religious instruction and domestic supervision, with efficient assistance in preparing for the University lectures and examinations, shall be provided for students of the University: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:


Officers under Acts hereby repealed.

Regulations or by-laws

under Acts hereby repealed.



1. This Act may be cited as the " University and University Colleges Act, 1900," and is divided into Parts and Divisions, as follows:—

PART I.-Preliminary.-88. 1-5.

PART II.-Incorporation and constitution of the Univer-
sity and provisions relating to the Senate.-ss. 6-18.
PART III.-Examinations and degrees.-88. 19-23.
PART IV.-Endowment and finance.—ss. 24-29.

PART V.-Students, licensed masters, and privileged
officers.-ss. 30-32.

PART VI.-Colleges within the University

Division 1.-Interpretation.-8. 33.

Division 2.-Endowment and subscribed fund—
(i.) Conditions of endowment.- -88. 34, 35.
(ii.) Endowment for building.-8. 36.
(iii.) Endowment for principal.—ss. 37-39.
(iv.) Interest on subscribed fund.-8. 40.

Division 3.-Government of students.―s. 41.

2. (1) The Acts mentioned in the Schedule to this Act are, to the extent therein expressed, hereby repealed.

(2) All persons elected or appointed under the Acts hereby repealed, and holding office at the time of the passing of this Act, shall continue in office as if this Act had been in force at the time they were appointed, and they had been appointed hereunder.

(3) All regulations or by-laws made under the authority of any Act hereby repealed, and being in force at the time of the passing of this Act, shall be deemed to have been made under the authority of this Act, and references in such regulations to the provisions of any Act hereby repealed shall be deemed to be references to the corresponding provisions of this Act.

3. In this Act, unless the context or subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires,

"Bachelor" means any person upon whom the degree of Bachelor has been conferred by the University. "Doctor" means any person upon whom the degree of Doctor has been conferred by the University.

"Fellow ""

means a member of the Senate.

"Master" means any person upon whom the degree of Master has been conferred by the University. "University" means the University of Sydney.


4. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to affect or Act not to interfere with any right, title, or interest of Her with rights Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, or in any way to fit limit the Royal Prerogative.

14 Vic. No.
31, s. 24.

be admitted

5. The benefits and advantages of the University Women to and the provisions of this and any other Act relating to Univerthereto, shall be deemed to extend in all respects to sity priviwomen equally with men.


47 Vic. No. 17, s. 3.


Incorporation and constitution of the University and pro

visions relating to the Senate.

sity of

6. The University of Sydney is the body politic and The Univer corporate incorporated by that name under the Act 14 Vic. No. fourteenth Victoria number thirty-one, and shall, by 31, s. 1. that name, have a perpetual succession and a common seal and power to sue and be sued, and to take, purchase, and hold all real and personal property whatsoever, whether the same is situate in New South Wales or elsewhere, and to grant, demise, alien, or otherwise dispose of the same, and also to do all other matters and things incidental or appertaining to a body politic. Provided that the University shall not, unless with Proviso. the approval of the Governor, alienate, mortgage, charge, or demise any of its lands, except by way of lease for any term not exceeding thirty-one years from the making thereof, by which lease there shall be reserved and made payable during the whole of the term the best yearly rent that can reasonably be obtained without any fine or foregift.

Ibid. s. 2.

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