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began to take air, from the premature mutinous language of those concerned. Wily Will justified his appellative; for after suspicion arose, he was seen no more. When the Gazette appeared, in which Waverley was superseded, great part of hi troop broke out into actual mutiny, but were surrounded and disarmed by the rest of the regiment. In consequence of the sentence of a court-martial, Houghton and Tims were com demned to be shot, but afterwards permitted to cast lots life. Houghton, the survivor, showed much penitence, being convinced from the rebukes and explanations of Colone Gardiner, that he had really engaged in a very heinous crim It is remarkable, that as soon as the poor fellow was satisfie of this, he became also convinced that the instigator had acte without authority from Edward, saying, “If it was dishonou able and against Old England, the squire could know nough about it; he never did, or thought to do, any thing dishono able, no more didn't Sir Everard, nor none of them afore him and in that belief he would live and die that Ruffen had don it all of his own head."

The strength of conviction with which he expressed himse upon this subject, as well as his assurances that the lette intended for Waverley had been delivered to Ruthven, ma that revolution in Colonel Gardiner's opinion which he pressed to Talbot.

The reader has long since understood that Donald Bea Lean played the part of tempter on this occasion. H motives were shortly these. Of an active and intriguing spin he had been long employed as a subaltern agent and spy those in the confidence of the Chevalier, to an extent beyon what was suspected even by Fergus Mac-Ivor, whom, thoug obliged to him for protection, he regarded with fear an dislike. To success in this political department, he natural looked for raising himself by some bold stroke above present hazardous and precarious trade of rapine. He wa particularly employed in learning the strength of the regiment in Scotland, the character of the officers, &c., and had lon had his eye upon Waverley's troop, as open to temptation Donald even believed that Waverley himself was at bottom the Stewart interest, which seemed confirmed by his long vis to the Jacobite Baron of Bradwardine. When, therefore, came to his cave with one of Glennaquoich's attendants, the robber, who could never appreciate his real motive, which wa mere curiosity, was so sanguine as to hope that his own talent

were to be employed in some intrigue of consequence, under the auspices of this wealthy young Englishman. Nor was he indeceived by Waverley's neglecting all hints and openings fforded for explanation. His conduct passed for prudent eserve, and somewhat piqued Donald Bean, who, supposing imself left out of a secret where confidence promised to be dvantageous, determined to have his share in the drama, hether a regular part were assigned him or not. For this urpose, during Waverley's sleep, he possessed himself of his al, as a token to be used to any of the troopers whom he ight discover to be possessed of the captain's confidence. is first journey to Dundee, the town where the regiment was artered, undeceived him in his original supposition, but pened to him a new field of action. He knew there would e no service so well rewarded by the friends of the Chevalier, seducing a part of the regular army to his standard. For is purpose he opened the machinations with which the ader is already acquainted, and which form a clew to all e intricacies and obscurities of the narrative previous to 'averley's leaving Glennaquoich.

By Colonel Talbot's advice Waverley declined detaining in s service the lad whose evidence had thrown additional light these intrigues. He represented to him it would be doing e man an injury to engage him in a desperate undertaking, d that, whatever should happen, his evidence would go some ngth, at least, in explaining the circumstances under which Taverley himself had embarked in it. Waverley therefore rote a short state of what had happened, to his uncle and is father, cautioning them, however, in the present circumances, not to attempt to answer his letter. Talbot then ave the young man a letter to the commander of one of the nglish vessels of war cruizing in the frith, requesting him to ut the bearer ashore at Berwick, with a pass to proceed to -shire. He was then furnished with money to make an xpeditious journey, and directed to get on board the ship by eans of bribing a fishing-boat, which, as they afterwards earned, he easily effected.

Tired of the attendance of Callum Beg, who, he thought, ad some disposition to act as a spy on his motions, Waverley ired as a servant a simple Edinburgh swain, who had counted the white cockade in a fit of spleen and jealousy, because Jenny Jop had danced a whole night with Corporal Bullock of the Fusileers.



COLONEL TALBOT became more kindly in his demeanou towards Waverley after the confidence he had reposed in him and as they were necessarily much together, the character the Colonel rose in Waverley's estimation. There seemed first something harsh in his strong expressions of dislike and censure, although no one was in the general case more ope to conviction. The habit of authority had also given h manners some peremptory hardness, notwithstanding the polish which they had received from his intimate acquaintance with the higher circles. As a specimen of the military cha acter, he differed from all whom Waverley had as yet see The soldiership of the Baron of Bradwardine was marked pedantry; that of Major Melville by a sort of martinet atter tion to the minutia and technicalities of discipline, rathe suitable to one who was to manœuvre a battalion, than to hi who was to command an army; the military spirit of Ferg was so much warped and blended with his plans and politic views, that it was less that of a soldier than of a petty sove reign. But Colonel Talbot was in every point the Englis soldier. His whole soul was devoted to the service of his kin and country, without feeling any pride in knowing the theor of his art with the Baron, or its practical minutia with th Major, or in applying his science to his own particular plan of ambition, like the Chieftain of Glennaquoich. Added this, he was a man of extended knowledge and cultivated taste, although strongly tinged, as we have already observed with those prejudices which are peculiarly English.

The character of Colonel Talbot dawned upon Edward degrees; for the delay of the Highlanders in the fruitles siege of Edinburgh Castle occupied several weeks, during which Waverley had little to do, excepting to seek such amusement as society afforded. He would willingly have persuaded his new friend to become acquainted with some his former intimates. But the Colonel, after one or two visits shook his head, and declined farther experiment. Indeed he went farther, and characterised the Baron as the most intoler able formal pedant he had ever had the misfortune to meet with, and the chief of Glennaquoich as a Frenchified Scotchman, possessing all the cunning and plausibility of the nation

where he was educated, with the proud, vindictive, and turbulent humour of that of his birth. "If the devil," he said, "had sought out an agent expressly for the purpose of embroiling this miserable country, I do not think he could find a better than such a fellow as this, whose temper seems equally active, supple, and mischievous, and who is followed, and implicitly obeyed, by a gang of such cut-throats as those whom you are pleased to admire so much."


The ladies of the party did not escape his censure. llowed that Flora Mac-Ivor was a fine woman, and Rose Bradwardine a pretty girl. But he alleged that the former lestroyed the effect of her beauty by an affectation of the rand airs which she had probably seen practised in the mock Court of St. Germains. As for Rose Bradwardine, he said it vas impossible for any mortal to admire such a little uninormed thing, whose small portion of education was as ill dapted to her sex or youth, as if she had appeared with one of her father's old campaign-coats upon her person for her sole arment. Now much of this was mere spleen and prejudice n the excellent Colonel, with whom the white cockade on the >reast, the white rose in the hair, and the Mac at the beginning of a name, would have made a devil out of an angel; and ndeed he himself jocularly allowed, that he could not have endured Venus herself, if she had been announced in a drawing-room by the name of Miss Mac-Jupiter.

Waverley, it may easily be believed, looked upon these young ladies with very different eyes. During the period of he siege, he paid them almost daily visits, although he observed with regret that his suit made as little progress in the affections of the former, as the arms of the Chevalier in subduing the fortress. She maintained with rigour the rule she had laid down of treating him with indifference, without either affecting to avoid him or to shun intercourse with him. Every word, every look, was strictly regulated to accord with her system, and neither the dejection of Waverley, nor the anger which Fergus scarcely suppressed, could extend Flora's attention to Edward beyond that which the most ordinary politeness demanded. On the other hand, Rose Bradwardine gradually rose in Waverley's opinion. He had several opportunities of remarking, that, as her extreme timidity wore off, her manners assumed a higher character; that the agitating circumstances of the stormy time seemed to call forth a certain dignity of feeling and expression, which he had not formerly observed;

and that she omitted no opportunity within her reach to extend her knowledge and refine her taste.

Flora Mac-Ivor called Rose her pupil, and was attentive to assist her in her studies, and to fashion both her taste and un derstanding. It might have been remarked by a very close observer, that in the presence of Waverley she was much more desirous to exhibit her friend's excellences than her own. But I must request of the reader to suppose, that this kind and disinterested purpose was concealed by the most cautious delicacy, studiously shunning the most distant approach affectation. So that it was as unlike the usual exhibition one pretty woman affecting to proner another, as the frien ship of David and Jonathan might be to the intimacy of two Bond-street loungers. The fact is, that though the effect was felt, the cause could hardly be observed. Each of the ladies like two excellent actresses, were perfect in their parts, and performed them to the delight of the audience; and suc being the case, it was almost impossible to discover that the elder constantly ceded to her friend that which was most suitable to her talents.

But to Waverley, Rose Bradwardine possessed an attraction which few men can resist, from the marked interest which sh took in every thing that affected him. She was too young and too inexperienced to estimate the full force of the constant attention which she paid to him. Her father was too ab stractedly immersed in learned and military discussions to observe her partiality, and Flora Mac-Ivor did not alarm he by remonstrance, because she saw in this line of conduct the most probable chance of her friend securing at length a retum of affection.

The truth is, that in her first conversation after their meet ing, Rose had discovered the state of her mind to that acute and intelligent friend, although she was not herself aware it. From that time, Flora was not only determined upon the final rejection of Waverley's addresses, but became anxious that they should, if possible, be transferred to her friend Nor was she less interested in this plan, though her brother had from time to time talked, as between jest and earnest, of paying his suit to Miss Bradwardine. She knew that Fergus had the true continental latitude of opinion respecting the in stitution of marriage, and would not have given his hand to an angel, unless for the purpose of strengthening his alliances and increasing his influence and wealth. The Baron's whim

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