A WREKIN COLLEGE, WELLINGTON, SALOP Chairman: on THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD GISBOROUGH. Leaving Exhibitions ranging in value from £65 to £30 per annum, tenable at any University or other place of higher education approved by the Governors, are awarded at the end of the Summer Term. For particulars apply to the HEADMASTER, Wrekin College. WYCOMBE ABBEY SCHOOL, BUCKS NOT less than six Scholarships of the nominal value of £10 a year will be offered by the Council on the result of an examination to be held in May, 1925, to GIRLS under 14 on May 1. The Council are prepared to give, if necessary, additional grants varying from £30 to £90 a year to scholars. All entry forms must be received before March 31, 1925. For further particulars apply to the HEAD MISTRESS. ECEIVED July 23, 1923, from of the leading Cours des Vacances on the Continent: "Il est regrettable que le cours du change ne nous ait pas permis de faire une plus large publicité dans votre Journal. Nous avons été heureux, cependant, de recueillir les adhésions d'une centaine d'étudiants environ. Votre publicité y a certainement contribué et nous aurons à nouveau recours à vos bons offices, l'an prochain." Patron: His Majesty the King. President: H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G. LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS (Syllabus A). Written Examinations held in March and November at all Centres. Practical Examinations in MarchApril and November-December at all Centres. Entries for the March-April Examinations close Wednesday, February 11, 1925. "SCHOOL" EXAMINATIONS (Syllabus B). Held throughout the British Isles three times a year, viz. March-April, June-July, and OctoberNovember. Entries for the March-April Examinations close Wednesday, February 4, 1925. ELOCUTION EXAMINATIONS will be held at certain fixed centres in March-April, June-July, and October-November each year. For full particulars see special Elocution Syllabus. The Board offers annually SIX EXHIBITIONS tenable at The R.A.M. or The R.C.M. for two or three years. Syllabuses A and B, Elocution Syllabus, Entry Forms, and any further information, will be sent post free on application to-THE SECRETARY, 14 and 15 Bedford Square, London, W.C. 1. Too Late for Classification CENTRAL SCHOOL OF SPEECH TRAINING AND DRAMATIC ART ROYAL ALBERT HALL, S.W. 7. Recognized as an approved course under the Diploma in Dramatic Art, University of London. President: W. L. COURTENAY Principal: ELSIE FOGERTY COURSES OF DRAMATIC VOICE TRAINING PHONETICS PUBLIC SPEAKING CURE OF SPEECH DEFECTS Complete course of Training for the Stage. Complete course for teachers of Diction and Speech. The Teacher's Course is accepted as satisfying the conditions in respect of training by the Teachers Registration Council. SPECIAL TEACHERS AVAILABLE FOR EVENING, DRAMATIC AND RECITA SPEECH TRAINING Headquarters: ROYAL ALBERT HALL President: ELSIE FOGERTY. Hon. Secretary: Trained teachers, resident or visiting, sent to any part of Great Britain or to the Colonies. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM EXAMINATIONS for Degrees in Music are held as follows: Matriculation, January, July, and October. First Mus.B., March and September. Final Mus. B., and Mus.D., September only. For particulars apply-SECRETARY OF EXAMINATIONS, University Offices Durham. Copies of former Examination Papers, 1s. 8d. per set. Too Late for Classification MISS AGNES NIGHTINGALE, Geography Certificate, London School of Economics and author of "Visual Geography," "Visual Botany, etc., visits Schools for Geography, Botany, elementary Science and Book-keeping. Preparation for Examinations. 89a Cambridge Gardens, London, W. 10. 1 S UNIVERSITY COLLEGES, Training Colleges, and T. Technical Schools. esidence] See also pages 1-7, 26, 33, 44, 47, 50, 72; [Halls of Residence] 2; MARY'S COLLEGE, King's College for Women | ST; T. GEORGE'S TRAINING 34 LANCASTER GATE, W. 2. TRAINING COLLEGE (attached to Secondary School and Kindergarten). Recognized by the Board of Education. Miss H. L. POWELL, Newnham College, Historical THE CAMBRIDGE TRAINING COLLECE FOR WOMEN (post-graduate) Recognized by the Board of Education as a Training College for Secondary Teachers. PRINCIPAL: Miss M. H. WOOD, M.A., Litt.D., Classical Tripos, Cambridge, Girton College. A RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE providing a year's professional training for Secondary Teachers. Preparation for the Cambridge Teachers' Diplomas. Ample opportunity for practice in teaching Science. Languages, Mathematics, and other subjects. Fees (for fully qualified students), £140 and £130. Admission in January and September. For particulars of admission, Scholarships, bursaries, and loan fund, apply - The Principal, Cambridge Training College, Wollaston Road, Cambridge. (University of London). HOUSEHOLD AND SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT, Campden Hiil Road, Kensington, W.8. Warden: Miss L. HENRY, M.D. STUDENTS are prepared for Honours and Pass B.Sc. Degrees in Household and Social Science. In addition the following courses are open to nonmatriculated students: (a) Three Years' Course for College Diploma. (b) Two Years' Course and One Year Course in Household and Institutional Management. (c) Special One Year Courses for Trained Nurses and Students holding Diplomas in Domestic Arts. Next session commences October, 1925. For further information respecting Courses, Scholarships, Bursaries, and Residence, apply the Secretary. THE INCORPORATED FROEBEL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS: GROVE HOUSE, ROEHAMPTON LANE, S.W. 15. DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL: COLET GARDENS, W. KENSINGTON, W. 14. Chairman of Committee and Hon. Secretary: Mr. C. G. MONTEFIORE, M.A. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. W. H. OGSTON. Head Mistress of School: Miss E. M. BAIN. Students are trained for the Examinations of the National Froebel Union. Prospectuses and particulars as to Scholarships and Grants from the Board of Education may be obtained from the PRINCIPAL. UNIVERSITÉ DE POITIERS INSTITUT D'ÉTUDES FRANÇAISES DE FRENCH COURSES FOR FOREIGNERS October 2nd July 1st French Literature and History. History of Art in France. Phonetics. Practical Exercises. Elementary and Intermediate Courses. Conversation Classes. Excursions. For information-Apply to the DIRECTOR, I rue de la Grandière, Tours (I. et L.). COLLEGE (Department of St. George's School for Girls, Incorporated, Windmill Brae, Garscube Terrace, Edinburgh). Head Mistress: Miss RUTH W. FREE, Honour School of Modern History, University of Oxford; Diploma in Pedagogy, University of London. This College gives Professional Training to women who intend to teach in Intermediate and Secondary Schools and in Kindergarten and Freparatory Departments. It is recognized by the Scottish Education Departments and the Cambridge Teachers' Training Syndicate, and prepares Students for the Certificates of the Scottish Education Department and the Cambridge Teachers' Certificate. There is a Special Department for the training of Kindergarten and Junior Form Mistresses in Preparation for the Higher Certificate of the National Froebel Union. Certain bursaries are available and there is a Loan Fund. Prospectus and further particulars from the HEADMISTRESS. The English Folk Dance Society (FOUNDED BY CECIL J. SHARP, Mus.M.) { UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL PRACTICAL and Theoretical Train DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION One-Year Course of Training for Graduates, leading up to Diploma in Education. Preparation for work in Secondary, Continuation, Primary Schools. Particulars from THE MASTER OR MISTRESS OF METHOD. Early application should be made for entrance in September, 1925. Flower Growing; Glasshouse and Frame Work. Course of two years; Poultry; Dairy work; Bees. Preparation for R.H.S. examinations. Particularly successful with young students. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES, Training Colleges, and Technical See also pages 1-7, 26, 33, 44, 47, 50, 72; (Halls of Residence] 2; [Physical Training Colleges] 6; [Scholarships] 47 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON the Keddey Fletcher-Warr Studentships for The the promotion of post-graduate research. Studentships, which are tenable normally for three years, and are of the annual value of not less than 1200, are open equally to men and women of European descent who are graduates of some British University, or have passed an examination necessary to qualify them for a Degree of some British University, but other things being equal, preference will be given to a graduate of the University of London. Applications must be received not later than January 31, 1925. Further details may be obtained on application to the ACADEMIC REGISTRAR, University of London, South Kensington, S.W. 7. SHREWSBURY SCHOOL A Scholarship Examination is held annually early in March. The Scholarships are about seven in number. Candidates must be under 14 on January 1st in the year of competition. Further information can be had on application to the HEADMASTER'S SECRETARY, School House, Shrewsbury. ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL, LEATHER HEAD. In addition to sons of living clergy elected on the Free Foundation, Supplementary Foundationers (sons of living clergy only) are received at the annual fee of 45 guineas. The School is also open to sons of Clergy or Laymen paying full fees, viz. Clergy 95 guineas, Laymen 105 guineas per annum. Day-Boys 33 guineas per annum. Modern School buildings for 240 boys. Boys prepared for the Universities, Army, and Civil Service Examinations, &c. Leaving Scholarships. One or two Albany Scholarships awarded each year. Also three Entrance Scholarships, value £45, £35, and £25 per annum. Scholarship examination for 1925 on the first Wednesday in July; entries close the last day of June. For Prospectus, &c., apply to the Headmaster, the Rev. E. A. DOWNES. S. PETER'S SCHOOL, YORK AN Examination for Scholarships and Exhibitions, varying from £50 to 15, is held annually in May. General knowledge is required in preference to specialization in one subject. Exhibitions also awarded on the Common Entrance Examinations. Further details from S. Μ. ΤOYNE, M.A., Headmaster. STONYHURST COLLEGE Five Scholarships of £40 FIVEARSHIPRO ENTRANCE SCHOE LARSHIPS of £40 a year, and ONE Exhibition of £40, will be awarded on the results of an examination to be held on June 1, 1925, and the following days. Candidates must be under 14 on the following September 1, and allowance is made for age. The subjects of examination are: (Compulsory) Latin, French, English, including History and Geography; and Elementary Mathematics. (Optional) Greek OR Additional Mathematics. The award is made on the aggregate of marks. The Exhibition will be awarded to a candidate who shows good work in Mathematics (in both papers) and proposes to follow the full Science Course. Applications should reach the RECTOR -from whom a more detailed syllabus may be obtained-before May 1, 1925. SOMERVILLE COLLEGE, OXFORD THE following Scholarships, tenable from October, 1926, will be offered for competition in November, 1925. A College Scholarship of £80 a year. A Clothworkers' Scholarship of £80 a year (for intending teachers). A Coombs Scholarship of £50 a year. Three or more Scholarships or Exhibitions of not ess than 20 a year. Particulars may be obtained of the VICE-PRIN CIPAL. STOWE SCHOOL SIX Scholarships and TWO Bur SARIES, open to boys under 14 on April 1, are offered for competition annually at the end of June and the beginning of July. The Scholarships vary in value from £50 to £90 per annum, according to the requirements of parents, and are awarded after an Examination in the usual subjects. The BURSARIES, which are intended only for parents in need of assistance, are of 80 guineas per annum each, and are awarded in consideration of other qualities than those tested by examination. -Particulars and entry forms can be obtained from the HEADMASTER, Stowe School, Buckingham. WEYMOUTH COLLEGE. SIX SCHOLARSHIPS for CLASSICS of the value of £40 downwards, and open to boys Next Examination will be in June, 1925, REMEDIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING, GYMNASTICS, &c. DENMARK HILL PHYSICAL TRAINING COLLEGE and School of Massage. 41 Alleyn Park, London, S.E. 21. A residential London College, with good provision for Sports' practice. Preparation for the Teachers' Diploma of the Ling Association, and the Certificates of the Chartered Society of Massage, &c. Number of students limited; non-residents admitted if vacancies occur. ANSTEY PHYSICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, ERDINGTON, BIRMINGHAM (SWEDISH SYSTEM), offers complete Training for Teacher's Students not received under 18 years of age. For Prospectus apply - The Secretary. THE BERGMAN ÖSTERBERG PHYSICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, DARTFORD HEATH, ΚΕΝΤ. (FOUNDED IN 1885.) PRINCIPAL: MISS EVA LETT, Cambridge Med. and The course of training covers three years, and is based upon Ling's Swedish System. The theoretical work includes Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene, Theory of Games, Theory of Gymnastics, and Principles of Education. Practical training is given in Educational and Postural Gymnastics, Games, Dancing, Swimming, and Voice Production. A special course in Massage and Remedial Gymnastics is provided for those students who show aptitude for this branch of work. Students practise teaching (under the supervision of the College Staff) in London Secondary Schools and in local Secondary and Elementary Schools. For prospectus, &c., application should be made to the PRINCIPAL'S SECRETARY at the College. T THE INCORPORATED BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR PHYSICAL TRAINING Offices: 25 Chalcroft Road, London, S.E. 13. HE Association is an Examining Body for Teachers (Men and Women) of Physical Education, and admission to Membership is by Examination only. It holds Examinations in the Theory, Practice, and Teaching of Swedish and British Educational Gymnastics. Fencing, Elementary School Teachers' Drill Certificate. Preliminary Examination admits to Studentship, and Final Diploma Examination admits to Membership of the Association. The Final Examination Certificate is approved by the Teachers' Registration Council as satisfying the conditions for Registration in regard to attainments. Applications for qualified Teachers, or for the Syllabus of Examinations, should be made to the Secretary, Mr. T. WILLIAMS. QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S HOUSE Recognized by the Teachers' Registration Council. EDUCATED GIRLS TRAINED as TEACHERS of Swedish Educational and Remedial Gymnastics, Games, Dancing, Swimming, Fencing, Anatomy, Physiology, &c. Preparation for Public Examinations. BEDFORD PHYSICAL TRAINING COLLECE. LING'S SWEDISH SYSTEM. Principal: Miss STANSFELD. The object of the College is to train Students to The Course of Training extends over three years, An educational centre like Bedford affords special For Prospectus apply-SECRETARY, 37 Lansdowne THE LING ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF SWEDISH GYMNASTICS EXAMINATIONS held the Swedish Gymnastic Teachers' Diploma. The Association keeps a list of certificated Gymnastic and Games Mistresses, and Medical Gymnasts -and publishes "Good and Bad School Postures," 5s.; Net Ball Rules, 3d. Game of Net Ball and How to Play it, 1s.; Rounders Rules, 3d. Scandinavian Dances (Series I and II), 3d.; Music to Dances, 8 d.; Folk Dances from Many Lands, Music and Notes, 1s. All post free. For these, and Terms of Membership, Conditions of Examinations, Entrance Forms, Syllabus, &c., applications should be made to the Secretary, Miss MARY HANKINSON. LIVERPOOL PHYSICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, and Officers' Training College (FOUNDED 1900.) The College is divided into two-Junior and Massage, Remedial Exercises, Great opportunity for teaching and gaining IRENE M. MARSH, All Persons interested in Phonetics are recom mended to join the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ASSOCIATION Subscription, 8s. per annum. Entrance fee, 4s. New members receive in return for the Entrance UNIVERSITY COLLEGES, Training, and Technical Schools. See also pages 1-7, 26, 33, 44, 47, 50, 72; (Halls of Residence] 2; EAST LONDON COLLEGE (UNIVERSION), OF LONDON ARTS, SCIENCE, and ENGINEERING FIRST YEAR MEDICAL COURSE Composition Fee £22 2s. per annum. Prospectus free, or Calendar post free 1s. The London School of Dalcroze Eurhythmics, 23 STORE STREET, LONDON, W.C.1. THE TRAINING DEPARTMENT is accepted by the Teachers Registration Council as satisfying the conditions of Registration in respect of Training in Teaching. The School Year begins about October ist. Classes in Single Subjects (Rhythmic Movement, Plastic, Solfège, and Improvisation) begin January 26th. Classes in Single Subjects are also held in many provincial centres. For details apply THE DALCROZE SCHOOL, 23 Store Street, London, W.C. 1. SPANISH STUDIES A new quarterly review for those interested in the Spanish language, literature, politics, art, &c. Specimen copy of the first number, post free, od., from the Secretary, Spanish Studies, The University, Liverpool. Information may also be had concerning the Summer School of Spanish to be held at Santander from August 1 to 29, 1925. OFFICIAL LIST OF REGISTERED TEACHERS The new edition, 1,470 pages, price £1 1s. For the convenience of the Trade and others, Copies of this indispensable List can be obtained from MR. WILLIAM RICE, Three Ludgate Broadway, London, E.C. 4. as OUR UR purpose as efficient booksellers is to keep a varied selection of new BOOKBINDING BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN We issue a monthly list of new books and frequent catalogues of secondhand books. |