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" In each of the handbooks in this series a particular product or industry is treated by an expert writer and practical man of business. Beginning with the life history of the plant, or other natural product, he follows its development until it becomes... "
The Empire of India - Página 8
de Sir Bampfylde Fuller - 1913 - 393 páginas
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Greek Influence on English Poetry

John Churton Collins - 1910 - 172 páginas
...with frontispiece, 6s. net. COMMON COMMODITIES OF COMMERCE. A new series about some of our commonest commodities of commerce ; each handbook is dealt with...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale in the market and its purchase by the consumer. Each is in crown 8vo, cloth,...
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Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury

William Holden Hutton - 1910 - 320 páginas
...with frontispiece, 6s. net. COMMON COMMODITIES OF COMMERCE. A new series about some of our commonest commodities of commerce ; each handbook is dealt with...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale in the market and its purchase by the consumer. Each is in crown 8vo, cloth,...
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Pitman's Commercial Correspondence in French: (Correspondance Commerciale)

Isaac Pitman & Sons - 1910 - 286 páginas
...in this series a particular produce is treated by an expert writer and practical màn of business. Beginning with the life history of the plant, or other natural product, lie follows its development until it becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various...
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Servia of the Servians

Čedomilj Mijatović - 1911 - 334 páginas
...Christian works of healing from the New Testament to the present day. In crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 6s. net. COMMON COMMODITIES OF COMMERCE. Each handbook is dealt...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale on the market and its purchase by the consumer. Each is in crown 8vo, cloth,...
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The Dominion of Canada

William Lenny Griffith - 1911 - 566 páginas
...Christian works of healing from the New Testament to the present day. In crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 6s. net. COMMON COMMODITIES OF COMMERCE. Each handbook is dealt...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale on the market and its purchase by the consumer. Each is in crown 8vo, cloth,...
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Pitman's where to Look: An Easy Guide to Books of Reference

1911 - 220 páginas
...handbooks in this series a particular produce is treated by an expert writer and practical man of business. Beginning with the life history of the plant, or other...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale in the market and its purchase by the consumer. TEA. From Grower to Consumer....
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John Pym

Charles Edward Wade - 1912 - 418 páginas
...taken by the Author. Cheaper Edition. In demy 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, 3s. 6d. net. MISCELLANEOUS COMMON COMMODITIES OF COMMERCE. Each handbook is dealt...writer. Beginning with the life history of the plant, er other natural product, he follows its development until it becomes a commercial commodity, and so...
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The Immovable East: Studies of the People and Customs of Palestine

Philippe James Baldensperger - 1913 - 412 páginas
...(comprising all the native species and showing where found). By FRANCIS G. HEATH. Size 6J in. by 3J in., cloth, with 50 illustrations. 2s. net. PEEPS...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale on the market, and its purchase by the consumer. Each is in crown 8vo, cloth,...
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The Immovable East: Studies of the People and Customs of Palestine

Philippe James Baldensperger - 1913 - 412 páginas
...schoolmistress, every mother, and every girl should be compelled to read, for it is full of the best adviceand thoroughly practical hints." — World. COMMON COMMODITIES...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through i he various phases of its sale on the market, and its purchase by the consumer. Each is in crown 8vo,...
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The New Man: A Portrait Study of the Latest Type

Philip Gibbs - 1913 - 300 páginas
...J. WALKER McSpADDEN. In demy 8vo, buckram, with red leather panel binding, 1,152 pp. 10s. 6d. net. COMMON COMMODITIES OF COMMERCE. Each handbook is dealt...becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale on the market, and its purchase by tho consumer. Each is in crown 8vo, cloth,...
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