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Ordered, That the report from the Committee be refumed, and the remainder of it read and confidered by paragraphs; which -being done,

The Convention adjourned to ten o'clock on Monday morning

MONDAY, 3d of October, 1785.


The Convention met, according to adjournment; and the Rev. Dr. Weft read prayers.

The Rev. Dr. Smith, from the Committee for revifing, &c. reported, that they had made further progrefs in the business referred to them, and were ready to report.

Ordered, That the report be now received, and that the fame be read and confidered by paragraphs; which having been done in part,

The Convention adjourned to fix o'clock this evening.



The Convention met, according to adjournment.

Ordered, That the report of the Committee for revising, &c. be refumed, which was accordingly done; and the Convention having made further progress therein,

Adjourned to ten o'clock to-morrow


TUESDAY, 4th of October, 1785.

The Convention met, according to adjournment; and the Rev. Mr. Ogden read


Ordered, That clerks be employed to tranfcribe, under direction of the Chairman of the Committee for revifing, &c. all the alterations propofed, and other matters agreed on by the Convention.

Ordered, That the draft of an Ecclefiaftical Conftitution be read and confidered


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by paragraphs, which was done; and the Convention, having made fome progress therein,

Adjourned to fix o'clock this evening.


The Convention met, purfuant to adjournment.

Ordered, That the confideration of the General Ecclefiaftical Conftitution be refumed, and that the fame be read and confidered by paragraphs; which being done, and the blanks filled up, was agreed to, and is as follows, viz.

A Gene

A General Ecclefiaftical Conftitution of the
Proteftant Epifcopal Church, in the United
States of America.

WHEREAS, in the courfe of Di

vine Providence, the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America is become independent of all foreign authority, civil and ecclesiastical :

And whereas, at a meeting of Clerical and Lay Deputies of the faid Church, in fundry of the faid States, viz. in the States of Maffachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, held in the city of New York, on the 6th and 7th days of October, in the year of our Lord 1784, it was recommended to this Church in the faid States reprefented as aforefaid, and propofed to this Church in' the States not reprefented, that they fhould fend Deputies to a Convention to



be held in the city of Philadelphia, on the Tuesday before the feast of St. Michael, in the prefent year, in order to unite in a Conftitution of Ecclefiaftical Government, agreeable to certain fundamental principles expreffed in the said re commendation and propofal:

And whereas, in confequence of the faid recommendation and propofal, Clerical and Lay Deputies have been duly ap pointed from the faid Church in the States of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina:

The faid Deputies being now affembled, and taking into confideration the importance of maintaining uniformity in doctrine, difcipline, and worthip, in the faid Church, do hereby determine and declare,

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I. That there fhall be a general Convention of the Proteftant Epifcopal Church in the United States of America, which fhall be held in the city of Philadelphia,

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