Imágenes de página
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3. Poems:

In Giles and Migne as above also MGH. Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini. I.
pp. 3-23.

Bock, C. P. Eine Reliquie des Apostels der Deutschen. Freibürger
Diöcesan Archiv. III. pp. 221-72. (For riddles.)

4. Penitential (significant for Boniface's relation to the Celtic discipline and his connexion with England).

Incompletely (as Poenitentiale St Bonifacii et antiqua confessio theotisca) in Martène and Durand (Tom. VII, col. 48), Giles and Migne. Completely by Binterim, A. J., in "C Blasci Dissertatio in qua ostenditur, diaconis nunquam fuisse permissum administrare sacramentum poenitentiae," Mainz, 1822: also in Binterim, Die vorzuglichsten Denkwürdigkeiten der christ.-katholischen Kirche aus den ersten, mittlern und letzten Zeiten, vol. v. Mainz. 1825-41. [On the connexion with Egbert's Penitential see Nürnberger, A. Zu den handschriftlichen Uberlieferung der Werke des h. Bonifaz. NAGDG. VII. pp. 299-325.]

5. Letters:


Ed. Dümmler, E. Epp. S. Bonifatii et Lulli; in Epistolarum Meroving.
MGH. III. pp. 231-431. Berlin. 1892. (Best edn.)
Also in Jaffé, Ph. Mon. Moguntina. Bibliotheca rer. German. III. (A good
edn.; less useful are the earlier edns. of works of Boniface.) See for
criticism Loofs, below.

Transl. (German). Tangl, M. Briefe des hl. Bonifatius.
deutschen Vorzeit. Vol. XCII. Leipsic. 1912.

Gesch. d.

Kylie, E. English letters of St Boniface. (King's Classics.) London. 1911.
Diekamp, W. Die Wiener Handschrift der Bonifatius Briefe. NAGDG.
Vol. IX. pp. 9-28.


Levison, W. Vitae S. Bonifatii archiepiscopi Moguntini. In Script. rer.
German. 1905. (Best edn., includes all the lives with an admirable

1. Willibald. Vita S. Bonifatii. Ed. first by Canisius, H. Antiquae
Lectionis. IV. Ingolstadt. 1603. Other edns. by

Pertz. MGH. Script. rer. Merov. II. 331-53. Hanover. 1829. And
Jaffé, Ph. Mon. Moguntina. pp. 429-71. Bibliotheca rer. German. III.
Berlin. 1866.

Nürnberger, A. J. Vita S. Bonif. 27ster Sitzungsber. der wiss. Gesell.
Philon. Neisse, 1895, and separately, Breslau, 1896.

2. Vita Bonifatii auctore Radbodo. Ed. first by Henschen, Godef. and
Papebroch, Dan. ASBoll. for June, 1. Antwerp. 1695. Partly
in Pertz a fragment in Jaffé, as above.

3. Vita Bonifatii (Passio S. Bon. Ep. et Mart. et sociorum eius). Ed. first in ASBoll. as above. Partly in Pertz.

4. Vita auctore Moguntino (Passio S. Bon.). Ed. first in ASBoll. In Pertz and Jaffé.

5. Passio S. Bonifatii Episcopi et sociorum eius. Ed. first by Nürnberger, A. Anecdota Bonifatiana. 26ster Sitzungsbericht d. wissen. Gesell. Philomathie zu Neisse. Neisse. 1892.

6. Vitae Bon. auctore Othloho libri duo. Ed. first by Surius, Laurentius, De probatis SS. historiis. Vol. III. Cologne, 1572: then by Canisius. Partly in Pertz and Jaffé.

Böhmer, J. Fr.


Regesta Archiepiscoporum Maguntinensium.
Edited by Will, Cornelius. Innsbruck. 1877.

Bd. I.


Conversion of the Germans

For German translations:

Vita Willibaldi, by Simson, B. E. Berlin. 1863. And
Arndt, W. In Geschichte d. d. Vorzeit. 1888.

Lives 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 are translated in Külb as above.

Woelbing, G. Die Mittelalterlichen Lebenschreibungen des Bonifatius ihrem Inhalte nach untersucht, verglichen und erläutert. Jena. 1892. (Dissertation.)

[For articles on Lives see Will's edn. of Böhmer's Regesta, as above, Potthast, Dahlmann-Waitz and Kurth. See Gen. Bibl. 1.]

For the general historical sources see Bibliographies to chaps. IV, xvIII and xxII, especially important are MGH, Script. rer. Meroving., Epistolae Meroving., and Concil. aevi Meroving. (Leg. sect. III).

For Columbanus, see Bibl. in Hauck, Kirchengesch. 1. 263. See Gen. Bibl. vi. Ionas. Vitae S. Columbani abbatis discipulorumque eius libri duo. Ed. Krusch, B. MGH, Script. rer. Merov. IV. 1902. See also Ionas, Vitae Sanctorum, Columbani, Vedastis, Johannis. Ed. Krusch, B. in Script. rer. German.



Gundlach, W. Ueber die Columban-Briefe. NAGDG. Vol. xv. 1890. pp. 499-526.

Columbani Epistolae et Carmina in MGH, Epistolae III. Berlin. 1892.

Sebass, O. Über Columbas von Luxeuil Klosterregel. Dresden. 1883. For the predecessors of Boniface see Hauck and RE3. Also Bibliography of Chap. IV. Many Vitae and Passiones in MGH, Script. Meroving. Ed. Krusch, B. and Levison, W. Vol. v. Hanover and Leipsic. 1910.


Breysig, Theodor. Jahrbücher des fränk. Reiches. 714-41. Leipsic. 1869.
Browne, G. F. Boniface of Crediton. London. 1910. [Best English account.]
Buss, F. I. von. Winfrid-Bonifacius. Ed. Scherer, R. Graz. 1888.
Cholevius, E. Einfluss Roms auf d. Amtsführung d. Bonifatius. Königsberg.
1887. (Dissertation.)

Dunzelmann. Zur Anordnung der B. Briefe und der frank. Synoden. FDG.
Vol. XIII. 1873.

Untersuchung über die ersten gehalten Concilien unter Karlmann und Pippin. Göttingen. 1869.

Ebrard, J. H. A. Die Iroschottische Missionskirche des 6, 7 und 8 Jahrhunderts. Gütersloh. 1873.

Bonifatius, der Zerstörer des Columbanische Kirchenthums auf dem Festlände. Gütersloh. 1882. (Imagines a "Culdee" Church to have existed on the Continent.)

Festgabe zum Bonifatius-Jubiläum. Fulda. 1905. [Especially Scherer, C. on "Die Codices Bonifatiani in der Landesbibliotek zu Fulda," and Richter, G., "Beiträge zur Geschichte der Grabeskirche des hl. Bonifatius in Fulda."] Fischer, O. Bonifatius, der Apostel der Deutschen. Paderborn. 1895.

D. Legatenamt d. Bonifatius und seine Mission unter d. Sachsen. FDG. XXVI. pp. 640-7. Förster, H. Zur Bonifaciusfrage. TSK. 1876. pp. 664-703. (A general study.) Hahn, H. Jahrbücher des fränk. Reichs. 741-52. Berlin. 1863. (Especially Excursus XIV, The Council of Lestines (Estinnes). Exc. xv, The opponents of Boniface in 745. Exc. xvI for Gewilip. Exc. xxi, Boniface and Grifo. For Fulda see Exc. xxvi and Hauck, 1, 580-3.)

[blocks in formation]

Hahn, H. Bonifaz und Lul. Ihre Angelsächsischen Korrespondenten. Erzbischof Luls Leben. Leipsic. 1883. [Excellent on friends of Boniface.]

Noch einmal die Briefe und Synoden des B. FDG. Vol. xv. 1875. Hauck. Kirchengesch. (See Gen. Bibl. vi.) Vol. 1. [Indispensable: full treatment in notes and Excursus of all contested points with references to latest literature.

Hefele, C. J. Geschichte der Einführung des Christentum in süd-westl. Deutschland besonders in Württemberg. 1837.

Conciliengeschichte. III. (See Gen. Bibl. vi.)

(The new French translations by Leclercq should always be referred to also. See III, pt. 2, 815 and 825 ff. for Councils and literature on them.) Holder-Egger, O. Über die Vita Lulli und ihren Verfassen. NAGDG. IX. pp. 283-320. (Assigns this interesting life to Lampert of Hersfeld.) Jaffé, Ph. Zur Chronologie der B. Briefe und Synoden. FDG. Vol. x. 1870. Köhler, W. Bonifatius in Hessen und das hessische Bistum Buraburg. ZKG. Vol. xxv. pp. 197-232. (Excellent for the relations of various parts of Boniface's work to each other.)

Körber, G. W. Die Ausbreitung des Christentum in südl. Baden. Heidelberg. 1878.

Kurth, G. Saint Boniface. Paris. 1902. 2nd edn. (3rd edn. reprinting.) [Excellent bibliography.]

Histoire poétique des Mérovingiens. Paris. 1893.

Kylie, E. The Conditions of the German Provinces as illustrating the methods of St Boniface. JTS. VII. pp. 29 ff. London. 1905-6.

Lechler, Gotthard. Die Bekehrung der Deutschen zu Christo, nach ihrem geschichtlichen Gäng. TSK. 1876. pp. 520-38.

Loening. Geschichte des deutschen Kirchenrechts. Strassburg. 2 vols. 1878. Loofs, F. Der Beiname des Apostels der Deutschen nebst ein Mitteilung über Bonifatii Ep. 22 bei Jaffé. (MRG, 111.) ZKG. pp. 623-31. 1882. (Argues for derivation of name from fari not facere, and for its assumption at Rome in 718 or 719.)

Der Chronologie der auf die fränk. Synoden des hl. Bonif. bezüglichen
Briefe der Bonifat. Briefsammlung. Leipsic. 1881.

Müller, J. P. Bonifacius eine kerkhistorische studie. 2 vols. Amsterdam. 1869-70.

Neander, A. See Gen. Bibl. vi.

Nürnberger, A. J. Die Namen Vynfrith Bonifatius. (28 Ber. d. Philomathie zu Neisse.) Breslau. 1897.

Oelsner. Jahrbücher des fränkischen Reichs unter König Pippin. Leipsic. 1871. Pfahler, G. St Bonifacius und seine Zeit. Regensburg. 1880.

Schmidt, H. G. Über d. Ernennung d. Bonifatius zum Metropoliten v. Köln. Coepenick. 1899. (Dissertation.)

Seiters, G. Bonifacius der Apostel der Deutschen. Mainz. 1845.

Sepp, B. Zur Chronologie des ersten der fränk. Synoden des VIII Jahrhunderts. HJ. XXII. 1901.

Tangl, M. Die Todesjahr d. Bonifatius z. d. Verein. f. Hess. G. Neue Folge 27. Wattenbach, W. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen. See Gen. Bibl. 1. Werminghoff, A. Kirchengesch. See Gen. Bibl. vi.

NAGDG. XXIV. p. 459 sqq. (On Synod of 742.)

Werner, A. Bonifacius der Apostel der Deutschen und die Romanisierung von Mittel-Europa. Leipsic. 1875.

Articles on Boniface (by Werner, A.), and other missionaries in RE': in EncBr. (by Shotwell, J. T.): in Lichtenberger's Enc. (by Paumers): in WetzerKaulen (by Kessels). See Gen. Bibl. 1.




Gross, C. Sources and Literature of English History. See Gen. Bibl. 1. II. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS

(a) LAWS

Liebermann, F. Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. See Gen. Bibl. Iv.

Thorpe, B. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, with an English translation of the Saxon. Record Comm. 1840.


Haddan, A. W. and Stubbs, W. Councils, etc. See Gen. Bibl. III.


Facsimiles of ancient charters in the British Museum. Ed. Bond, E. A. 4 pts. London. 1873-8.

Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Ed. Sandars, W. B. 3 pts. Ordnance Survey Office. Southampton. 1878-84.

Birch, W. de Gray. Cartularium Saxonicum. Vol. 1. London. 1885. Kemble, J. M. Codex diplomaticus aevi Saxonici. Eng. Hist. Soc. 6 vols. London. 1839-48.

Napier, A. S. and Stevenson, W. H. The Crawford Charters: a collection of early charters and documents now in the Bodleian Library. Oxford. 1895. (Anecdota Oxon. IV, 7.)


Beowulf, a facsimile of the MSS. Ed. Zupitza, J.

(EETS.) 1882.

Clark Hall, J. R. Beowulf and the Finnsbury Fragment, a translation into modern English Prose. London.


Grein, C. W. M. and Wülker, R. P. Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie. Vol. I. Cassel. 1881. Widsith, 35 ff. Beowulf, 1944 ff.



Alcuin. Alcuini Opera, cura Frobenii. MPL, c, ci.

Monumenta Alcuiniana, in Bibliotheca Rerum Germanicarum. Ed. Jaffé,
Ph. VI. Berlin. 1873.


Sancti Aldhelmi opera. Ed. Giles, J. A. MPL. LXXXIX. Anonymous. Vita S. Cuthberti. Ed. Stevenson, J. in Bede's Opera. London. 1838. Written c. A.D. 700, rewritten by Bede c. A.D. 720. Trans. W. Forbes Leith. Edinburgh. 1888.

Bede. Venerabilis Bedae Opera Historica. Ed. Plummer, C.
Eddi. Vita Wilfridi Episcopi Eboracensis. Historians of the
Ed. Raine, J. Vol. 1, pp. 1-103. (Rolls.) 1879.
Felix. Vita S. Guthlaci. Ed. Birch, W. de G.

See Gen. Bibl. v. Church of York.

Wisbeach. 1881.



Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Ed. Plummer, C. See Gen. Bibl. v.


Annales Cambriae. Ed. Phillimore, E. Soc. of Cymmrodorior y Cymmrodor. Ix. 141-83. London. 1888.

Annales Lindisfarnenses. Ed. Pertz. MGH. Script. (No. 594.) XIX. 502-8. Faricius. Vita Aldhelmi, in Vita quorumdam Anglo-Saxonum. Ed. Giles, J. A. Caxton Soc. London. 1854.

Simeon of Durham. Historia Dunelmensis Ecclesiae and Historia Regum. Ed. Arnold, T. (Rolls.) 1885.

William of Malmesbury. De gestis pontificorum Anglorum. Ed. Hamilton, N.E. S.D. (Rolls.) 1870.

De gestis regum Anglorum. Ed. Stubbs, W. (Rolls.) 1887-9.



Bright, W. Chapters of Early English Church History. Vol. III. Oxford. 1893. Brown, G. Baldwin. The Arts in Early England. London. 1903. Vol. I. The

Life of Saxon England in its Relation to the Arts. Vol. II. Ecclesiastical Architecture from the conversion of the Saxons to the Norman Conquest. Cambridge History of English Literature. Ed. Ward, A. W. and Waller, A. R. Vol. I. Cambridge. 1907.

Cunningham, W. The Growth of English Industry and Commerce. 3rd edn. Cambridge.

Green, J. R.

The Making of England. London. 1881.

Hodgkin, T. Political History of England to 1066. London. 1906.

Hunt, W. The History of the English Church from its foundation to the Norman Conquest. London. 1899.

Kemble, J. M. The Saxons in England. London. 1849. Ed. Birch, W. de G. 2 vols. 1876.

Lloyd, J. E. History of Wales. 2 vols. London. 1911.

Makower, F. Constitutional History of the Church of England. Berlin. 1894.
Trans. Upton. London. 1895.

Maurer, Konrad. Angelsächsische Rechtsverhältnisse, Kritische Überschau der
Deutschen Gesetzgebung. Munich. 1853-6. [Corrects Kemble.]
Medley, D. J. A Students Manual of English,Constitutional History. 4th edn.
Oxford. 1907.

Oman, C. England before the Norman Conquest. London. 1910.

Ramsey, J. H. The Foundations of England. London. 1898.

Social England, by various writers. Ed. Trail, H. D. and Mann, J. S. Illustrated edn. London. 1901.

Stubbs, W. Constitutional History of England. See Gen. Bibl. VI. Vol. 1. 6th edn. 1897.


Aronius, Julius. Diplomatische Studien über die älteren angelsächsischen Urkunden [to A.D. 839]. Königsberg. 1883.

Bateson, M. Origin and early history of double Monasteries. Ibid. N.S. XIII. 137-98.

Bönhoff, Leo.

Aldhelm von Malmesbury. Dresden. 1804.

Brunner, H. Sippe und Wergeld. ZR. xvI. Germ. Abth. pp. 14-18. (1882.)

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