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p. 468

Daniel, George, of Beswick (1616-57). Poems, from the original MSS. Ed. Grosart, A. B. 4 vols. 1878.

Fisher, Payne (1616-93). Marston Moor, Eboracense carmen.

1650. [Payne

Fisher wrote much verse (chiefly Latin) in praise of Oliver Cromwell, after whose death he spent several years in the Fleet, and wrote as a royalist.]



p. 7, footnote, line 2, for Royal Exchange read New Exchange, Strand p. 31, footnote 2 at end, read: to the researches, conducted independently in each case, of W. J. Lawrence and Sir Ernest Clarke

p. 34, 1. 4, and elsewhere, for St. Évremond read Saint-Évremond

[ocr errors]

p. 244. The verses, Why dost thou shade thy lovely face,' here ascribed to Rochester, are the work of Quarles, and were first published in his Emblems. They have been printed in many editions of Rochester's poems, but whether they were claimed by him in jest, or falsely attributed to him by his editors, we have no means of knowing.

p. 423, l. 2, from foot, for 1655 read 1665

p. 425, 1. 23. Read as follows in lieu of the next two sentences of the text: English imitations also appeared; Lord Broghill (Orrery)'s Parthenissa (first part) in 1654, with which, in spite of its "handsome language," Dorothy Osborne was not very much taken, and Sir George Mackenzie's Aretina or the Serious Romance in 1661. A complete edition of Parthenissa in three volumes was published in 1665 and 1667.

p. 430, 1. 6, insert the before chevalier

p. 478, 1. 34, Howard, James should be inserted before All Mistaken. (This and the subsequent play were by him, not by Edward Howard.)

P. 479, 1. 24, the entry Cibber should read:

Cibber, Theophilus. An Account of the Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland, 5 vols. 1753.

p. 503, 1. 8, for Grammont. Des read Grammont; des

p. 537, 11. 1, 2, transfer entries Gray, G. J. and Elton, O. to heading Sir Isaac Newton


P. 355, footnote 1, for The City of Gods, read The City of God.


[Ff. after an entry implies that there are references to the same subject on
at least two immediately succeeding pages.]

Abbey and Overton, English Church in
the 18th century, n. 365
Abelard, 78

Abercromby, Patrick (1656–1716?),

Aberdeen, 415 417; Marischal college,

Aberdeenshire, 415, 416

Abingdon or Habington, Thomas
(1560-1647), 581

Ablancourt, Nicolas Perrot d', 298
Academic, The, 462

Académie Française, 443

Account of the sickness and death of Dr.
Woodward, 148

Account of the state of learning in the
Empire of Lilliput, 149

Acheson, Lady, in Swift's Grand Ques-
tion debated, 132

Act of Settlement, 224

of Succession, 220

of Supremacy, 220

Adam, 31, 67, 366

Thomas, 350

Adams, Jean, 417

parson, in Joseph Andrews, 456
Adamson, Henry (d. 1639), 606

- John (d. 1653), 593, 606
Addison, Joseph (1672-1719), 6, 29, 30,
46, 48 ff. (main entry), 74, 83, 87,
95, 104, 139, 159, n. 169, 185, 186,
191 ff., 202 ff., 247, 265, 491
Campaign, The, 49

Cato, 70, 71, 86, 191, 206

Dialogues upon... Ancient Medals, 48
Dissertatio de Romanorum poetis,

n. 48

Drummer, The, 193

Essay on Travel, n. 49

First Vision of Mirza, 70

Musae Anglicanae, n. 48

"On the Pleasures of the Imagina-
tion," 68

Oratio de nova philosophia, n. 48
Remarks on Italy, 49
Travels in Italy, 104

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Arnold, Matthew, 35, 189

As I came in by Edinburgh town, 406
Ascham, Roger, The Scholemaster, 61
Ascyltus, 298

Asgill, John, 12

Ashburnham, Lady, 140

Ashe, St. George, 186

Ashmole, Elias (1617-1692), 397, 461;
Antiquities of Berkshire, 395

Aspasia (Lady Elizabeth Hastings), 42
Assoucy, Charles Coypeau de, 287
Astell, Mary (1668–1731), 273; Serious
proposal to the Ladies, 450
Atalantis Major, 14

Athenaeum, The, n. 117

Athenian Gazette (Dunton's), 5

Mercury (Dunton's), 5, 38, 46, 102
Athenians, the, 250

Atkyns, Sir Robert (1647-1711), Glo-
cestershire, 395

Atossa, in Pope's Characters of Women,
91, 99

Atterbury, Francis (1662-1732), 147,
165, 171, 197, n. 220, 262, 372, 373,
377, 380
Attercliffe, 439

Attic dramatists, 370

Atticus, T. Pomponius, n. 222

Atwit, colonel, in Swift's Complete Col-
lection of.
Conversation, 118

Aubrey, John (1626-1697), 299, 392
(main entry)

Brief Lives, n. 344, 393
Miscellanies, 393

Monumenta Britannica, 396
Perambulation of Surrey, 392, 395
Aucassin et Nicolette, n. 43
Audrey, Saint, 384

Augustine, St., City of God, n. 355
Auld Guidman, The, 402
Auld Reekie, 423

Auld Rob Morris, 402

Wife ayont the Fire, 402

Aurelius, Marcus, 335

Austen, Jane, 378

Austin, William (fl. 1662), 477
Austria, 259

Avery, captain, 22
Avignon, 273

Awa Whigs Awa, 422
Ayloffe, John, 298

Ayton, Sir Robert, 606
Azores, 196

Baboon, Lewis, in Arbuthnot's History
of John Bull, 150, 151

Philip, in Arbuthnot's History of
John Bull, 150

Bacon, Francis, 52, 393, 425, 429, 431,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bangor, 345, 346

Bangorian controversy, 18, 21, 345
Banishment of Poverty, The, 407
Bannatyne MS., 403, 407, 410, 413
Barber, Mary (1690?-1757), 118, 533
Barbones parliament, 430
Barclay, John (1582–1621), 606

John, Dialogue betwixt William
Lickladle and Thomas Cleancogue, 416
Robert, 597; Religious Societies of
the Commonwealth, 343

William (1570?-1630?), 609
Barnabas, Gospel of, 325
Barnstaple, 179

Baron, Robert (1593?-1639), 593 ff.
Basedow, Johann Bernhard, 448
Bath, n. 38, 183, 187, 193

Sir William Pulteney, earl of, 98,
181, 246, 247, 249, 251, 276 ff.

Marquis of, Papers, n. 107, n. III,
n. 159. See, also, Longeat Papers
Bathurst, Allen Bathurst, Ist earl, 88,
171, 255

Battle of Falkirk Muir, 422
Baur, F. C., 324

Baxter, Andrew (1686-1750), 554

Richard, Reliquiae Baxterianae,
n. 344, 427; Saints' Everlasting Rest,

William (1650-1723), 577
Bayes, in Buckingham's Rehearsal, 165
Bayle, Pierre, 236

Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, earl
of, 271

Beattie, James (1735-1803), The Min-
strel, 417; To Mr. Alexander Ross,

Beaumont, Francis, 157, 162

[blocks in formation]

Beef-steak club, 156
Beets, Heinrich, 566
Behmen, Jacob. See Boehme
Behmenists, 342

Behn, Mrs. Aphra, 20, 195
Belgian writers, 351
Belgrade, 272

Bell, John (1691–1780), 612
Thomas (fl. 1672), 597
Bellenden, Mary, 278
Bellers, John (1654-1725), Proposals
for Raising a Colledge of Industry,

Bellum grammaticale, 603

Beltrees, Renfrewshire, 407
Benedict, abbot of Peterborough, 391
Bentham, James (1708-1794), History
of Ely Cathedral, 396

Jeremy, 334, n. 337, 456

Bentley, Richard (1662-1742), 89, 96,
98, 114, 149, 155, 156, 331, 368. ff
(main entry), 426, 427, 459, 460
"Confutation of Atheism," 370
Dissertation on the Epistles of Pha-
laris, 368, 370, 373, 378, 436
Epistola ad Millium, 369, 371
Horace, 377
Manilius, 378

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