Transiciones Hacia un Mundo Centrado en el Corazón: A Través de Kundalini Yoga y Las Meditaciones de Yogui Bhajan

Yoga Technology LLC, 1 jun 2006

 Transiciones hacia un mundo centrado en el Corazón por Guru Rattana Ph.D. (Gururattan Kaur Khalsa) contiene la colección más completa de series y meditaciones de Kundalini Yoga traidas a occidente por Yogui Bhajan. Ofrece técnicas potentes y eficaces para abrir su corazón al amor incondicional.

Yogui Bhajan introdujo un concepto revolucionario a la práctica espiritual occidental. En vez de evitar los chakras inferiores, enseñó que para abrir el chakra del corazón y permenecer en este estado, de hecho necesitamos cultivar una sólida base en estos chakras inferiores.

Más de 200 páginas llenas de información.Más de 100 series de yoga y meditaciones.Abra su chakra del corazón.Refuerze su chakra umbilical.Mejore el funcionamiento de su sistema inmunológico.Atraiga abundancia, oportunidad y prosperidad.Obtenga paz interior y dicha.Formato grande y claro - con bellas ilustraciones.

Sobre el autor (2006)

Guru Rattana began studying with Yogi Bhajan in 1977.  KRI-certified, she is, a pioneering teacher, prolific writer, and long time student of Kundalini Yoga, has authored four of the original and globally popular manuals which helped launch the teachings of Yogi Bhajan to a much wider audience.

Her works include the Kundalini Yoga and Meditation manuals: Transitions to a Heart-Centered World (new 2nd Edition 2014), Relax and Renew, Sexuality and Spirituality and Introduction to Kundalini Yoga as well as Your Life Is in Your Chakras (new 2nd Edition 2014) and The Destiny of Women is the Destiny of the World. Her recent books are The Inner Art of Love — Awaken Your Heart with Kundalini Yoga, The Gift of Womanhood — Inner Mastery, Outer Mystery and The Power of Neutral – Soul Alchemy in Meditation.

Her international teaching tours have taken her to England, France, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and Portugal, and include an annual Gift of Womanhood Retreat. She is lead trainer and co-creator of KRIYA Inner Awareness Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Courses, registered with Yoga Alliance.

Guru Rattana earned her Doctorate in Political Science from the Graduate Institute of International Studies (University of Geneva) and received her Master’s degree from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (Washington, DC, and Bologna, Italy). Her academic career includes teaching International Environment and Development Studies at Dartmouth College, MIT, and New Hampshire College, and Philosophies of Life and History at the U.S. International University (San Diego). She has also taught courses at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California, and Stanford University.

She lives, writes, and teaches in Coronado (San Diego), California.


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