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from you, so absolutely convinced, that I alleged it to Vich Ian Vohr this morning as a reason why, without offence to him, you might not continue to be ambitious of an alliance, which to an unengaged person, even though once repulsed, holds out too many charms to be lightly laid aside."

"Your Royal Highness," said Waverley, "must have founded on circumstances altogether unknown to me, when you did me the distinguished honour of supposing me an accepted lover of Miss Bradwardine. I feel the distinction implied in the supposition, but I have no title to it. For the rest, my confidence In my own merit is too justly slight to admit of my hoping for uccess in any quarter after positive rejection.”

The Chevalier was silent for a moment, looking steadily at hem both, and then said, "Upon my word, Mr. Waverley, you re a less happy man than I conceived I had very good reason o believe you. But now, gentlemen, allow me to be umpire In this matter, not as Prince Regent, but as Charles Stewart, a brother adventurer with you in the same gallant cause.


ny pretensions to be obeyed by you entirely out of view, and consider your own honour, and how far it is well, or becoming, o give our enemies the advantage, and our friends the scandal, of showing that, few as we are, we are not united. And forgive me if I add, that the names of the ladies who have been nentioned, crave more respect from us all than to be made hemes of discord."

He took Fergus a little apart, and spoke to him very earestly for two or three minutes, and then returning to Waverey, said, "I believe I have satisfied Colonel Mac-Ivor, that his esentment was founded upon a misconception, to which, indeed, I myself gave rise; and I trust Mr. Waverley is too generous o harbour any recollection of what is past, when I assure him hat such is the case. You must state this matter properly to your clan, Vich Ian Vohr, to prevent a recurrence of their precipitate violence." Fergus bowed. "And now, gentlemen, et me have the pleasure to see you shake hands."

They advanced coldly, and with measured steps, each apparently reluctant to appear most forward in concession. They did, however, shake hands, and parted, taking a respectful leave of the Chevalier.

Charles Edward1 then rode to the head of the Mac-Ivors, threw himself from his horse, begged a drink out of old Ballenkeiroch's cantine, and marched about half a mile along with

1 Note XXII. Prince Charles Edward.

them, inquiring into the history and connexions of Sliochd nan Ivor, adroitly using the few words of Gaelic he possessed, and affecting a great desire to learn it more thoroughly. He then mounted his horse once more, and galloped to the Barons cavalry, which was in front, halted them, and examined the accoutrements and state of discipline; took notice of the principal gentlemen, and even of the cadets; inquired afte their ladies, and commended their horses; rode about an hou with the Baron of Bradwardine, and endured three long storie about Field-Marshal the Duke of Berwick.

"Ah, Beaujeu, mon cher ami," said he as he returned to h usual place in the line of march, "que mon métier de princ errant est ennuyant, par fois. Mais, courage! c'est le grand jet après tout."



THE reader need hardly be reminded, that, after a council war held at Derby on the 5th of December, the Highlander relinquished their desperate attempt to penetrate farther int England, and, greatly to the dissatisfaction of their young an daring leader, positively determined to return northward They commenced their retreat accordingly, and, by the extrem celerity of their movements, outstripped the motions of the Duke of Cumberland, who now pursued them with a very larg body of cavalry.

This retreat was a virtual resignation of their towering hopes. None had been so sanguine as Fergus Mac-Ivor none, consequently, was so cruelly mortified at the change measures. He argued, or rather remonstrated, with the utmos vehemence at the council of war; and, when his opinion wa rejected, shed tears of grief and indignation. From that moment his whole manner was so much altered, that he could scarcely have been recognised for the same soaring and arden spirit, for whom the whole earth seemed too narrow but week before. The retreat had continued for several days when Edward, to his surprise, early on the 12th December received a visit from the Chieftain in his quarters, in a hamle about half way between Shap and Penrith.

Having had no intercourse with the Chieftain since the rupture, Edward waited with some anxiety an explanation this unexpected visit; nor could he help being surprised, and

somewhat shocked, with the change in his appearance. His eye had lost much of its fire; his cheek was hollow, his voice was languid, even his gait seemed less firm and elastic than it was wont; and his dress, to which he used to be particularly attentive, was now carelessly flung about him. He invited Edward to walk out with him by the little river in the vicinity; and smiled in a melancholy manner when he observed him take down and buckle on his sword.

As soon as they were in a wild sequestered path by the side of the stream, the Chief broke out," Our fine adventure is how totally ruined, Waverley, and I wish to know what you ntend to do:-nay, never stare at me, man. I tell you I eceived a packet from my sister yesterday, and, had I got the nformation it contains sooner, it would have prevented a quarrel, which I am always vexed when I think of. In a etter written after our dispute, I acquainted her with the ause of it; and she now replies to me, that she never had, or could have, any purpose of giving you encouragement; o that it seems I have acted like a madman.-Poor Flora! the writes in high spirits; what a change will the news of this inhappy retreat make in her state of mind!"

Waverley, who was really much affected by the deep tone of melancholy with which Fergus spoke, affectionately entreated him to banish from his remembrance any unkindess which had arisen between them, and they once more hook hands, but now with sincere cordiality. Fergus again nquired of Waverley what he intended to do. "Had you not better leave this luckless army, and get down before us nto Scotland, and embark for the Continent from some of the eastern ports that are still in our possession? When you are out of the kingdom, your friends will easily negotiate your pardon; and, to tell you the truth, I wish you would carry Rose Bradwardine with you as your wife, and take Flora also under your joint protection."-Edward looked surprised"She loves you, and I believe you love her, though, perhaps, you have not found it out, for you are not celebrated for knowing your own mind very pointedly." He said this with a sort of smile.

"How," answered Edward,

can you advise me to desert

the expedition in which we are all embarked?" "Embarked?" said Fergus;

"the vessel is going to pieces,

and it is full time for all who can, to get into the long-boat and leave her."

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'Why, what will other gentlemen do?" answered Waverley, "and why did the Highland Chiefs consent to this retreat, if it is so ruinous ?"

"O," replied Mac-Ivor, "they think that, as on former occasions, the heading, hanging, and forfeiting, will chiefly fall to the lot of the Lowland gentry; that they will be left secure in their poverty and their fastnesses, there, according to their proverb, 'to listen to the wind upon the hill till the waters abate.' But they will be disappointed; they have been too often troublesome to be so repeatedly passed over, and this time John Bull has been too heartily frightened to recover his good-humour for some time. The Hanoverian ministers always deserved to be hanged for rascals; but now, if they get the power in their hands,—as, sooner or later, they must, since there is neither rising in England nor assistance from France, they will deserve the gallows as fools, if they leave a single clan in the Highlands in a situation to be again trouble some to government. Ay, they will make root-and-branch work, I warrant them."

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"And while you recommend flight to me," said Edward a counsel which I would rather die than embrace,—whatI are your own views?"

"O," answered Fergus, with a melancholy air, "my fate is settled. Dead or captive I must be before to-morrow."

"What do you mean by that, my friend?" said Edward "The enemy is still a day's march in our rear, and if he comes up, we are still strong enough to keep him in check. member Gladsmuir."


"What I tell you is true notwithstanding, so far as I am individually concerned."

"Upon what authority can you found so melancholy a pre diction?" asked Waverley.

"On one which never failed a person of my house. I have seen," he said, lowering his voice, "I have seen the Bodach Glas."

"Bodach Glas?"

"Yes: Have you been so long at Glennaquoich, and never heard of the Grey Sceptre? though indeed there is a certain reluctance among us to mention him."

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No, never."

"Ah! it would have been a tale for poor Flora to have told you. Or, if that hill were Benmore, and that long blue lake, which you see just winding towards yon mountainous country,

were Loch Tay, or my own Loch an Ri, the tale would be better suited with scenery. However, let us sit down on this knoll; even Saddleback and Ulswater will suit what I have to say better than the English hedgerows, enclosures, and farmhouses. You must know, then, that when my ancestor, Ian nan Chaistel, wasted Northumberland, there was associated with him in the expedition a sort of Southland Chief, or captain of a band of Lowlanders, called Halbert Hall. In their return through the Cheviots, they quarrelled about the division of the great booty they had acquired, and came from words to blows. The Lowlanders were cut off to a man, and their chief fell the last, covered with wounds by the sword of my ancestor. Since that time, his spirit has crossed the Vich Ian Vohr of the day when any great disaster was impending, but especially before approaching death. My father saw him twice; once before he was made prisoner at SheriffMuir ; another time on the morning of the day on which he


"How can you, my dear Fergus, tell such nonsense with a grave face?”

"I do not ask you to believe it; but I tell you the truth, ascertained by three hundred years' experience at least, and last night by my own eyes."

"The particulars, for heaven's sake!" said Waverley, with eagerness.

"I will, on condition you will not attempt a jest on the subject. Since this unhappy retreat commenced, I have scarce ever been able to sleep for thinking of my clan, and of this poor Prince, whom they are leading back like a dog in a string, whether he will or no, and of the downfall of my family. Last night I felt so feverish that I left my quarters, and walked out, in hopes the keen frosty air would brace my nerves-I cannot tell how much I dislike going on, for I know you will hardly believe me. However I crossed a small footbridge, and kept walking backwards and forwards, when I observed with surprise, by the clear moonlight, a tall figure in a grey plaid, such as shepherds wear in the south of Scotland, which, move at what pace I would, kept regularly about four yards before me."

"You saw a Cumberland peasant in his ordinary dress, probably."

"No: I thought so at first, and was astonished at the man's audacity in daring to dog me. I called to him, but received

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