2 At his right hand, our eyes behold 3 He forms her beauties, like his own, 4 So shall the king the more rejoice 5 O happy hour, when thou shalt rife 藤 6 Let endless honors crown his head; HYMN XXXIII. P. M. [RICHARDS. JESUS, comforter divine! 2 Thou shalt wipe all tears away, 3 Highest praises wait thy name, Great, unchanging, glorious same; Jesus, comforter divine! Praises, praises, Lord be thine. HYMN XXXIV. C. M. [RICHARDS.] HAIL Counsellor of peace, good will! Glorious for God and man; Thee we adore, on Zion's hill, 2 Faithful and true in every word, 3 Jefus! can time, can life repay, Ah! no. Then found ye harps of day, HYMN XXXV. с. м. [RIPPON'S COLL.1 Defire of all nations. INFINITE excellence is thine, 2 Sinners from earth's remotest end, 3 Thy name as precious ointment shed, Sweetly the facred odours spreadf V 4 Millions of happy spirits live 5 Thou art their trinmph and their joy: HYMN XXXVI. C. M. [JAMES RELLY. Doer of God's will. WHEN God would manifest his grace man that he might prove. The glories of the Father's face, And feel his nature love; 2 He faid he would not facrifice, All human merit would defpife, 3 Then said the Saviour, "lo, I come He brought his fons and daughters home By pouring out his blood : 4 That they with him might enter in His death did make an end of fin, 5 Thou Lord a body didst prepare, JESUS, we bless thy Father's name; Thy God and our's are both the same; What heav'nly blessings from his throne, Flow down to finners, through his Son! 2 Christ be my first elect, he said, Then chose our fouls in Christ our head, Before he gave the mountains birth, Or laid foundations for the earth. 3 Thus did eternal love begin, To raise us from our death and fin; 4 Predeftinated to be fons, Born by degrees, but chose at once; To praise the glory of his grace. 5 With Christ, our Lord, we share a part, P I HYMN XXXVIII. P. M. [JAMES RELLY] Falrer than the fons of men. FTERNAL excellencs ! 3 Thy fons would fain declare, In the divinest sense, How thou art heav'nly fair : The fairest of the fons of men. 2 Jesus, thy beauties shine 3 The fun, the moon, the stars, HYMN XXXIX. L. M. [RICHARDS.] ATHER FA Father. of angels and of men, Of nature and of grace, the Lord! Be thou in one eternal strain, By all thy various works ador'd. 2 From heav'n to earth, from earth to heav'n, Through worlds above and worlds below, |