UNIVERSITY CLUBS, ETC. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATES' ASSOCIATION. PRESIDENT-G. Howatson. VICE-PRESIDENTS-G. M. Barron, G. C. Byrne, H. S. Utz, B.A. HON. SECRETARIES-R. G. Waddy, St. Paul's College; A. L. Campbell, St. Andrew's College. HON. TREASURER-J. R. Hooton. COMMITTEE J. B. V. Steel, A. S. Lloyd, C. K. Allen, F. W. Robinson, H. G. Edwards, B.A., H. F. Markell, B.A., N. W. Broughton, E. M. Fisher, E. A. Tivey, A. M. McIntosh, B.A., A. W. Mobbs, B. B. Ruse, W. R. Browne, H. V. Macintosh, W. R. Hebblewhite, G. E. Cowdery, L. R. Egan, P. J. Murphy, R. A. Page. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY SPORTS UNION. The Union has been formed by the amalgamation of the existing Football, Cricket, Boat, Athletic, Tennis and Baseball Clubs. Such other Clubs as may from time to time be approved by the Committee shall be admitted. Membership. Any person who shall have matriculated according to the by-laws of the University of Sydney, and shall be proceeding to a degree or to a license in Dentistry at such University, and any graduate of the said or any other recognised University, or any member of Convocation of the University of Sydney, shall be eligible for membership. Any undergraduate who has attended lectures for at least six (6) consecutive terms shall be entitled to continue his membership, and nothing in this rule shall affect any member at the date of the passing thereof (April 6th, 1903). Annual Subscription.-The annual subscription to the Sports Union for full active members shall be £2 2s. per annum, and for honorary members £1 18. Ladies who comply with the provisions of the above rule as to membership may become members on payment of an annual subscription of £1 1s. Any person eligible for membership may become a life member on payment of £15 15s.; a life honorary member on payment of £10 10s. A life member of any constituent club at the time of amalgamation shall continue a life member of that club, and shall be made a life member of the Sports Union on payment of an additional subscription to be fixed in each case by the Committee. Any member who shall have paid the aggregate sum of 25 guineas in annual subscriptions shall forthwith become entitled to life membership. Members' badges are in the form of enamelled medallions. The Oval.-The Oval is controlled and managed by a Ground Committee of five (5), appointed annually by the General Committee. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1907. PATRON-The Hon. Sir Normand MacLaurin, M.A., M.D., LL.D., Chancellor. PRESIDENT J. S. Cargill, B.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS-His Honour Judge Backhouse, M.A., H. E. Barff, M.A., H. M. Faithfull, M.A., Professor David, B.A., F. R.S., H. F. Maxwell, B.A., E. A. Brearley, M.B., Ch.M., H. Marks, B.A., I. G. Mackay, B.A., F. D. Kent, M. A., E. W. Knox. HON. TREASURERS-H. M. Stephen, B.A., LL.B., A. G. de L. Arnold, B.A., LL.B., J. B. Lane, H. J. Clayton. HON. SECRETARY—A. Morrison, B.E., Engineering School, University. GENERAL COMMITTEE-W. F. Matthews, R. B. Minnett, O. A. Ireland, L. B. Rudder, John Hughes, B.A., J. Fitzhardinge. B. R. French, B.A., R. G. Waddy, C. N. Pitt, H. S. Utz, B.A., R. Candlish, B.A., G. B. Carleton. GROUNDS COMMITTEE - E. A. Brearley, B.A., M.B., Ch. M. (Chairman); K. M. Niall, H. J. R. Clayton, G. D. McIntosh, J. W. Hoets, Secretary. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1908. PATRON-Sir Normand MacLaurin, M.A., LL.D., M.D., M.L.C., Chancellor. PRESIDENT-Professor Pollock, D.Sc. VICE-PRESIDENTS-Professor David, B.A., F.R.S., Professor Anderson, M.A., Rev. P. Stacy Waddy, M.A., R. Coombes, H. M. Stephen, B.A., LL.B., F. L. Ash, B.A., Rev. F. T. Perkins, M.A., W. H. Saviguy. HON. SECRETARIES-O. B. Williams, St. Andrew's College. HON. TREASURER-R. G. Waddy, St. Paul's College. DELEGATES TO S.U. SPORTS UNION-R. G. Waddy, B. R. French, B.A. DELEGATES TO N.S.W.A.A.A.-B. R. French, B.A., H. J. R. Clayton, B.A., O. B. Williams, F. L. Ash, B.A. CAPTAIN OF S.U.A.C.-N. C. Barker. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-N. C. Barker, R. G. Waddy, O. B. Williams. GENERAL COMMITTEE H. J. R. Clayton, B.A., H. J. Clayton, J. Luddy, C. P. Stewart, W. K. Inglis, H. St. Vincent Welch, B. R. French, B.A. UNIVERSITY BASEBALL CLUB. Founded 1904. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1908 PRESIDENT-H. E. Barff, M.A. VICE-PRESIDENTS-Professor Pollock, Professor Welsh, Professor Anderson, Messrs. G. P. Barbour, M.A., C. A. Buchanan, B.A., J. S. Harris, M.B., Ch.M., H. Donovan, M.B., H. R. G Poate, M.B., Ch.M. HON. SECRETARY-D. S. Mackenzie, Medical School, University. DELEGATES TO N.S.W.B.B.A.-R. B. Minnett, F. E. McElhone, B.A. GENERAL COMMITTEE-H. G. Allen, R. S. Candlish, B. A., T. E. Parker, A. B. Walkom, D. S. McKenzie, A. D. Watson, F. E. McElhone, and G. B. Carleton. B.A. SELECTION COMMITTEE-H. G. Allen, D. S. McKenzie, F. E. McElhone, SYDNEY UNIVERSITY BOAT CLUB. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1908. PATRON-His Honour Judge Backhouse, M.A. PRESIDENT-R. P. Hickson. VICE-PRESIDENTS-A. Consett Stephen, Professor Pollock, D.Sc., A. G. Purves, V. V. Nathan, F. Craig, M.B., Ch. M., C. H. Helsham, B.A., LL.B., E. M. Mitchell, B.A., LL.B., H. W. Kendall, M.B., Ch.M., W. T. Coyle, B.A., R. B. Fitzhardinge. CAPTAIN-O. A. Ireland. VICE-CAPTAIN-G. Howatson. HON. SECRETARY-M. E. Bedford, St. Andrew's College, Camperdown. COMMITTEE A. Morrison, K. Smith, T. S. Dixson, K. B. Gaden, W. W. Martin, R. V. McDonnell. TRUSTEES-H. E. Barff, M.A., Robert Smith, M.A. DELEGATES TO N.S.W. R.A.-R. P. Hickson, A. Morrison, A. G. de L. Arnold, LL.B. DELEGATES TO SPORTS UNION-O. A. Ireland, L. B. Rudder (ex officio). SYDNEY UNIVERSITY CRICKET CLUB. This Club was established in the year 1865. All members of the Sports Union are Members of the Cricket Club. The Senate has granted to the Club the use of that portion of the University grounds known as the "Oval." A considerable sum of money has been spent upon this ground, and a handsome pavilion has been erected upon it. Practice is carried on daily (Wednesdays excepted) from October to April (inclusive) on the Oval. The last match against Melbourne University Crioket Club, the 27th of the series, was played in Melbourne, and was lost by 89 runs. |