The wearer's no mean shepherdess. And shame-faced plum, all simp'ring there. Of every straight and smooth-skin tree; Where kissing that, I'll twice kiss thee. To thee a sheep-hook I will send, Be-prank'd with ribbands, to this end, This, this alluring hook might be Less for to catch a sheep, than me. Thou shalt have possets, wassails fine, Not made of ale, but spicéd wine; To make thy maids and self free mirth, All sitting near the glitt'ring hearth. "Thou shalt have ribbands, roses, rings, Gloves, garters, stockings, shoes, and strings Of winning colours, that shall move Others to lust, but me to love. -These, nay, and more, thine own shall be, If thou wilt love, and live with me. * 18 * THE WASSAIL GIVE way, give way, ye gates, and win And basket, by our entering in. May both with manchet stand replete ; Yet, ere twelve moons shall whirl about Next, may your dairies prosper so, Like to a solemn sober stream, Then may your plants be press'd with fruit, Nor bee or hive you have be mute, But sweetly sounding like a lute. Last, may your harrows, shares, and ploughs, Your stacks, your stocks, your sweetest mows, All prosper by your virgin-vows. -Alas! we bless, but see none here, Let's leave a longer time to wait, Where chimneys do for ever weep It is in vain to sing, or stay Our free feet here, but we'll away : 'The time will come when you'll be sad, 'And reckon this for fortune bad, IF ye *19* THE FAIRIES will with Mab find grace, Set each platter in his place; Rake the fire up, and get Water in, ere sun be set. Wash your pails and cleanse your dairies, Sluts are loathsome to the fairies; Sweep your house; Who doth not so, Mab will pinch her by the toe. * 20 * CEREMONY UPON CANDLEMAS EVE DOWN with the rosemary, and so Wherewith ye dress'd the Christmas hall; No one least branch there left behind; * 21 * CEREMONIES FOR CANDLEMAS EVE DOWN with the rosemary and bays, Down with the misletoe; Instead of holly, now up-raise The greener box, for show. The holly hitherto did sway; Or Easter's eve appear. Then youthful box, which now hath grace Your houses to renew, Grown old, surrender must his place Unto the crispéd yew. When yew is out, then birch comes in, And many flowers beside, Both of a fresh and fragrant kin, To honour Whitsuntide. Green rushes then, and sweetest bents, With cooler oaken boughs, Come in for comely ornaments, To re-adorn the house. Thus times do shift ; each thing his turn does hold; New things succeed, as former things grow old. * 22 * THE CEREMONIES FOR CANDLEMAS DAY KINDLE the Christmas brand, and then Which quench'd, then lay it up again, Part must be kept, wherewith to teend *23* FAREWELL FROST, OR WELCOME SPRING FLED are the frosts, and now the fields appear Reclothed in fresh and verdant diaper; |