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SHOULD any of our readers object, that too much place is given in thefe volumes to what feems to intereft the corresponding parties more nearly than the Public; it may be relied on, that fuch parts have been retained folely from the motives of giving a more natural picture of the manners, &c. of the people reprefented, than the unanimated narrative of a mere Spectator might have conveyed. Nor could the Editor, without difficulty, have separated from the several descriptions, that part and interest which the Author bad in them. If the Editor fhould appear reprehenfible for preserving such extenfive criticisms in the article of painting; he can only fay, that his Author's ftrong propensity to that Science induced her treating it more largely than may be agreeable to fome of her readers; and that he was prevented from fuppreffing any part, from a poffibility of its being relished by thofe amongst them




of a different taste, who may be unprovided with better or more recent accounts.

Of Catalogues indeed, there is no deficiency; they fwarm in every town and every palace of Italy: but thefe publications are merely catalogues; fuch criticifms as they offer being oftentimes fortuitous, frequently falfe, and for the greater number calculated by the proprietor to promote the fale of fuch pictures of indifferent merit, as he wishes to part with to advantage and profit.

Thofe in this country who commiffion perfons refiding in Italy (of which there are many) to procure them the best of such pictures as chance brings to market, may acknowledge fome utility in critical dif quifitions of this nature, if executed with a decent portion of truth and information; as ferving to direct their choice upon the immediate objects of preference; and proving, when in correfpondence with the reports of thofe employed by them, a confirmation of their eftimates and recommendations.-Here they will also learn, that many pictures, fuppofed the property of their former owners, will appear to be in the poffeffion of other mafters and other countries. After all, if thofe who have not already travelled in, or who bave no expectation of vifiting Italy: if those who


are unacquainted with, or uninterested in the merits of painting, will but turn over a few pages when they come to fuch defcriptions, of which the marginal references are a conftant indication, perhaps their trouble may be but inconfiderable, in proportion to the entertainment or information provided for a larger number of our readers.


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Sept. 20th, 1770.

SUPPOSE you have already received my letter from Ornon. Nothing but the promise I had made you of writing from the very first place we should fleep at, could have prevailed upon me to have fent you fuch a fomniferous epistle-if the reading of it did not put you to fleep, the writing did me. I fear this will not prove more enlivening than its predeceffor.-Would you had but patience until I have reached Italy! for there I expect every day will produce fresh sources of amusement both for you and me.—But that, you have refused me, and infift that I mark and paint every step I take in fo clear a manner, that you may follow me clofely in idea-Do not fuffer the too tender friendship you honour me with, to produce anxious and uneafy thoughts, which ferve but to augment every inconvenience, or trifling accident that may happen; for as you took care at the moment of our feparation to bind me doubly by my VOL. I. friendship


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