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BI-MONTHLY UNSECTARIAN MAGAZINE Devoted to the Study of Mahayana Buddhism

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Contents:-Enlightenment and Ignorance, by D. T. Suzuki. The Doctrine of the
Tendai Sect, by R. C. Armstrong. Vimalakirti's Discourse on Emancipation
(Translation), by Hokei Idumi. Kobo Daishi, by B. L. Suzuki.
Temple Celebrations, by Seiren (Blue Lotus) Editorial, Notes.


We need not dwell upon the necessity and importance of such a magazine as this; all that is required now is the liberal support of sympathetic readers, without which we shall not be able to insure the success of the present enterprise. The Eastern Buddhist Society intends to do more than publish a magazine, but it all depends upon the material amount of the public co-operation. The editors and their friends have been thinking of this work for the past ten years. We now think it our mission to materialize, even under adverse conditions, our long-dreamed hopes. We most earnestly appeal to all those who are interested in this work to extend their helping hands for the sake of general enlightenment and for the sake of a better mutual understanding of the various religions and nations and races of the world.

Subscription per Year, 16s. 6d. Post free.
Single Numbers. Post free 3s. 4d.



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