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all kinds of honors; and with regret do we both bid abieu: but health on my side, and good sense on his, say 'tis better to be at Rome; you say at Paris; but you put variety out of the question. I entreat you to forward the inclosed to Mrs. Sterne. My compliments to all friends; more particularly to those I most value (that includes Mr. F. if he is in Paris.)

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I HAVE been a month passing the plains of Lombardy, stopping in my way at Milan, Parma, Placenza, and Bologna, with weather as delicious as a kindly April in England; and have been three days in crossing a part of the Apennines, covered with thick snow. Sad transition! I stay here three days to dine with our Plenipo Lords T- -d and C- -r; and in five days shall tread the Vatican, and be introduced to all the Saints in the Pantheon. I stay but fourteen days to pay these civilities, and then decamp for Naples. Pray send the inclosed to my wife, and Becket's letter to London.

Yours, truly,



To Miss Sterne.

NAPLES, February 8, 1766.


YOUR letter, my Lydia, has made me both laugh and cry. Sorry am I that you are both so afflicted with the ague; and by all means I wish you both to fly from Tours; because, I remember, it is situated between two rivers, la Loire and le Cher, which must occasion fogs, and damp unwholesome weather; therefore, for the same

reason, go not to Bourges en Bresse; 'tis as vile a place for agues. I find myself infinitely better than I was, and hope to have added at least ten years to my life, by this journey to Italy; the climate is heavenly, and I find new principles of health in me, which I have been long a stranger to; but trust me, my Lydia, I will find you out, wherever you are, in May. Therefore, I beg you to direct to me at Belloni's at Rome, that I may have some idea where you will be then. The account you give me of Mrs. C is truly amiable; I shall ever honor her. Mr. C. is a diverting companion; what he said of your little French admirer, was truly droll. The Marquis de is an imposter, and not worthy of your acquaintance; he only pretended to know me, to get introduced to your mother. I desire you will get your mother to write to Mr. C., that I may discharge every debt; and then, my Lydia, if I live, the produce of my pen shall be yours: if Fate reserves me not that, the humane and good (part for thy father's sake, part for thy own) will never abandon thee! If your mother's health will permit her to return with me to England, your summers I will render as agreeable as I can at Coxwould; your winters at York. You know my publications call me to London. If Mr. and Mrs. C- are still at Tours, thank them from me for their cordiality to my wife and daughter. I have purchased you some little trifles, which I shall give you when we meet, as proofs of affection from

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'Tis an age since I have heard from you; but as I read the London Chronicle, and find no tidings of your death, or that you are even at the point of it, I take it as I wish it, that you have got over thus much of the winter, free from the damps both of climate and spirits and here I am, as happy as a king after all, growing fat,

sleek, and well liking; not improving in stature, but in breath. We have a jolly carnival of it; nothing but operas, punchinelloes, festinoes, and masquerades. We (that is, nous autres) are all dressing out for one this night at the Princess Francavivalla's, which is to be superb. The English dine with her (exclusively): and so much for small chat, except that I saw a little comedy last week, with more expression and spirit, and true character, than I shall see one hastily again. I stay here till the Holy Week, which I shall pass at Rome, where I occupy myself a month: my plan was to have gone from thence for a fortnight to Florence, and then by Leghorn to Marseilles directly home; but am diverted from this by the repeated proposals of accompanying a gentleman who is returning by Venice, Vienna, Saxony, Berlin, and so by the Spa, and thence through Holland to England: 'tis with Mr. E. I have known him these three years, and have been with him ever since I reached Rome: and as I know him to be a good-hearted young gentleman, I have no doubt of making it answer both his views and mine; at least I am persuaded we shall return home together (as we set out) with friendship and good-will. Write your next letter to me at Rome, and do me the following favor, if it lies in your way, which I think it does, to get me a letter of recommendation to our Ambassador (Lord Stormont) at Vienna. I have not the honor to be known to his Lordship; but Lords P—, or H, or twenty you better know, would write a certificate for me; importing, that I am not fallen out of the clouds. If this will cost my cousin little trouble, do inclose it in your next letter to me at Belloni's. You have left Skelton I trow a month, and I fear have had a most sharp winter, if one may judge of it from the severity of the weather here, and all over Italy, which exceeded any thing known, till within these three weeks, that the sun has been as hot as we could bear it. Give my kind services to my friends; especially to the household of faith: my dear Garland, to Gilbert, to the worthy Colonel, to Cardinal S-, to my fellow-laborer Pantagruel. Dear cousin Anthony, receive my kindest love and wishes.

Yours affectionately,


P. S. Upon second thoughts, direct your next to me at Mr. W.'s

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I DESIRE Mrs. Sterne may have what cash she wants, if she has not received it before now: she sends me word she has been in want of cash these three weeks: be so kind as to prevent this uneasiness to her; which is doubly so to me. I have made very little use of your letters of credit, having, since I left Paris, taken up no more money than about fifty Louis at Turin, as much at Rome, and a few ducats here; and as I now travel from hence to Rome, Venice, through Vienna to Berlin, &c. with a gentleman of fortune, I shall draw for little more till my return; so you will have always enough to spare for my wife. The beginning of March be so kind as to let her have a hundred pounds to begin her year with.

There are a good many English here, very few in Rome, or other parts of Italy. The air of Naples agrees very well with me; I shall return fat. My friendship to all who honor me with theirs. Adieu, my dear friend: I am ever yours, L. STERNE.



To Mr. Panchaud at Paris.

NAPLES, February 14, 1766.

I WROTE last week to you, to desire you would let Mrs. Sterne have what money she wanted. It may happen, as that letter went inclosed in one to her at Tours, that you will receive this first. I have made little use of your letters of credit, as you will see by that letter nor shall I want much (if any) till you see me, as I travel now in company with a gentleman: however, as we return by Venice, Vienna, Berlin, &c. to the Spa, I should be glad if you will draw me a letter of credit upon some one at Venice, to the extent of fifty Louis; but I am persuaded I shall not want half of them however

in case of sickness or accidents, one would not go so long a route without money in one's pocket. The bankers here are not so conscientious as my friend P.; they would make me pay twelve per cent. if I was to get a letter here. I beg your letters, &c. may be inclosed to Mr. Watson at Venice, where we shall be in the Ascension. 1 have received much benefit from the air of Naples; but quit it to be at Rome before the Holy Week. There are about five-and-twenty English here; but most of them will be decamped in two months: there are scarce a third of the number at Rome; I suppose, therefore, that Paris is full. My warmest wishes attend you, with my love to Mr. F., and compliments to all. I am, dear Sir, very faithfully, yours. L. STERNE.

Sir James Macdonald is in the house with me, and is just recover. ing from a long and most cruel fit of the rheumatism.


To JHS Esq.

May 25, near Dijon, 1766.


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My desire of seeing both my wife and girl, has turned me out of my road towards a delicious chateau of the Countess of M—, where I have been patriarching it these seven days with her Ladyship, and half a dozen of very handsome and agreeable ladies. Her Ladyship has the best of hearts: a valuable present, not given to every one. To-morrow, with regret, I shall quit this agreeable circle, and post it night and day to Paris, where I shall arrive in two days, and just wind myself up, when I am there, enough to roll on to Calais; so I hope to sup with you the King's birth-day, according to a plan of sixteen days' standing. Never man has been such a wildgoose chase after a wife as I have been. After having sought her in five or six different towns, I found her at last in Franche Compté. Poor woman! she was very cordial, &c. and begs to stay another year or two. My Lydia pleases me much. I found her greatly improved in everything I wished her. I am most unaccountably well, and most unaccounta

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