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Mackintosh, Bertha Adeline Hilda, B.A., 1899

Mackness, Constance, B.A., 1902 Maclardy, J. D. St. Clair, M.A. McLaren, Alexander Duncan, M.A., LL.B.

McLaren, John Gilbert, B.A., 1895 McLaughlin, Daniel, B.A., 1890 MacLaurin, Charles, M.B., Ch.M. MacLaurin, Hon. Sir Henry

Normand, M.A., M.D., LL.D.† MacLaurin, Henry Normand, B.A., 1899.

Maclean, Charles Hector Roderick, B.A., 1901

Maclean, Fredk. S., B.A., 1887 McLean, George, M.B., Ch.M. McLeod, James, B.A., 1879 McLintock, Colin Scott, B.A., 1900 McMahon, Gregan, B.A., 1896 MacManamey, James Frazer, B.A., 1881

MacManamey, John Frazer, B.A., 1889

MacManamey, William Frazer, B.A.,


MacMaster, Donald Æneas D., B.A.,
B.Sc., M.B., Ch.M.
MacMullen, Frank, M.A.
McMurray, Wahab, M.D.§
Macrossan, Hugh Denis, B.A., 1902
McNeil, Andrew, B.A., 1889
McNevin, Arthur Joseph, B.A., 1895
McNevin, Thomas Butler, B.A., 1893
MacPherson, John, M.A., B.Sc.,
M.B., Ch.M.

MacPherson, Peter, B.A., 1889
MacTaggart, John Norman C., M.E.
McWilliam, Neville Gilbert, B.A.,
1903, LL.B.

Madsen, John Percival Vissing, B.Sc., 1900, B.E.

Maffey, Reginald William H., B.A., 1896, M.B.

Magarey, Frank W. A., M.D., Ch.M.

Maher, Charles H., B.A., 1877 Maher, Charles Weston, M.B., Ch.M. Maher, Matthew E., B.A., 1867 Maher, Thomas Francis, B.A., 1893 + Fellow of the Senate. Public Teacher.

Admitted ad eundem gradum Head of College.

Maher, W. Odillo, M.D.§‡
Main, John, B.A., 1892

Maitland, Herbert Lethington, M.B.,

Makin, William, B.A., 1902
Mallarkey, Ethel May, M.A.
Maloney, Andrew W., B.A., 1893
Maloney, John Thomas, B.A., 1899
Mann, William J. G., M.A.
Mannell, Francis Worthington, B.A.,


Manning, Henry Edward, B.A., 1900, LL.B.

Manning, Hugh Eldred, B.A., 1905 Manning, James N., M.A., LL.D. Manning, Reginald K., B.A., 1887 Manning, William Alexander, M.A. Manning, W. Hubert, M.A.

Manning, William Ernest, B.A., 1892

Mansfield, Walter Charles, M.B., Ch.M.

Marden, John, LL.D.

Markell, Horace Francis, B.A., 1905
Marks, Hyam, B.A., 1892
Marks, Florence, B.A., 1893
Marks, Leah, B.A., 1893
Marks, Percy J., B.A., 1887

Marr, Fannie Augusta, B.A., 1899 (Mrs. Jack)

Marr, Gordon William Singer, M.B., 1901

Marrack, Jno. Rea M., M.A. Marsden, Ernest Ambrose, M.B., Ch.M.

Marsh, Harold Seaward, M.B., 1903 Martin, Lewis Ormsby, B.A., 1893, LL.B.

Martyn, Athelstane Markham, B.E.,

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Mathison, Walter, B.A., 1880
Mathison, Walter Charter, B.E., 1899
Mawson, Douglas, B.E., 1902, B.Sc.
Mawson, William, M.B., Ch.M.
Maxwell, Henry Francis, B.A., 1895
Maxwell, William, B.A., 1904
Maxted, Henry Louis, B.A., 1902
Maynard, Ethel Margaret, B.A.,
1894 (Mrs. Peden)
Mayne, Wm. M., M.A.

Mayne, J. O'Neill, B.A., 1884
Maze, William A. A., B.A., 1892
Meagher, Louis Felix, B.A., 1889
Meares, Hercules, B.A.,1 893, LL.B.
Meares, Matilda, M.A.

Meek, Herbert Arthur, B.A., 1903
Meillon, John, M.A., LL.B.
Meillon, Joseph, B.A., 1863
Mell, Cecil Newton, B.A., 1894
Melville, Hector Pope, B.A., 1905
Menzies, Guy Dixon, M.B., Ch.M.
Merewether, E. A. M., B.A., 1884,

Merewether, Hugh H. M., B.A., 1894, LL.B.

Merewether, Walton L., M.A. Merewether, William D. M., B.A., 1895, LL.B.

Merrington, Ernest Northcroft, M.A.¶
Metcalfe, George, M.A.

Miles, James Albert, B.A., 1894
Millard, Alfred C., B.A., 1885
Millard, Godfrey William, M.A.
Millard, Reginald J., M.B., Ch.M.
Miller, James W., B.A., 1896
Miller, Richard John, B.A., 1885
Mills, Arthur E., M.B., Ch.M.¶
Mills, Elsie Ada Harland, M.A.
(Mrs. Holmes)

Mills, Percy Harcourt, B.A., 1893,

Mitchell, Ernest Meyer, B.A., 1896, LL.B.

Mitchell, Ethel Robertson, B.A., 1898 Molesworth, Edmund Harold, M.B.,


Molineaux, Amy Atherton, B.A., 1891 Moloney, Thos. P., B.A., 1885 Molster, Eliza, B.A., 1893 (Mrs. Dowe)

Admitted ad eundem gradum.

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Montgomerie, John, B.A., 1889
Moore, David C., B.A., 1883

Moore, Frank Joseph S., B.A., 1883
Moore, George, M.D.
Moore, John, B.A., 1883
Moore, Samuel, M. A.

Moore, Verner, B.A., 1884
Moore, Walter Albert, B.A., 1894
Moors, Elphinstone M., M.A.¶
More, George Allan, B.E., 1901
Morgan, Fredk. A., B.A., 1888
Morgan, Thos. H. D., B.A., 1892
Morley, Irene Madeline, B.A., 1904
Morrice, John, B.A., 1874
Morris, John James, B.A., 1895
Morris, Robt. N., B.A., LL.D.
Morrish, Francis, B.A., 1882
Mort, Harold Sutcliffe, B.Sc., 1901
Mort, H. Wallace, M.A.

Mort, Selwyn Robert, B.E., 1900
Morton, Gavin, M.B., Ch.M.
Morton, John, M.B., Ch.M.¶
Morton, Selby, M.D.

Moseley, Arthur Henry, M. B., Ch.M.
Mote, Arnold Rudolph, B.A., 1902
Mott. Olive Lenore, B.A., 1905
Moulton, James E., B.A., 1892
Moustaka, Orea Emma Hellas, B. A.,

1897 (Mrs. Beatty)

Mowbray, Rupert Wallace, B.A., 1903
Mugliston, Madeline Lucy, B.A.,1904
Mulholland, John Joseph, B.A., 1899
Mullens, Arthur Frank Macquarie,
B.A., 1896

Mullins, George Lane, M.D.§
Mullins, John Lane, M.A.
Munro, Wm. J., B.A., 1880, M.D.§
Murray, Charles Edward Robertson,

Murray, C. O'Connor, B.A., 1904
Admitted ad eundem gradum.

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O'Conor, Broughton B., B.A., 1892, LL.B.

O'Donohue, John P. Markham, B.A. 1895, LL.B.

Old, George Greensil, M.B., 1900
Oliver, James, M.A.

Olver, William Reath, M.B., Ch.M.
Oram, A. Murray, M.D.§
O'Keefe, John A., B.A., 1887
O'Keefe, John James, M.B., 1898
O'Mara, Michael, M.A.

O'Neill, James Bernard, B.A., 1895 O'Reilly, Hubert de Burgh, B.A., 1892, LL.B.

O'Reilly, Theophilus Linnell, M.B., Ch.M.

O'Reilly, Susannah Hennessy, B.Sc., 1903, M.B., Ch. M.

O'Reilly, Walter Creswell, B.A.,

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Page, Earle Christmas Grafton, M.B., Ch.M.

Pain, Allan Franklyn, B.A., 1894 Pain, Arthur Wellesley, B.A., 1884§ Pain, Ernest Maynard, M.B., Ch.M. Paine, Bennington Haille, B.A., 1893 Paine, George Henry, B.A., 1894 Palmer, Arthur A., M.B.. Ch M.‡ Palmer, Charles Reginald, M.B., Ch M.

Palmer, Henry Wilfred, M. B., Ch.M.
Palmer, Selina Elizabeth, B. A., 1903
Palmer, Thomas Henry, B.E., 1898
Paris, Jane Elizabeth, B.A., 1897
(Mrs. Martin)

Parish, Walter G., M.A.
Park, Joseph, M.B., Ch.M.
Parker, Reginald Arthur, M.B.,

Parker, Wm. A., B.A., 1892, LL.B.
Parkinson, T. Carlyle, M. B., Ch.M
Parsons, Emily Waugh, B.A., 1899
Parsons, Joseph, M.A.

Paterson, John, M.A.

Paton, Arthur T., B.A., 1887
Paton, Mary Paterson, B. A, 1902
Patterson, Benjamin Gilmore, B.E.,

Pattinson, Anthony Walton, B.A.,


Paul, Alfred, B. A., 1905
Paxton, Betha, M.A.

Peden, John B., B.A., 1892, LL.B.¶
Penman, John Edwards Foggon,
B.A., 1897

Perkins, Alfred Edward, M.A., M.B.,

Perkins, Frederick Thomas, M.A.
Perkins, Joseph A. R., B.A., 1892
Perkins, Richard, M.B., Ch. M.
Perry, John, M.A.

Perské, Hermann, B.A., 1887
Peterson, Arthur James, B.Sc., 1901,

Petrie, Edith Maud, B. A., 1901 Petrie, James Matthew, D.Sc. Phillips, Catherine Agnes, B.A., 1896 Phillips, Arthur Bradridge, M.B., Ch.M.

Phillips, Frederick Geo., B.A., 1902 Admitted ad eundem gradum. Fellow of the Senate.

Phillips, Reginald Bede, B. A., 1902 Pickburn, James P., B.A., 1892, LL.B.

Piddington, Albert Bathurst, B.A., 1883

Piddington, Francis Llewellyn, B.E., 1898

Pike, George H., M.A.

Pilcher, George de Vial, B.A., 1859 Pilcher, Charles E., B.A., 1865 Pilcher, Norman George Stafford, B.A., 1898, LL.B.

Pincombe, Torrington Hawke, B.A., 1890

Pitt, Arthur Gladstone Matcham, B.A., 1902, LL.B.

Platt, Cecil Percival, B.E., 1905 Plomley, Francis James, M.A. Plomley, Morris James, M.B., Ch. M. Plume, Henry, M.A.§

Poate, Hugh Raymond Guy, M.B., Ch.M.

Pockley, Eric Osbaldiston, M.B.,

Pockley, F. Antill, M.B., 1888¶
Pockley, Norman V., D.D.S.¶

Poidevin, Leslie Oswald Sheridan,
B.A., 1900

Pollock, James Arthur, D.Sc.¶
Poole, William, B.E., 1900
Poolman, Arthur Ed., B.A., 1883
Pope, Roland J., B.A., 1885
Potts, Cuthbert, B.A., 1898
Powell, James William Garnett,
B.A., 1904, B.Sc.

Powell, Theodore, M.A.
Power, F. Danvers¶

Power, John Wardell, M.B., Ch.M.
Power, Percy Horne, B.A., 1901
Pratt, Frederick V., M.A.
Pratt, Walter Henry, B.A., 1901
Prentice, Arthur J., B.A., 1892
Pring, Robert Dorlow, M.A.
Pritchard, Alice, B.A., M.B., Ch. M.
Pritchard, Wm. Clowes, B.A., 1888
Proctor, Lizzie, M.A. (Mrs. Cocks)
Pulleine, Robert Henry, M.B., 1898
Purcell, Philip Francis, B.A., 1898
Purcell, Winifred Dalton, B.A.,

+ Fellow of the Senate.

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Purser, Cecil, B.A., M.B., Ch.M.
Purves, John Mitchell, M.A.
Quaife, Frederick Harrison, M.A.
Quaife, Walter Thorold, M.B., Ch. M.
Quaife, William F., B.A., 1879
Quick, Sir John, LL.B., 1881§
Quigley, James, B.A., 1890
Quinn, John Joseph, B.A., 1905
Rae, Thomas Robert, B. E., 1905
Ralston, Alexander G., M.A.
Ramsay, James, B.A., 1885
Raves, George Alfred, B.A., 1897
Raves, Helen Alice, M.A.

Read, Elizabeth Jane, B.A., 1899
Read, William Henry, M.B., Ch.M.
Reading, Philip B., L.D.S.
Reading, R. Fairfax, M.R.C.S.,

Real, Edward Thynne, B. A., 1905
Redgrave, Leslie Alfred, B.A., 1905
Redshaw, George, B.A., 1895
Rees, Walter Llewellyn, M.B., Ch.M.
Reid, Norman, B.E., 1898

Reid, Robert Stewart, B E., 1905
Reid, Roberta Jane Sinclair, B.A.,

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Public Teacher.

# Examiner.

Admitted ad eundem gradum.

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