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at Cornwall, the other at Spring Estate, which, for want of a school-house, is taught in one of the apprentice's houses. I had a third at Long Bay, but it is at present not in operation, for want of a teacher. At Cornwall day-school, there are 67 on the roll, and in the evening-school 50. At Spring dayschool there are 34, and in the evening 36. I have evening classes taught on several other estates, attended by about 50. In all, there are 237 scholars. These are learning to read and write, a little arithmetic, and the catechism and hymns. There are 263 persons in the congregation who can read the New Testament, and have already received copies of it, and about 100 more are reading easy Scripture lessons. I again request assistance, both for the erection of school-houses and paying teachers. In the uncertainty which we continually feel, as to being able to procure their salaries, we are unable to employ well qualified teachers, and in all things are obliged to work on as low a scale as possible.

Our monthly prayer meetings, continue to be well attended, -one for the spread of the Gospel,-another for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our Church,-and a third for the Temperance Society.

Such are the means by which we are labouring to turn men from darkness to light, and from Satan to God; and such is the degree of success with which it has graciously pleased God to crown our operations. Already, the wilderness and the solitary place are glad because of the work of the Lord, and the moral desert is beginning to blossom in the beauties of holiness. In a very short time, this island, lately a wilderness, will, I trust, become a fruitful field. A more rapid improve ment is taking place in it than, so far as I know, in any other part of the world. Twenty-five years ago, it was in much the same condition as Great Britain was some hundred years ago; in twenty-five years more, it will have attained to something of what the mother country now is.

I cannot close without remarking, for your satisfaction, that, externally, things look prosperous among the people, They are all in peace, at least in this quarter, and I hear no serious complaints from either masters or servants. The special magistrate for this district told me lately that I had left him very little to do; there had been, he said, for some months past, scarcely a complaint from any quarter. As a proof of the good conduct of the people, I may mention that one estate has been left under the oversight of one of my black elders, and has been doing as well as at any former period.

The following is a tabular view of the past and present state of the congregation :-- .

1836. Regular Congregation, 580 Adults, 300 Children; Members, 120; Communicants, 58; Baptized, 66; Married Couples, 110; Scholars, 160; Total, 880.

1837. Regular Congregation, 650 Adults, 334 Children; Members, 170; Communicants, 86; Baptized, 98; Married Couples, 150; Scholars, 233; Temperance Society, 144; Total, 984.


In a late Number, it was mentioned that Mr. Waddell had obtained a piece of ground for a Church on Easthams Estate, and that he expected soon to lay the foundation. We have now the pleasure of giving the following account of this interesting event in the history of the Mission, extracted from the Cornwall Chronicle for January 11th, 1837:

"On the afternoon of Friday last, the 6th inst., the first stone of a new Presbyterian Church was laid in the windward part of this parish, in the neighbourhood of Easthams Estate, and a sight so interesting was never before witnessed in that part of the country. At an early hour the apprentices from the surrounding properties began to assemble, and, when the appointed hour arrived, their number was very great. We were much gratified to observe that the greater part of the neighbouring gen. tlemen and also some ladies were present; an evidence of the interest they took in the erection of this place of worship, for the mental and moral improvement of their peasantry. The cere mony, on this interesting occasion, commenced bythe whole com. pany walking three abreast round the ground procured for the purpose,-first, the members of the Jamaica Missionary Presbytery,-next, the elders of the various Presbyterian Churches who were present,-then followed the male and female apprentices, all, we were pleased to observe, clean and well, yet not gaudily dressed, and in the most admirable order. When the procession entered the ground, the children of the congregation, who were stationed apart, raised one of their most beautiful hymns, and continued, as it moved along, to cheer with their sweet voices the progress of their parents, and friends. The strikingly beautiful situation of the ground heightened the interest of the scene. Situated on a hill, it commands an extensive and charming prospect.

"On returning again to the spot, for the proposed Church, the procession gathered around the lines by which it was marked out, leaving the whole space for the building clear. The Rev. H. M. Waddell then informed the assembly, that.

the whole of the ground which they had encompassed and thus taken possession of, in the name of the Most High, was no longer private property, that it was procured for the purposes of a Church, burial-ground, school-house, &c., and was committed to trustees for the benefit of the congregation, which should there statedly worship God. He announced that its name was henceforth to be Mount Zion, the name of the hill on which stood the first temple ever built on earth to the true God. Part of the cii. psalm having been sung, the Rev. James Patterson addressed the assembly in a very suitable and impressive speech, The Rev. George Blyth then read the following statement, before sealing and inclosing it in the niche prepared for it in the stone:—


"The Scottish Missionary Society having, in the close of the year 1829, sent out the Rev. H. M. Waddell to preach the Gospel in this country, a congregation was collected on the neighbouring estate, Cornwall, and a Church formed, which, by the blessing of God, grew and increased, till it became necessary to erect a commodious and permanent place of worship for their use. Ground for the site of the building having been at length procured from Captain S. C. Gray, proprietor of Easthams Estate, this foundation stone was laid on the 6th of January, in the year of our Lord, 1837, being the seventh year of the reign of His Majesty William IV., King of Great Britain and Ireland, and in the second year of the administration of His Excellency Sir Lionel Smith, K.C B.

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In the name of God, the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost.'

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SIR, AT the Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, recently held in the metropolis, one of the speakers, I think the Rev. Mr. Thorpe, is stated to have expressed his "deep conviction, that the obligation is daily becoming more imperative on Christians, not only to make their ability the only measure of their liberality, but to be more earnest and importunate in prayer, that the Lord of the harwest would send forth labourers into his harvest, and that he would hasten that more copious and universal outpouring of

bis Holy Spirit, which is to precede the world's speedy conversion to the faith of Christ." I am persuaded there is no true believer on earth whose heart does not respond to the sentiments entertained in this sentence, and feel ready to enter cordially into any reasonable plan by which their importance may be more deeply impressed upon every mind. They have of late been more prominently brought before the Christian world than heretofore, and great talent, combined with fervent piety, has been enlisted in their service. The question is now frequently put,-" Why is it, that the success attending our efforts to evangelize the world is so small, at least so greatly under what might have been expected from the extent of the means employed for this purpose?" The answer is found in almost every magazine and religious publication which now issues from the press. A greater spirit of prayer is wanted. Fervent, united, believing prayer; and a deeper conviction of our utter incompetency to effect any thing without Divine aid. God has given our efforts but a limited degree of success, perhaps to remind us, that "without him we can do nothing," and that "he will not give his glory to another." However, I would fondly hope, that the fact of so much attention having been recently turned to this subject, is a prelude to better days, and an indication that the Church is beginning to be aroused to a sense of her duty and interest,, and to feel, more than she has yet done, the value of that mighty, I should, perhaps, rather say almighty, weapon which she has it in her power to wield in her own behalf, and for the discomfiture of her enemies.

On thinking over this subject, I have remarked, that while combination has been considered so important for many other purposes, both of a secular and religious nature, yet no extensive, combined, and simultaneous movement has yet been made in the Christian world, with regard to prayer. But as every thing must have a beginning, my object in addressing you, at present, is to suggest that an early day should be set apart to be devoted to this express purpose, in which sincere Christians of every denomination, throughout Great Britain and Ireland, laying aside party spirit and political prejudices, might join together with one accord in humble supplications. for the abundant out-pouring of the Holy Spirit of God, both upon ourselves and upon the whole world. That the means in operation for making known the glad tidings of salvation would be more signally blessed, and that he would speedily remove all obstacles to the universal reception of the Gospel of peace,

If the effectual fervent prayer of one righteous man availeth much, what may we not expect in answer to the united fervent supplications of such a multitude? Neither heaven nor

earth could regard the scene with indifference,-how much more our blessed God, who has pledged his word to hear and answer the cry of his people. In small towns, all denominations might meet in one chapel. It would be more social. Ministers, in this case, might take the exercises by turns, and some might deliver short addresses on the present religious state of the world in general, of the Jews, and on any other topic connected with the object of the meeting. In larger towns, three or four Churches might assemble in one place.

Not being much accustomed to write, at least for the eye of the public, I wish merely to give the hint; and hope that if it meet your approval, you will recommend it through the influence of your magazine; and in order that, if generally approved, it may be extensively acted upon, I purpose sending a copy of this to the greater part of the religious periodicals which are at present in circulation.

As there might be a difficulty afterwards in agreeing on a day, for the sake of union I would with great diffidence, propose, that, in the mean time, it might take place on Monday, 17th July, and that afterwards every first day of January should be devoted to the same purpose, not only in Great Britain, but throughout the whole world.

Fasting will be considered by many as proper at such a time; but being aware that it might be objected to by others, I have purposely refrained from saying any thing on that subject, particularly as I think it might, with propriety, be left to every individual Christian to act in this as he may consider his duty. I am, Sir, your most obedient Servant, J. C.

Glasgow, 9th June, 1837.


WE particularly request the attention of our readers to an advertisement on the cover, from the Misses FOSTER, of Belfast. They propose to open a Boarding Establishment, for the education of young ladies la bouring under the infirmity of being deaf and dumb. This proposal has arisen out of the circumstance, that respectable parents have been found unwilling to send their deaf and dumb children to the ordinary schools, for their instruction. A select school has been rendered necessary; and wwe rejoice to see the proposal now made by persons so calculated to carry

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