FACULTY OF ARTS.-EVENING LECTURES. TIME TABLE. N.B.-The numbers in the left-hand column refer to the Synopses of Lectures on pp. 114-197. REFERENCE NUMBER. SUBJECT. Wednesday. 6 6,7-10* 6 67969 687696 .6 986 878 7 & Mathematics III. Practical-Three terms. + Practical-Two terms. A fourth hour to be arranged + Practical-One term. REGULATIONS FOR RESEARCH STUDENTS IN THE SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES. 1. Research students may be admitted to the University laboratories from year to year on the recommendation of the head of the department in which they propose to work. 2. A research student in any University laboratory shall.be under the control of the head of the department as regards the use of the laboratory apparatus and materials. The Professor, as director of the laboratory, shall have the right to make himself acquainted with the character and progress of the work done by any research student working in his laboratory. 3. Research students may work in the University laboratories during laboratory hours in Term time, and at such other times as may be arranged by the Professor in charge. 4. Each research student shall pay to the University a fee of five guineas per Term for the expense of material, etc.; such fee to be paid to the credit of the maintenance vote of the department. All expensive apparatus or material required for special investigations shall be purchased by the research student. The Professor in charge shall be the sole judge of what apparatus and material should be provided by the University or purchased by the student. The University should be provided with printed copies of all scientific papers published by research students. LECTURE SUBJECTS FOR 1908-9. LECTURES. THE following regulations have been passed by the Senate: NON-MATRICULATED STUDENTS. It shall be open to any non-matriculated student, who has attended the full courses of lectures upon any subject, to compete for Honours or Pass in the regular examinations upon his subject, and to have his name published and recorded in the regular class lists, with a distinguishing mark; but he shall be incapable of holding any scholarship or receiving any prize of those already established for students proceeding to a Degree. Each such student shall be entitled to receive a certificate of attendance upon the lectures or laboratory practice in the subjects which he has selected, and proficiency therein, as ascertained by the regular and ordinary examinations within the University. The above regulations do not apply to the lectures and examinations in the Faculty of Medicine. The following regulation has been adopted by the Faculty of Science :-"There shall be only one standard for Honours in Scientific subjects, viz., that adopted in the Faculty of Science." N.B.-The numbers refer to the Time Tables of Lectures on pages 94-112. CLASSICS AND MODERN LANGUAGES. Subjects selected for Lectures and Examinations: LATIN-1908. 1. First Year, Pass.-Livy, XXX.; Virgil, Eneid, XI., XII. Add. for Distinction.-Cicero de Oratore, I.; Virgil, Eneid VII., VIII, IX., X. Roman History to the Tribunate of Ti. Gracchus. 2. Second Year, Pass.-Cicero, Selected Letters (Tyrrell); Horace, Satires (selections); Juvenal (selections). Add. for Distinction.-Terence, Phormio and Andria; Catullus (selections); Sallust, Jugurtha. Pass and Distinction.-Roman History from the Tribunate of Ti. Gracchus to the battle of Actium. 3. Third Year, Pass.-As Second Year, Pass, with Terence, Phormio and Andria. Roman History from the battle of Actium to the death of Marcus Aurelius. Add. for Honours.-Lucretius (selections); Tacitus, Annals II., III., IV. Roman Literature. LATIN-1909. First Year, Pass.-Cicero, pro Sestio, Virgil, Æneid V, VI. Add. for Distinction.-Cicero, Brutus; Virgil, Eneid I., II., III., IV. Roman History to the Tribunate of Ti. Gracchus. Second Year, Pass.-Pling, Selected Letters; Merrill (MacMillan); Cicero, Selected Letters, Watson, Part I.; Horace, Odes, I., II. Add. for Distinction.-Plautus, Captivi and Trinummus; Cicero, Selected Letters, Watson, Part II.; Cicero, Philippics I., II., III., V. Pass and Distinction.- Roman History from the Tribunate of Ti. Gracchus to the battle of Actium. Third Year, Pass.-As Second Year, Pass, with Plautus, Captivi and Trinumnus. Roman History from the battle of Actium to the death of Marcus Aurelius. Add. for Honours.— Martial, Select Epigrams (Stephenson); Tacitus, Histories I., II., III. Roman Literature. GREEK-1908. 4. Greek I.-Herodotus, Book VIII.; Sophocles, Edipus at Colonus. Greek History to the death of Demosthenes; with Dickinson's Greek View of Life (chaps. II., III). Additional for Distinction.-Thucydides, Book II; Sophocles, Edipus Rex. Greek Composition. 5. Greek II.-Eschylus, Agamemnon; Isocrates, Panegyricus; Aristotle, Ethics, Books I., II. Additional for Third Year, Pass.-Aristophanes, Frogs. For Distinction, Senior.-Greek II., with the following additions:-Homer, Odyssey, Books XIX. to XXII. Greek Composition. Aristophanes, Frogs; with Lectures on Greek Literature. |