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its general eloquence and clearness of reasoning, as well as on the admirable temper and moderation which throughout distinguish it, any further observations are needless."

G. M. D.

Plan for Religious Improvement of the Poor.

SIR, Bridport, April 22, 1826. In compliance with a request made in your Reformer of February last, (p. 79,) respecting" the instruction of young persons," the following statement is sent for your insertion. Having frequently observed with regret, that the pupils of the Sunday-school, and others who had not the advantage of regular religious instruction in their families, very soon became indifferent to religion; and knowing that the best informed need " line upon line, and precept upon precept;" considering also the injury done to youth by the perusal of books of a light and trifling, if not an immoral tendency; some ladies of the Unitarian Society in this town, were induced to adopt a plan of meeting, one evening in the week, any females who might be disposed to attend, for the purpose of improving them in reading, and of leading their minds to right subjects.

It is now about eight years since the commencement of this association. The time occupied is generally one hour and a half. The business of the meeting is conducted in the following manner: Religious instruction being its first object, a select portion of scripture is read by the pupils alternately, each taking a verse or complete sentence. For the purpose of explanation, the more familiar parts of a commentary have been at the same time employed. Wellbeloved's new edition of the Bible, Kenrick's Exposition, and Mrs. Trimmer's Sacred History, have all been found useful in the accomplishment of this plan. In reading Mrs. Trimmer's work, however, it has been thought advisable to select such passages only as accord with our views of Christian truth. When this is gone through, a portion of natural history, biography, or some other interesting work of religious and moral instruction, is read, suited to the capacities of the young auditory. Watson's popular "Evidences" has proved a valuable and pleasing work to the society. The instructors, persuaded that the more we are led to perceive the power, wisdom, and goodness of the Deity, and to live under an habitual sense of his inspection,

the more constantly shall we honour him, and dread to incur his displeasure, endeavour as much as possible to excite in the minds of the young a desire to contemplate God in his works and word, and to impress the solemn conviction that he is the ever-present witness to their thoughts, words, and actions. Advice is also given them as occasion requires, in a friendly and affectionate manner, respecting their dress, associates, habits, &c., and the business of the evening concludes with prayer. Remarks occasionally made by the young persons themselves, are encouraged as the best mode of ascertaining the effects produced by the instructions given.

There is reason to believe that in several instances, this meeting has been attended by the Divine blessing. It has evidently contributed to unite more closely the different classes of the society, and has led to the establishment of a library, by means of which knowledge is diffused very generally in the congregation. Those who are engaged in this work, have readily acceded to the wish expressed by your correspondent, that they would furnish an account of the methods pursued, from a persuasion that the adoption of similar plans in other Christian societies, would be attended with the same beneficial results.

A. H.

On the British and Foreign Unitarian Association.

SIR, Honiton, April 12, 1826. PERMIT me to request the attention of your readers to a subject of considerable importance, in which every Unitarian should feel a common interest; and although I have not the vanity to suppose my humble interference can do much towards advancing what has been justly termed our "Righteous and Immortal Cause;" yet believing it to be the duty of every individual to use his utmost exertions in the support of it, by improving the talent committed to his care, I venture my observations to the public with the less diffidence, through the medium of your useful Miscellany.

Previous to forming the British and Foreign Unitarian Association, the want of it was universally felt it is well known that the Unitarian Fund was the means of much usefulness, but from inadequate resources, and other causes, its operations were comparatively limited. Now that another Institution is formed on a more extensive scale, it

needs only the support of its well-wishers to answer the most sanguine expectations that may be formed respecting it. The Committee has already laid the plan, rules, &c. before the public; my intention is only to impress the necessity of its receiving that prompt assistance and cordial co-operation, without which no scheme, however well-concerted, can ultimately succeed. Within the last few years we have witnessed the great advantages derived from union, in the amazing success that has attended the zealous and unremitting exertions of various religious societies. By the trifling subscriptions of a great many individuals, hundreds of thousands of pounds have been collected. The Gospel has been distributed in almost every part of the habitable globe, and the doctrines of Christianity most extensively diffused. The veil of error and superstition has been withdrawn from the eyes of millions of our fellow-creatures; yet it has been only partially removed, and the mists of ignorance still obscure the sight of thousands who see with others' eyes, and read with others' ears. To proceed in this work of Reformation, and to disseminate the doctrines of the Gospel in their native simplicity, uncorrupted by superstition, and undisguised by mystery, is the conten plated object of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. Although it must afford pleasure to all who are anxious for the promotion of genuine Christianity, to reflect on the increase that has been made to the number of its adherents; yet it must be considered, that there are thousands and tens of thousands in our native land, who have never heard the sound of Unitarianism, but who we believe only wait for the call of its friends, to reject the doctrines of human invention for those of divine authority. When a Unitarian Missionary has preached where our principles were previously unheard of, the greatest desire to embrace them has frequently prevailed, nor can we ascribe this to the charm of novelty; there is something in truth so irresistible and attractive, that it must and will force its way into the minds of all who are not steeled by prejudice, or the most inveterate dislike: it works slowly and silently, but surely and effectually. We do not immediately witness all the success that may be wished for, but in time the good seed will spring up, and afford an abundant harvest. How many small societies are there in different parts of the kingdom, who have been formed by only hearing a Missionary preacher once or twice, and reading the societys'


tracts. They only require timely assistance to increase their numbers, and to erect temples where the defenders of pure Christianity may worship God in spirit and in truth. The most unexpected events have transpired, to give us encouragement and urge us on in the path of duty. remarkable conversion of Rammohun Roy, William Roberts, and the Rev. W. Adam, seems as if Providence had stationed those worthy individuals in a part of the world where reformation was most needed, and caused the glorious day-star of truth to dawn on a benighted country. But let it be remembered, that a time will come when the most illustrious champions of our faith will resign the palm awarded them by their brethren here below, for a deathless and eternal one; and although He who governs all things for the best, will raise up other instruments of his will when they are slumbering in their graves; yet it is through human means his purposes are to be accomplished, and it is by our exertions that they are to be forwarded.

These are some of the reasons why the British and Foreign Unitarian Association has a pre-eminent claim to our support; therefore should every Unitarian Congregation in England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland, contribute something in furtherance of those important objects which it designs, through the Divine blessing, to accomplish. Every individual may be supposed able to afford something; and if only one penny per month is subscribed by each, a very ample fund will be realized. Let us not be backward in this "labour of love; " let it be seen that our religion is a practical one; that it inspires us with feelings of the noblest and purest philanthropy; and may the lengthened lists of subscribers in our monthly publications wipe away the reproach, that error and superstition can inspire more zeal in the bosoms of their deluded votaries, than can be found amongst the friends of truth. When we view the formidable phalanx of reputed Orthodoxy, marshalled in brilliant array against us, proudly exulting in their boasted superiority of wealth, and power, and influence - when we witness the interested efforts of the few to enthral the minds of the many, behold the slow progress of religious truth, and hear our principles calumniated and misrepresented should we not be eager, in the true spirit of Christian warfare, to thin the ranks of our opponents, to rescue our fellow-creatures from their mental slavery, and to con

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tend earnestly for the purity of the faith once delivered to the saints?

The British and Foreign Unitarian Association should be regarded as the main-spring of that mighty engine which is at work to diffuse pure Christianity. It is not a tyrannical convocation formed to enact laws, creeds, and articles of faith it is not an assembly of individuals aiming at priestly power and influence: its councils are not governed by caprice, or divided by faction. The members of it are not the satellites of a party, nor wield the arms of force and compulsion. It is a noble and august institution, and its admirers may cause it to be a powerful and a mighty one. Would we again ask the use of such a society, inquire its motives, and know why it solicits our support, let us look at the well-filled chapels of our Calvinistic brethren, listen awhile to the misrepresentations of the Divine Being, hear the Son of God reverenced as God himself, and everlasting punishments decreed to all who refuse to do so. Let us glance at the proud, domineering influence of an enormous and wealthy Establishment; see the religion of Jesus identified with worldly pomp and ambition; and witness the efforts that are made to fetter the human mind and restrain the exercise of free inquiry: or, if we think the religion of our own country needs no reformation, and will be content to witness the prevalence of ignorance and error in our native land, let us convey our ideas to a new and more extensive theatre for human improvement; ask if the sacred soil of a new world is not prepared to receive the germ of true religion; or, if it has sprung up there, if it has been fostered by free inquiry and liberty of conscience-if new altars are continually erecting to the "One only living and true God"? If we find that America needs not our aid, we may be assured, that where the rude and uncultivated Indian worships his unknown God, and the proud Bel and Nebo of Idolatry are swaying the minds of a debased and degraded people, there is a wide and ample field for the most unlimited exertions.

I conclude, by earnestly beseeching my Unitarian bre thren to give this subject an immediate and attentive consideration. If the cause we advocate be the cause of God and of truth, of Divine benevolence and human happiness, and its object be to promote the best interests of mankind, then does it strongly appeal to all of us. Those whom Pro

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