Imágenes de página
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1696 Aubrey's Miscellanies.

1696 Toland's Christianity not mysterious.

1697 Peace of Ryswyk.

1697 Collier's Essays.

1697 Defoe's Essay upon Projects. 1698 Andrew Fletcher's Discourse of Government with relation to Militias. 1698 Granville's Heroick Love. 1698 Ward's London Spy begins to


1699 Society for Promoting Christian

Knowledge founded.

1699 Bentley's Dissertation on the

Epistles of Phalaris.

1699 Garth's Dispensary.

1699 William King's Dialogues of the Dead.

1700 Death of Dryden. 1700 Pomfret's Choice. 1700-31 Strype's Annals of the Reformation.

1701 Act of Settlement.

1701 Defoe's The True-Born English


1701 John Philips's Splendid Shilling. 1701 Steele's Christian Hero.

1702 Defoe's Shortest Way with the Dissenters.

1702 The Daily Courant (first daily

paper founded.)

1702-14 Anne.


1704 Death of Locke.

1704 Battle of Blenheim.


Addison's Campaign.

1704 Dennis's Grounds of Criticism in Poetry.

1704 Swift's A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Books (written about 1697).

1704 Defoe establishes The Review, which is carried on till 1713.

1704-5 Samuel Clarke's Boyle Lec


1704-35 Rymer's Foedera.

1706 Death of Evelyn.

1706 Act of Succession.

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1707 Prior's Poems on Several Occasions (unauthorised ed.).

1708 Collier's Ecclesiastical History, vol. I.

1708 Motteux's translation of Rabelais (begun by Urquhart). 1708 John Philips's Cyder. 1708 Swift's Sentiments of a Church of England man; Argument against abolishing Christianity; Predictions of Isaac Bickerstaff; and Account of Partridge's Death.

1709 Defoe's History of the Union of Great Britain.

1709 Berkeley's Essay towards a new theory of vision.

1709 Pope's Pastorals appear in Tonson's Miscellany.

1709 Prior's Poems on Several Occasions.

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1712 Ambrose Philips's Distressed Mother.

1712 Pope's The Rape of the Lock published in Lintot's Miscellany.

1712 Whiston's Primitive Christianity revived.

1712 Last number of The Spectator appears, December 6.

1712 The Examiner established. 1712-13 Arbuthnot's History of John Bull.

1715 Tickell's translation of Homer's Iliad., Book I.

c. 1715 Carey's Sally in our Alley. 1716 Septennial Act.

1716 Hearne begins publication of a series of English chronicle histories. 1717 Sittings of Convention close. 1717

Hoadly's Preservative against the principles and practices of the nonjurors and Sermon on the nature of Christ's Kingdom.

1717 Pope's Works.

1717-19 Law's Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor.

1718 Society of Antiquaries instituted. 1718 Prior's Poems on Several Occasions.

1719 Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.
South Sea Bubble.


1720 Defoe's Memoirs of a Cavalier and Captain Singleton.


Sir Robert Walpole in power. 1721 Parnell's Poems on Several Occasions.

1721 Death of Prior.

1721 Ramsay's Poems.

1721 Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials.

1722 Defoe's Journal of the Plague Colonel Year, Moll Flanders,


Treaty of Utrecht.


Addison's Cato.


1713 Anthony Collins's Discourse of Free-Thinking.



Steele's Conscious Lovers. Mallet's William and Margaret.

1713 Bentley's Remarks on a late Discourse of Free-Thinking.


Mandeville's Fable of the Bees and Law's Remarks upon it.

1713 Berkeley's Three Dialogues. 1713 Arthur Collier's Clavis versalis.

1724 "Atterbury's plot."


1724 Burnet's History of my own time (vol. II, 1734).

1713 Gay's Rural Sports.


Defoe's Roxana.

1713 Pope's Windsor Forest and Ode

on Saint Cecilia's Day.

1713 Swift's Cadenus and Vanessa.

1713 Lady Winchilsea's Poems.

1714 Gay's Shepherd's Week.

1714 Schism Act.

1714-27 George I.

1715 Jacobite rising.

1715 Gay's Trivia.

1715 Pope's edition of Homer's Iliad, vol. I, appears. (Vol. II, 1716; vol. III, 1717; vol. IV, 1718; vols. V, VI, 1720.)

Ramsay's Tea-Table Miscellany; and The Evergreen.

1724 Swift's Drapier's Letters.

1725 Pope's edition of Shakespeare. 1725 Pope's translation of Homer's Odyssey (Vols. I-III) appears.

1725 Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd. 1726 Bentley's edition of Terence 1726 Butler's Sermons.


Swift's Gulliver's Travels.


First number of The Craftsman

appears, 5 December.

1727 Death of Newton.


1727 Gay's Fables.

1727 The Occasional Writer (by Bol

ingbroke and others.) 1727-60 George II.

1728 Gay's Beggar's Opera.

1728 Pope's Dunciad.

1729 Death of Congreve.

1729 Gay's Polly.

1729 Law's Serious Call.

1729 Swift's Modest Proposal. 1730 Tindal's Christianity as old as

the Creation.

1730-7 The Grub Street Journal.

1731 Swift's On the Death of Dr. Swift (published 1739).

1731 The Gentleman's Magazine established.

1732 Bentley's edition of Paradise Lost.

1732 Berkeley's Alciphron. 1732 Granville's Works.

1732 Neal's History of the Puritans. 1732-5 Pope's Moral Essays. 1733 Walpole's Excise Scheme. 1733 Pope's Essay on Man, Epistles


1733-7 Pope's Imitations of Horace. 1735 Bolingbroke's Dissertation upon


1735 Pope's Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot. 1736 Porteous Riots in Edinburgh. 1736 Butler's Analogy.

1737 Pope's Correspondence (authoritative edition).

1737 Whiston's translation of Josephus.

1737 Wilkins's Concilia.

1738 Swift's Compleat collection of genteel and ingenious conversation. 1738 Warburton's Divine Legation of


1739 Bentley's edition of Manilius. 1739 Bloomfield's History of Norfolk

began to appear (completed 1775). 1740 Cibber's Apology.

1740 Law's Appeal to all that doubt.

1740 North's Lives of the Norths. 1740 Prior's History of his own


1741 Memoirs of Scriblerus.

1741 Middleton's Life of Cicero.

1742 Pope's Dunciad (with the addition of Book IV).

1744 Dodsley's Old Plays.

1744 Zachary Grey's edition of Butler's Hudibras.

1744 Johnson's Life of Savage. 1744-6 The Harleian Miscellany. 1745 Jacobite Rebellion.

1748 Dodsley's Poems by Several Hands.

1748 Middleton's Free Inquiry into miraculous powers.

1748 Tanner's Bibliotheca BritannicoHibernica.

1749 Bolingbroke's Idea of a Patriot King and Letters on Patriotism. 1749-50 Law's Spirit of Prayer. 1751 Death of Bolingbroke. 1752 Bolingbroke's Letters on the Study and Use of History published.

1753 Bolingbroke's Letter to Sir William Wyndham published. 1760-1820 George III.

1762 Locke's Of the conduct of the Understanding.

1763 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's Letters published.

1766-8 Swift's Journal to Stella published.

1766-70 Henry Brooke's Fool of Quality.

1773 Fergusson's Poems.


Herd's Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs.

1784 George Bubb Dodington's Diary (1748/9-61) published.

1819-21 Hogg's Jacobite Relics of


1848 Lord Hervey's Memoirs of the reign of George II published.

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