*222* A HYMN TO BACCHUS BACCHUS, let me drink no more : * 223* A CANTICLE TO APOLLO PLAY, Phoebus, on thy lute, And we will sit all mute; By listening to thy lyre, That sets all ears on fire. Hark, hark! the God does play ! * 224 * TO MUSIC, TO BECALM A SWEET SICK YOUTH CHARMS, that call down the moon from out her sphere, * 225 * TO MUSIC: A SONG MUSIC, thou queen of heaven, care-charming spell, Thou that tam'st tigers, and fierce storms, that rise, Fall down, down, down, from those thy chiming spheres * 226 * SOFT MUSIC THE mellow touch of music most doth wound 227 * TO MUSIC BEGIN to charm, and as thou strok'st mine ears • 228 THE VOICE AND VIOL RARE is the voice itself: but when we sing To th' lute or viol, then 'tis ravishing. * 229 * TO MUSIC, TO BECALM HIS FEVER CHARM me asleep, and melt me so Thou Power that canst sever M From me this ill ;- Thou sweetly canst convert the same My pains asleep, And give me such reposes, That I, poor I, I live and die 'Mongst roses. Fall on me like a silent dew, Or like those maiden showers, With thy soft strains ; For Heaven. DECAL * 230 * A THANKSGIVING TO GOD, FOR HIS HOUSE LORD, thou hast given me a cell, A little house, whose humble roof Is weather proof; Under the spars of which I lie Both soft and dry ; Where thou, my chamber for to ward, Hast set a guard Of harmless thoughts, to watch and keep Me, while I sleep. Low is my porch, as is my fate; Both void of state; And yet the threshold of my door Is worn by th' poor, Who thither come, and freely get Good words, or meat. Like as my parlour, so my hall And kitchen's small; A little buttery, and therein A little bin, Which keeps my little loaf of bread Unchipt, unflead; Some brittle sticks of thorn or briar Make me a fire, Close by whose living coal I sit, And glow like it. Lord, I confess too, when I dine, The pulse is thine. |