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2 At his right hand, our eyes behold
The queen array'd in purest gold;
The world admires her heav'nly dress ;
Her robe of joy and righteousness.

3 He forms her beauties, like his own,
He calls and feats her, near his throne;
Fair stranger, let thine heart forget
The idols of thy native state.

4 So shall the king the more rejoice
In thee, the fav'rite of his choice;
Let him be lov'd, and yet ador'd,
For he's thy maker and thy Lord.

5 O happy hour, when thou shalt rife
To his fair palace in the skies,
And all thy fons (a num'rous train,)
Each like a prince in glory reign.

6 Let endless honors crown his head;
Let ev'ry age his praises spread;
While we with cheerful fongs approve
The condescension of his love.

Comforter of all that mourt

JESUS, comforter divine!
Confolations, Lord, are thine;
Mightiest comforts, full of good,
Worthy of the living God.

2 Thou shalt wipe all tears away,
*Mid the blessed realms of day;
Thou shalt hush each rising sigh;
Sorrow, pain and death shall die.

3 Highest praises wait thy name, Great, unchanging, glorious same; Jesus, comforter divine!

Praises, praises, Lord be thine.


HAIL Counsellor of peace, good will!

Glorious for God and man;

Thee we adore, on Zion's hill,
And bless thy gracious plan.

2 Faithful and true in every word,
Thy counsel wrote in blood,
Brings home the banish'd to the Lord,
And makes their peace with God.

3 Jefus! can time, can life repay,
The mighty debt of love?

Ah! no. Then found ye harps of day,
And shout his name above.

HYMN XXXV. с. м.


Defire of all nations.

INFINITE excellence is thine,
Thou lovely Prince of grace;
Thy uncreated beauties shine
With never fading rays.

2 Sinners from earth's remotest end,
Come bending at thy feet;
To thee their prayers and vows ascend,
In thee, their wishes meet.

3 Thy name as precious ointment shed,
Delights the church around;

Sweetly the facred odours spreadf
Through all Immanuel's ground.


4 Millions of happy spirits live
On thy exhaustless store;
From thee, they all their bliss receive,
And ftill thou givest more.

5 Thou art their trinmph and their joy:
They find their all in thee;
Thy glories will their tongues employ
Thro' all eternity,

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Doer of God's will.

WHEN God would manifest his grace

man that he might prove.

The glories of the Father's face,

And feel his nature love;

2 He faid he would not facrifice,
As offer'd by the law;

All human merit would defpife,
His prefence thence withdraw.

3 Then said the Saviour, "lo, I come
To do thy will my God;"

He brought his fons and daughters home By pouring out his blood :

4 That they with him might enter in
To all the heav'n of love:

His death did make an end of fin,
The stumbling block remove.

5 Thou Lord a body didst prepare,
Thy own collected feed,

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JESUS, we bless thy Father's name; Thy God and our's are both the same; What heav'nly blessings from his throne, Flow down to finners, through his Son! 2 Christ be my first elect, he said, Then chose our fouls in Christ our head, Before he gave the mountains birth, Or laid foundations for the earth.

3 Thus did eternal love begin,

To raise us from our death and fin;
Our characters were then decreed;
Blameless in love, a holy feed :

4 Predeftinated to be fons,

Born by degrees, but chose at once;
A new regenerated race,

To praise the glory of his grace.

5 With Christ, our Lord, we share a part,
In the affections of his heart ;
Nor shall our fouls be thence remov'd,
'Till he forgets his first belov'd.





Falrer than the fons of men.

FTERNAL excellencs !


Thy fons would fain declare,

In the divinest sense,

How thou art heav'nly fair :
O Prince, Meffiah, thou art seen

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The fairest of the fons of men.

2 Jesus, thy beauties shine
Bright, infinitely bright;
Both human and divine,
In thee, O Lamb, unite!
Whate'er in heav'n or earth we fee
As beautiful, are types of thee.

3 The fun, the moon, the stars,
With all the thrones above,
Thine excellence declare,
Thy beauty, pow'r and love:
All worlds before thy throne we fee,
One sea of glass reflecting thee.





of angels and of men,

Of nature and of grace, the Lord!

Be thou in one eternal strain,

By all thy various works ador'd.

2 From heav'n to earth, from earth to heav'n,

Through worlds above and worlds below,
Thy boundless mercies freely giv'n,
In tides of bliss forever flow.

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