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8.-Every meeting of any Board or Faculty shall be convened by written notice from the Registrar, by direction of and on a day named by the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, or Chairman, and on the requisition of any two members, addressed to the Registrar, a meeting shall be convened in like manner. At any meeting of the Professorial Board five shall form a quorum, and at any other meeting three shall form a quorum, unless otherwise provided. In case of an equality of votes, that of the presiding Chairman included, such Chairman shall have a casting vote.


9. It shall be the duty of the Registrar, if required, to attend the meetings of the several Boards and record their proceedings, to collect all fines imposed by the Professorial Board, and generally to assist in carrying out the directions and rules of every Board.


1. Candidates for any of the Degrees granted by the University shall be required to matriculate before entering upon the prescribed course.

2. Candidates before being admitted to matriculation shall have passed one of the examinations required by the By-laws for admission to the prescribed courses in the different Faculties, or shall have been admitted ad eundem statum.

3.-Undergraduates of other Universities may, at the discretion of the Professorial Board, be admitted ad eundem statum in this University without examination. Provided always that they shall give sufficient evidence of their alleged status and of good conduct.

4.- Any person desirous of attending University lectures may do so without matriculation upon payment of such fees as the Senate may from time to time direct.

5. The examination for matriculation shall include the following subjects:

I. English,

II. Latin,


III. Mathematics (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry),

IV. Greek or French or German.

at a lower standard. Candidates who have passed the Junior Public Examination, and have satisfied the examiners in these subjects, in accordance with regulations*, will be considered to have satisfied the requirements of this division.

Candidates for a Degree in Engineering will be required, however, to pass an additional general paper in English, comprising questions in English and Geography.

I. Higher Latin,

II. Higher English,


III. Higher Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry),

IV. Higher Greek,

V. Higher French,

VI. Higher German,

VII. Mechanics,

VIII. One of the following subjects:-(a) Botany, (b) Chemistry (Inorganic), (c) Geology, (d) Physics Part I., (e) Physics, Part II. (f) Physiology, (g) Zoology,

IX. Modern History,

at a higher standard. Candidates who have passed the Senior Public Examination, and have satisfied the examiners in these subjects, will be considered to have satisfied the requirements of this division.

Candidates will be required to pass in the subjects of Division A, and in such subjects of Division B as are prescribed hereunder for admission to the respective Faculties or departments of study.

Provided that candidates for a Degree in Science or Engineering may select any two of the following languages:Latin, Greek, French or German of Division A in the place of II. Latin, and IV. Greek or French or German, in that division.

Candidates may present themselves for the subjects prescribed in Divisions A and B of this examination successively or concurrently, but must pass in the total number of subjects required at not more than two examinations, one of which must include all the prescribed subjects at the higher standard, provided that the higher examination in any subject shall be held to include the lower.

Under the existing regulations, a candidate must have obtained at least second classes in the three languages prescribed, or in the three Mathematical subjects, or not less than second classes in four of the six subjects.




6. In addition to the examination at the lower standard described in Division A, the requirements in respect of the subjects at the higher standard (Division B) for admission to the various Faculties, shall be as follows:

*(a) For the Faculty of Arts every candidate shall be required to pass in two subjects of Division B, of which one must be Higher Latin.

(b) For the Faculty of Law every candidate shall be required to pass in three subjects of Division B, one of which must be Higher Latin.

(c) For the Faculty of Medicine every candidate shall be required to pass in three subjects of Division B, one of which must be Higher Latin, Higher Greek, Higher French or Higher German.

(d) For the Faculty of Science every candidate shall be required to pass in three subjects of Division B, one of which must be Higher Latin, Higher Greek, Higher French or Higher German.

(e) For any of the departments in Engineering candidates shall be required to pass in Higher Mathematics, Mechanics, and one of the four languages Higher Latin, Higher Greek, Higher French or Higher German.

7.—A student who has passed the Matriculation Examination for the Faculty of Arts, has attended the lectures prescribed for students in the First Year of the Faculty of Arts, and has passed the First Year Examination in Arts, shall be qualified for admission to the curriculum in the Faculties of Law, Medicine and Science, and the Department of Engineering without further examination.

8.-The Matriculation Examination shall take place at the commencement of Lent Term, but the examiners in special cases, with the sanction of the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor, are authorised to hold such examinations at such other times as may be deemed expedient.

24-1-0.5 9. The examination shall be conducted by means of written or printed papers, but the examiners shall not be precluded from putting viva voce questions.


10.--The_names of all candidates who have passed the Matriculation Examination shall be arranged and published in such order as the Board of Examiners shall determine.

No candidate will be admitted to the French or German Class who has not previously passed a dictation test.

11.-Any person who shali have passed an examination qualifying for admission to his faculty or department, and shall have paid a fee of two pounds to the Registrar, may be admitted as a matriculated student.



1. The Academic year shall contain three terms, that is to 5-7-87 say:

Lent Term.-Commencing on the tenth Monday in the year and terminating with the Saturday before the twenty-second Monday in the year, with a recess at Easter not exceeding nine days.

Trinity Term.-Commencing on the twenty-fourth Monday in the year and terminating with the Saturday before the thirtyfourth Monday in the year.

MICHAELMAS TERM-Commencing on the thirty-ninth Monday in the year and terminating with the Saturday before the fiftyfirst Monday in the year.


1.-Lectures shall commence on the first day of Term, except 5-7-87 in Lent Term, in which they shall commence on the third Monday of Term. In Michaelmas Term the lectures shall cease on the Saturday before the forty-ninth Monday in the year.

2.-Lectures of an hour each shall be given by the Professors 5-7-87 and other teachers at such times and in such order as the Senate may from time to time direct.

3. Before the admission of a student to any course of 5-7-87 lectures he shall pay to the Registrar of the University the fee appointed by the Senate.

4. Full and complete tables of lectures and subjects of 5-7-87 examinations shall be printed annually in the Calendar, and posted at the University from time to time.

5.-Each Professor and Lecturer shall keep a daily record 18-7-93 or class roll of the lectures delivered by him, showing the number and names of the students present at each lecture. These class rolls shall be laid on the table at the end of each Term.

Pt. vi.

6. Any undergraduate not holding a scholarship in the 27-9-92 University, nor being a member of a college established under the provisions of the Act 18 Victoria, No. 37, may be exempted Act 1900 from attendance upon any or all of the prescribed lectures, upon producing evidence which shall satisfy the Faculty to which he belongs that there are sufficient reasons for such exemption. Provided that no such exemption shall be granted for more than one year at any time.



7.-No such exemption shall be granted until the Examiners shall have specially certified to the Faculty that the abilities and attainments of the applicant are such as to enable him, in their opinion, to keep up with the usual course of study at the University without attendance upon lectures. Undergraduates admitted ad eundem statum, and who are not required to pass the Matriculation Examination, shall nevertheless be required to pass a special examination, to be certified by the Examiners as above, before obtaining exemption from attendance upon lectures.

8. Notwithstanding the provisions of By-laws 6 and 7, matriculated students, who are students in a Training Institution for teachers organised under the Department of Public Instruction, may be admitted to the First Year Examination in the Faculty of Arts without having attended the University lectures, upon presenting a certificate from the Under Secretary for Public Instruction to the effect that they have attended the course of instruction in such training institution for one year after matriculating. Students of a Training Institution who have passed the First Year Examination may be admitted to the Second Year Examination in the Faculty of Arts without having attended the University lectures of the second year, upon presenting a similar certificate to the effect that they have attended a second course of instruction in such Training Institution for one year after passing their First Year Examination. All such students having passed the Second Year Examination shall have the status of students commencing the third year in the Faculty of Arts.




1. In the Faculties of Arts, Law and Science the yearly B.A. and B.Sc. Examinations shall be held during the last week of Michaelmas Term, with the exception of the Examinations for Honours and Distinctions, which may be held at the beginning of Lent Term.

2. No undergraduate not exempted under Section 6, Chap. XII., from attendance upon lectures shall be admitted to these examinations who, without sufficient cause, shall have absented himself more than three times during any one term from any prescribed course of lectures. At every yearly examination students must pass the prescribed examinations in the subjects of lectures before they can proceed with their course.

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