The Empire of IndiaPitman, 1913 - 393 páginas |
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Página 6
... exceedingly varied . In the east the low hills look down upon stretches of rice land ; to the west , as the land rises , and the rainfall lightens , rice gives place to millets and cotton , grown on broad treeless plateaux , which when ...
... exceedingly varied . In the east the low hills look down upon stretches of rice land ; to the west , as the land rises , and the rainfall lightens , rice gives place to millets and cotton , grown on broad treeless plateaux , which when ...
Página 13
... exceedingly attractive . In Nepál the character of the population changes . Its inhabitants exhibit the broad faces , high cheek - bones , and oblique eyes of the Mongolian type . From amongst them are drawn the Gurkhas who enlist very ...
... exceedingly attractive . In Nepál the character of the population changes . Its inhabitants exhibit the broad faces , high cheek - bones , and oblique eyes of the Mongolian type . From amongst them are drawn the Gurkhas who enlist very ...
Página 14
... exceedingly difficult . The province consists of the valleys of the Irrawaddy , the Sittang and the Salween rivers , and of a series of parallel hill ranges which separate them from one another and from the sea . These ranges are ...
... exceedingly difficult . The province consists of the valleys of the Irrawaddy , the Sittang and the Salween rivers , and of a series of parallel hill ranges which separate them from one another and from the sea . These ranges are ...
Página 19
... markedly from the latter in vegetation . The forest growth on their lower slopes is exceedingly luxu- riant . A rank and tangled undergrowth of coarse grass , 3- ( 2134 ) bushes and cane - brake , embroidered here and there 19.
... markedly from the latter in vegetation . The forest growth on their lower slopes is exceedingly luxu- riant . A rank and tangled undergrowth of coarse grass , 3- ( 2134 ) bushes and cane - brake , embroidered here and there 19.
Página 24
... exceedingly bare ; and during the hot weather , when grass is off the ground , there is often little to be seen on them but a few stunted teak trees , standing in a wilder- ness of loose stones . In the valleys , amidst the fields ...
... exceedingly bare ; and during the hot weather , when grass is off the ground , there is often little to be seen on them but a few stunted teak trees , standing in a wilder- ness of loose stones . In the valleys , amidst the fields ...
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Términos y frases comunes
amongst annually appear army Assam assistance authority Bay of Bengal Bengal Bombay Brahmin British Government British India British rule Burma Calcutta canals capital caste cent century China Christian classes cloth gilt coloured cotton courts crops crown 8vo cultivation Delhi demy 8vo districts East eastern elected English Europe European exceedingly export famine force forest gilt top Government of India hills Himalayas Hindu illustrations importance increased Indian Civil Service Indian Government indigo Indo-Gangetic plain industry influence interest irrigation jute labour land revenue large number Legislative Councils less Madras magistrates Mahrattas manufactures medan ment miles millet millions Moghal Mohammedan Native non-official Northern India officers opium organised owes Parsis peninsula plant police political popular population produce profits Punjab railway rainfall Rajputána reform religion rice rivers ROBERT HUGH BENSON schools season Sikhs silk social tion tracts trade tribes United Provinces village western
Pasajes populares
Página 8 - In each of the handbooks in this series a particular product or industry is treated by an expert writer and practical man of business. Beginning with the life history of the plant, or other natural product, he follows its development until it becomes a commercial commodity, and so on through the various phases of its sale in the market and its purchase by the consumer.
Página 260 - And whereas to pursue schemes of conquest and extension of dominion in India are measures repugnant to the wish, the honour, and policy of this nation...
Página 7 - Exceedingly well conceived, clearly expressed, and compiled with great care." — The Guardian. GENERAL WOLFE. By EDWARD SALMON. " A picture and an estimate of Wolfe which could not be more complete." — Canada. FRANCIS ATTERBURY, Bishop of Rochester (1662-1732). By the Very Rev. HC BEECHING, MA, Litt.D., Dean of Norwich. " A most delightful as well as a most valuable book.
Página 3 - THE LIFE OF SIR ISAAC PITMAN (Inventor of Phonography). By ALFRED BAKER. In demy 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, with about 50 illustrations, including photogravure and steel plates, 7s. 6d. " The book is very well done. It gives a life-like picture of a strenuous reformer, an original personality, an inventor to whom every newspaper, every public body, and every great business house owes an incalculable debt.
Página 8 - A capital addition to the many books devoted to the outdoor life."— World. CATS FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT. By Miss Frances Simpson. Third Edition. In crown 8vo, with 25 beautifully reproduced photographs of famous prize-winning cats. 2s. net. " The author explains that her object has been ' to help those who desire to combine pleasure with profit.' This aim is very successfully achieved.
Página 18 - Evangelists, so far as possible, in a chronological order, and to state the grounds of this order ; and to consider the difficulties as to matters of fact which the several narratives, when compared together, present ; or are supposed by modern criticism to present.
Página 279 - Council if he has been declared by the Local Government to be of such reputation and antecedents that his election would, in the opinion of the head of the Local Government, be contrary to the public interest.
Página 4 - Translated by DEAN PLUMPTRE. In two volumes. THE TRAGEDIES OF SOPHOCLES. Translated by DEAN PLUMPTRE. In two volumes. BOSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON. (Abridged.) With an Introduction by GK CHESTERTON. In two volumes. THE POETRY OF ROBERT BROWNING. By STOPFORD A. BROOKE, MA, LL.D. In two volumes. TENNYSON : HIS ART AND RELATION TO MODERN LIFE.
Página 22 - Times. SPAIN OF THE SPANISH. By Mrs. VILLIERS-WARDELL. " Within little more than 250 pages she has collected a mass of ordered information which must be simply invaluable to any one who wants to know the facts of Spanish life at the present day. Nowhere else, so far as we are aware, can a more complete and yet compendious account of modern Spain be found.