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storm arising, a boat could live in a rough sea, with much greater safety, with such a line dragging after it, than without it. The boat's company, without being able to afsign any reason for this phenomenon, were well convinced of its efficacy on the present occasion, and took care to avail themselves of it until they were providentially taken up at sea, after having suffered great hardships from hunger and thirst.

Captain Kennedy, after he was on fhore, took care to communicate an account of this discovery; but how it has happened to be so little adverted to, I cannot tell. He afterwards drew up a narrative in writing, which now lies before me, in which he states another fact that strongly confirms the great utility of this very simple contrivance.

"On our pafsage to London, on board a large fhip deeply loaded, the sea ran high for several days; and, scudding, it was thought absolutely necefsary to put in the dead lights. The weather being cold, and not having a fire place in the cabin, caused us to constitute in its place, a large tub filled with sand, in which we made a fire, and not only drefsed victuals for the cabin, but also for the fhip's crew; as there was no pofsibility of making fire on the deck. In this situation my mate applied to the master of the vessel for leave to put out a tow-line, which he scornfully refused; however, next morning, when the master of the vefsel was asleep, we put out the tow-line, a coil of laneard of sixty fathoms, with a piece of wood at the end of the line. To the great astonishment of the mate and crew then on deck, the sea abated, and did not range or come near the fhip's stern, as it had done before the line was made use of. Next morning, two of the middle dead lights were taken down, and the fhip's crew were able to make a fire on the deck, though the sea

ran as high as before the line was made use of. The line was kept out the remainder of the voyage, when scudding. I have had frequent trials of the line in passages from Jamaica, in the depth of winter, without ever making use of dead lights, unless sometimes in the quarter windows, and in a small vefsel, and cold weather, while scudding." (Signed) JOHN KENNEDY.


Sir John Sinclair's Hatistical account of Scotland. Ir is with pleasure we anounce the publication of the second volume of Sir John Sinclair's statistical account of Scotland, and that we have it in our power to add, that it seems to improve as it advances, and that the clergy discover a laudable alacrity, in furnishing each his quota of useful information. There can now no longer remain a doubt that the whole will be completed before it can be got printed off; and that it will then afford a much more authentic and satisfactory account of the present state of Scotland, than ever before was given of any other country on the globe. What would we now give for a similar account of the ancient state of the kingdoms of Solomon or Cyrus,-of Egypt under the Ptolomics,-of Greece under Pericles,-cf Rome, at the commencement, and at the end of the commonwealth,-of Carthage, Syracuse, and the dominions of the Caliphs, at the most interesting periods of their respective histories! From such sources of information we are now for ever excluded; and our posterity will have an advantage in this respect above us, which we can only regret but never attain.

Among the variety of important facts which here present themselves, almost in every page, that will furnish matter for interesting reflections to the attentive reader,

under the influence of a system of laws, t to her manufactures, subversive of industr the morals of her people ;-while, by th sees the industrious part of the communi burden that is already opprefsive, and eve with a rapidity that gives room to the mo fhe will here see, that the poor of Scotla abundantly supplied with all that their w means of a small pittance of alms, voluntar lower clafses of the community only; and t complaints are made of the insufficiency of in such parishes where the inhabitants h had recourse to an assessment of themse rate, somewhat similar to that in Englan cases we find strong complaints of the insu funds; though it appears by the statemen parishes, the amount of the poors funds, in p number of the people, is much greater than where voluntary alms only are applied to tl

These facts are strong and unequivocal pernicious tendency of the whole system that, from mistaken principles of humani gradually adopted in England, and there the very abuses they produce, have created ful body of men, who devote their most str to support them, as defies a pofsibility of re a convulsive struggle, that must long det from engaging in it. What a lefson is this and how cautious ought those, who have l heart, be to guard against the introduction o rious evil with which the ever can be threa

is at present an easy matter; for although there be laws apparently in force in Scotland, authorising the assessment of involuntary poor's rates, in certain circumstances; and although those who favour this system of poor laws, have hitherto been able to persuade many well meaning persons, that such laws are indeed obligatory on the people, and have, by that means, induced some to submit to this burden; yet the writer of this article has good authority for saying, that there is not, at present in force, any law in Scotland for authorising an involuntary poor's rate, unless where the people, have so long acquiesced in that mode of assessment as to establish it by proscription: So that in all other cases, the authority of a new act of parliament is required, before any poor's rate can pofsibly be enforced. This matter shall be more fully explained when a convenient opportunity fhall offer; in the mean while he thinks it his duty to state this important fact, for the information of those whom it may concern.

The following extract will show what is the state of the poor and the poor's funds; it is considerably above a fair average of the rates and state of those parishes where compulsory alms have never been required. It respects the parish of New Abbey, in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, whose population is 649, and rents at present L. 2100 per annum."


"Poor.-From the sefsion records it appears, that the poor were much more numerous forty years ago, than they are at present, and that their numbers have been gradually decreasing. The number of poor now on the roll, does not exceed ten or twelve; for whose relief the weekly collections, amounting to L. 9, the rent of a small farm purchased with a mortification, L. 12, and the interest of some late mortifications, (L. 150, at four per cent.) L. 6; total L. 27, a-year, are quite sufficient. Not a single

N. B. On the south west coast of Sc

of extra-parochial vagrants and beggars owing to the great influx of Irish by Port To be continued.


THE following valuable communications, transmit correspondent, are received, and fhall be inserted with

A proposal for curing provisions, and victualling thi by captain Forrest of the royal navy. A receipt fo An account of the mode of cultivating flax in Irela stamp office in Scotland, and several others.

The Editor gratefully acknowledges the receipt o banking.

And the account of a voyage to the Hebrides by furnish some interesting papers for the Bee. The p will accept the Editor's best thanks.

The essay and translation from Lucretius, by Phila received.

As also the translation of Ovid's epistle to his wife, The query by T C. fhall have a place the first conve The second communication of T. obscure, on educ to hand, and fhall be duly attended to.

The Norland Shepherd will see by this number that h received.

The translation of the French verses by A. B. is re not so happy as could be wished.

The verses by A. L. and G. S. are come to hand. be obliged so often to remind our poetical correspondents triment their works sustain from carelessness. They fhe guish between carelessness and ease. This would save ther appointment, and would give the Editor much pleasure.

The anonymous translation from Anacreon, is destitute and ease, which constitutes the chief charm of the origina The subject Anacreonus has chosen, has been so often h lefs something very uncommon in the execution should men of reading will turn from it with difsatisfaction; on a verses might have passed.

It is a pity N. S. has not chosen more interesting subjec His poetry will be improved by avoiding general descriptio out only a few interesting objects. If these are distinctly touched with truth and delicacy; and if he has time to ma enough, his correspondence will then be very acceptable. hall be disposed of as he desires.

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