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the company have been enabled to afford sures as experience may suggest, steadily to India extensive supplies at most sea-adhering at the same time to the principle sonable periods. The payments from the in view when the act was passed, the object home treasury on account of India and will be attained, so far as, under existing China, in the three years 1797-8 to 1799- circumstances, there is just ground to 1800 (a year later than the accounts now hope.-Greater credit may be assumed before the committee), have amounted from the amount of the sales in general, to no less a sum than 10,660,000l. Of from the discovery that the purchases this, 4,100,000l. were for the exports of were not made on mere speculation, but this country, 2,240,000l. for bullion, on a real demand. In the articles for 2,700,000l. in payment of bills of ex- foreign consumption, particularly, proofs change, and 1,600,000l. in liquidation of to that effect exist; and the goods were the Indian debt; so that the average shipped with a rapidity before unknown. supply in those years was more than An evidence, still stronger, is found on 3,500,000.-The propriety of keeping up the sales of the next year, which, as far as the investments in India to the utmost the accounts are made up, appear to have amount possible, is still farther evinced, been equal to the large amount estimated. by a reference to the situation of the The improving state of the commerce company, in consequence of the expul- is likewise manifested in the enlarged desion of European rivals. The opportunity mands for the manufactures of this counwas too favourable to be neglected; it try. From the ready sale, the governments became, in fact, a duty to embrace it. abroad were induced to add considerably On that principle, the legislature per- to their indents: and the court of direcmitted (if necessary) an addition of two tors, willing to contribute so essentially millions to the capital stock. The de- to the general advantage, greatly enlarged pressed value of the public securities, for the consignments. Some later advices a considerable time after the passing of mention a partial stagnation, from the that act, rendered it unadviseable to have scarcity of specie, and the disturbed state recourse to this measure; which, in one of India. The supply of bullion from respect, may be deemed fortunate, as an home will have afforded great relief in the opportunity has been afforded of discover- first instance, and the successful operaing the power and extent of the com- tions of the British arms will have matepany's credit and resources; and the full rially contributed to correct the other; so benefit of the exertions abroad has been that there is every prospect of an increased derived by the aid only of occasional issues consumption in future. A demand may of bonds and of loans from the Bank, likewise arise in the recently acquired each of which has been reduced to the territories, and in other parts where it has former level. In the last year, a consi- been endeavoured to establish a commerderable amelioration appeared in the cial intercourse. The substantial advanhome concern; but in no proportion equal tages accruing, both abroad and at home, to that in the accounts of the present from an increased demand of the manuyear. Against this the deterioration of factures, in either instance, will not be the foreign may be stated; but the most disputed in it centers the surest source effectual remedy in that respect has been of prosperity. Those advantages cannot applied; and the improvement on the be more strongly exemplified than in the concern in general, compared with the period now under consideration. The year preceding, exceeds one million ster- employ of the thousands of industrious ling. The produce of the sales in the year artizans in the Indian provinces, afforded 1798-9 was unprecedented. The encou- the means of purchasing the goods of this ragements under the act of 1793 to private country, and contributed largely to protraders, that the commerce of the East duce other beneficial effects, already stated. might be brought to Great Britain, have The trade with China may not perhaps be already had happy effects. The sales of thought to be productive of this reciproprivate trade goods are every year increas- cal advantage in so great a degree; the ing; those of the last year exceeded any benefit is still, however, immense, both to former; those of the year now under con- the company and to the nation: to the comsideration were still 400,000l. more; and pany, from contributing most essentially little doubt need be entertained, but by a to the sales at home, in an article yielding regulated extension of the privilege, and by considerable profit. The benefit to the the adoption of such additional wise mea-nation, exclusive of the employment of

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annual sales of tea from 1784 to the latest period, it appears that till the year 1790 they amounted, on the average, to sixteen million pounds weight, never below fifteen: from that time to 1796, the increase was progressively to twenty-one millions. In the two following years they did not quite reach twenty millions; but in the year ending 1799, they arrived at near twenty-five millions; and there is every prospect that the next year will not fall short of that quantity.

shipping, is two-fold; in point of revenue, as will be again noticed, but specially, in the constant, regular, and increasing an nual demand for the woollens and metals. The demand, indeed, for woollens, may be stated as beneficial to the nation alone: as in a commercial point of view, the company, considered only as merchants, might not think it prudent to attend to it, on account of the loss to which it frequently exposes them; but notwithstanding a loss in the last year, the export in the following has been increased, because the company, from a sense of duty to the public, very properly reflected, that they should not be justified in placing their own immediate interest in competition with the advantages generally diffused by the consumption of manufactures, to the amount of several hundred thousand pounds sterling. It is much to be regretted, that, from the situation of the affairs in India, the balances due the Chinese merchants were so greatly increased; as it is always desirable for the credit of the company and of the nation to keep them as low as possible. Late advices state, that by the timely assistance of bullion and goods from, and bills upon Europe and the presidencies in India, the balance has since been re-affairs rendered it, in the past case, expereduced from 1,073,000l. to 220,000l.

I have already remarked, that the produce of the sales in the year 1798-9 was unprecedented. Their immense amount, notwithstanding the continued demands upon the capital of the country for the purposes of war, furnishes a convincing proof of the general commercial prospe rity. The internal prosperity is likewise particularly displayed, in the greatly increased amount of one article, forming a very material part of those sales. The article alluded to is that of tea; which, though it may perhaps be termed an arti ficial necessary of life, is become a necessary few would be disposed to relinquish. The consumption of it has gradually increased since the year 1784, the time of passing the Commutation act. At that time it was supposed by some gentlemen, that the quantity consumed would not exceed twelve millions of pounds; and I well remember differing in opinion on that subject, with a most valuable character now no more, the late Mr. Nathaniel Smith, for whose memory I shall ever retain the highest respect. The result has been most flattering to my expectations, and most beneficial to the country, in point of revenue. By an account of the

Having offered the fullest explanations of the causes which have operated as a drain upon the resources of India, of the effect upon the commercial system, and of the measures successfully resorted to for carrying on and extending the trade; it still remains to be premised, that notwithstanding the wisdom of those mea. sures appears so fully confirmed by their favourable out-turn as to demand an almost unqualified approbation, and notwithstanding the wish I ever did and always shall entertain for the utmost extension of the company's trade, I am not prepared to say it will be, at every time, prudent to furnish the investments, by adding to the debt in India. The peculiar situation of

dient, and indeed necessary; but in future, other modes must be devised. A considerable surplus from the revenues will again, I trust, very soon accrue; but in whatever sum that may prove deficient for the purchase of cargoes, a supply must be found, either by bills upon the court of directors, or by bullion, or exports from this country. The debt abroad must not be allowed to accumulate beyond a certain amount: it is, at present, far too large, and means must be discovered for its reduction.

It being intended to take a more comprehensive view of the general state of the Indian concern when the next accounts are laid before the House, the remaining observations, with regard to the situation of the possessions abroad, will be very brief. A tolerable accurate judgment of the state of the provinces under the management of the several presidencies may be formed, from the copious remarks upon the produce of their resources respectively. The causes of the disappointments in the receipts from the land rents, and from the sale of salt in Bengal, have been distinctly explained, and the remedy in contempla tion to secure the more ready recovery of the former. The apprehensions of the

the deceased, the necessity of his early deposition and of placing the rightful heir on the musnud, are therein distinctly stated, also the treaty with the latter, conferring greater advantages on the company. The defective title of the deposed nabob was fully proved; and his deposition may be considered a favourable circumstance, as the worst of consequences might have been expected from the treachery and baseness of his disposition, also from his enmity to the British. These have since been most fatally displayed in the premeditated assassination of the resident and some other gentlemen at Benares, where he had retired, under the protection of the company, on ample allowances from the government of Oude. The adoption of prompt and vigorous measures, prevented the further accomplishment of his purposes; and he, for a time, escaped by flight the just vengeance due to his crimes. The increased subsidy provides for an additional force stationed in Oude.

tranquillity of the provinces being disturbed by the supposed disaffection of some of the zemindars, appear to be completely removed, from the discovery of the artifice employed to produce them; and, exclusive of occasional protraction of the payments of the rents (by no means general), no ground of complaint seems to exist. On the contrary there is every reason to be satisfied that the great body of the land-holders appear fully impressed with a sense of the superior comforts they enjoy, from the mild and equitable regulations established under the present system of government. The only points in immediate connexion with the Indian resources, to which it is further necessary to request the attention of the committee, are those relating to the alliances with the native princes. Some important changes have been glanced at, and an intention signified that more precise information would be afforded. The due realization of the subsidies which those princes severally engaged to pay Doubts were, at first, enterto the company for military succours, is tained for its realization for a year or two; certainly of material consequence. In but, by late advices, the payments have some instances, it is secured by direct been punctually kept up. The intention assignments of districts; in others, the of the present vizier to reform the adgood faith of the parties was the only ministration, and to disband a great part guarantee. The treaty with the late na of his own extensive army, and institute bob vizier of Oude was under this pre- a more disciplined force in its room, will dicament, and will be the first for remark. enable him to continue the regular fulfilIt may not be requisite now to enter ment of the stipulations of his treaty. upon the discussion of the origin of this The due performance of the stipulations connexion, nor of the obligations which in the treaties with the nabob of Arcot, the former vizier was under to the com- and the rajah of Tanjore is secured, by pany. Of this, both himself and his suc-specific assignments of districts in their cessor, the nabob, who died in 1797, appeared sensible, and the engagements they entered into were discharged. The necessity of preserving the influence which had long subsisted at the court of Lucknow, cannot be disputed; nor the conse-been inducements to the most friendly quence which must attach to the exercise of that influence on principles of moderation and justice. During the latter part of the life of the late vizier, the errors in the administration of his affairs were such as to threaten the most serious evils, and were the cause of repeated friendly remonstrances on the part of the Bengal government. The events immediately following the death of the vizier are detailed in the very able and judicious minute of the late governor-general, laid before the House, with other documents on this subject, in the last session. The succession of vizier Ally, a youth about sixteen years of age, the reputed son of

respective territories. As to the nabob of Arcot, it was reasonably to be expected, that the long established alliance with his family, and a grateful sense of the eminent services they had received would have

and cordial co-operation, in whatever might have a tendency to further the interests of his allies. A modification of the arrangements made in the year 1792, was desirable for the interests of both parties: the remonstrances with him, on that subject, have been formerly stated to the committee; nothing however has been yet effected. The committee were informed, in the last year, of the assumption of the assigned districts in the Tanjore country. That measure has been followed by one of still greater importance, but totally unconnected with the character or conduct of the rajah, or the fulfilment of his stipulated engagements.

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A long detail of the reasons which influ enced the governments in India in the transaction to be now stated would consume too much time; suffice it to say, that they were prescribed by every principle of justice, and that the measure was not carried into effect without an elaborate investigation, nor without reference to the most venerable Hindoo characters in different parts of India. On their judgment of the illegality of the title of the rajah to the musnud he was removed; and as the right of the adopted son of the former rajah was, on the same judgment, pronounced indisputably valid, he was accordingly seated on the throne. The change has not produced any disturbance, the late rajah having shewn all submission to the decision, from his deference to the respectable authorities on which it was founded. Every arrangement has been made, that the effect of the loss of his station and dignity may be felt as little as possible; and a suitable allowance has been conferred by the present rajah for his support. The committee are already furnished with complete information of the circumstances connected with the late war in Mysore, by the documents not long since presented to parlia

ment. The resolutions of the House have recorded the gratitude of the country, and the sense entertained of the distinguished merits of the most noble and truly hoDourable and respectable characters to whose wisdom and talents in the ma. magements of the affairs of the East,

that his majesty finds himself enabled to communicate to this House the joint Address of his Lords and Commons of Ireland, laying before his majesty certain resolutions, which contain the terms proposed by them for an entire union between the two kingdoms. His majesty is persuaded that this House will participate in the pleasure with which his majesty observes the conformity of sentiment manifested in the proceedings of his two parliaments, after long and careful deliberation on this most important subject; and he earnestly recommends to this House, to take all such further steps as may best tend to the speedy and complete execution of a work so happily begun, and so interesting to the security and happiness of his majesty's subjects, and to the general strength and prosperity of the British empire.

"G. R."

A similar Message was presented to the Lords by lord Grenville. It was ordered to be taken into consideration on the 21st.

Copy of the Resolutions and Address of the Irish Parliament respecting the Union.] The following Papers were laid before both Houses, by his majesty's command:

RESOLUTIONS of the two Houses of the Parliament of Ireland, respecting a Union of the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland; and their Address thereupon to his majesty. Die Mercurii, 26 Martii


Resolved,--1. That, in order to promote and secure the essential interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the

strength, power, and resources of the British empire, it will be advisable to concur in such measures as may best tend to unite the two kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland into one kingdom, in such manner and on such terms and conditions, as may be established by the acts of the respective parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland.

at a very critical and momentous period, we are most signally indebted. The like just tribute has been paid to the armies, by whose undaunted courage, and indefatigable zeal and exertions, the speedy and successful termination of this unprovoked war has been accomplished. Having signified my intention of soon offering to the committee a more comprehensive view of the company's concerns, I shall, till That for the purpose of establishing a then, defer any observations on the ex-union upon the basis stated in the resolutions tensive happy consequences to be expected of the two Houses of the parliament of Great from this memorable event.-Mr. Dundas Britain, communicated by his majesty's comthen read certain resolutions founded on mand in the message sent to this House by the several statements, which were severally his excellency the lord lieutenant, it would be put, and agreed to. fit to propose, as the first article of Union, that the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland shall, upon the 1st day of January which ever after, be united into one kingdom, by shall be in the year of our lord 1801, and for the name of "The United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and that the royal stile and titles appertaining to the imperial crown “It is with the most sincere satisfaction of the said United Kingdom, and its dependen

The King's Message respecting a Union with Ireland.] April 2. Mr. Pitt presented the following Message from the King:


cies, and also the ensigns armorial, flags and banners thereof, shall be such as his majesty, by his royal proclamation under the great seal of the United Kingdom, shall be pleased to appoint,

2. That, for the same purpose, it would be fit to propose, as the second article of Union, that the succession to the imperial crown of the said United Kingdom, and of the dominions thereunto belonging, shall continue limited and settled in the same manner as the succession to the imperial crown of the said kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, now stands limited and settled, according to the existing laws, and to the terms of Union between England and Scotland.

3. That, for the same purpose, it would be fit to propose, as the third article of Union, that the said United Kingdom be represented in one and the same parliament, to be stiled "The parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland."

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4. That, for the same purpose, it would be fit to propose, as the fourth article of Union, that four lords spiritual of Ireland by rotation of sessions, and twenty-eight lords temporal of Ireland, elected for life by the pcers of Ireland, shall be the number to sit and vote on the part of Ireland in the House of Lords of the parliament of the United King. dom; and one hundred commoners (two for each county of Ireland, two for the city of Dublin, two for the city of Cork, one for the University of Trinity College, and one for each of the thirty one most considerable cities, towns, and boroughs) be the number to sit and vote on the part of Ireland in the House of Commons of the parliament of the United Kingdom: That such act as shall be passed in the parliament of Ireland previous to the Union, "to regulate the mode by which the Lords spiritual and temporal, and the Commons, to serve in the parliament of the United Kingdom on the part of Ireland, shall be summoned or returned to "the said parliament,' shall be considered as forming part of the treaty of Union, and shall be incorporated in the acts of the respective parliaments by which the said union shall be ratified and established: That all questions touching the rotation or election of lords spiritual or temporal of Ireland to sit in the parliament of the United Kingdom, shall be decided by the House of lords thereof; and whenever there shall be an equality of votes in the election of any such lords temporal, the names of such peers as have an equal number of votes in their favour shall be written on pieces of paper of a similar form, and shall be put into a glass, by the clerk of the parliament, at the table of the House of Lords, whilst the House is sitting; and the peer whose name shall be first drawn out by the clerk of the parliament, shall be deemed the peer elected: That any person holding any peerage of Ireland, now subsisting, or hereafter to be created, shall not thereby be disqualified from being elected

to serve for any county, city, or borough of Great Britain, in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, unless he shall have been previously elected as above to sit in the House of Lords of the United Kingdom; but that so long as such peer of Ireland, shall so continue to be a member of the House of Commons, he shall not be entitled to the privilege of peerage, nor be capable of being elected to serve as a peer on the part of Ireland, or of voting at any such election; and that he shall be liable to be sued, indicted, proceeded against, and tried as a commoner, for any offence with which he may be charged: That it shall be lawful for his majesty, his heirs and successors to create peers of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, and to make promotions in the peerage thereof, after the Union, provided that no new creation of any such peers shall take place after the Union until three of the peerages of Ireland which shall have been existing at the time of the Union shall have become extinct; and upon such extinction of three peerages, that it shall be lawful for his majesty, his heirs and successors, to create one peer of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland; and in like manner so often as three peerages of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland shall become extinct, it shall be lawful for his majesty, his heirs and successors, to create one other peer of the said part of the United Kingdom; and if it shall happen that the peers of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, shall by extinction of peerages, or otherwise, be reduced to the number of one hundred, exclusive of such peers of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland as shail he peers of Great Britain, or the United Kingdom, then and in that case it shall and may be lawful to his majesty, his heirs and successors, to create one peer of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, whenever any one of such one hundred peerages shall have failed by extinction, or otherwise, it being the true intent and meaning of this article, that at all times after the Union, it shall and may be lawful to his majesty, his heirs and successors, to keep up the exclusive peerage of that part of the said United Kingdom called Ireland to the number of one hundred That if any peerage shall at any time be in abeyance, such peerage be deemed and taken as an existing peerage, and no peerage shall be deemed extinct, unless on default of claimants to the inheritance of such peerage for the space of one year from the death of the person who shall have been last possessed thereof; and if no claim shall be made to the inheritance of such peerage, in such form and manner as may from time to time be prescribed by the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, before the expiration of the said period of a year, then and in that case such peerage shall be deemed extinct, provided that nothing herein shall ex


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