As Messrs. Hoopers make genuine private enquiries about all their Candidates they are in a position to recommend really reliable ASSISTANT MASTERS, MISTRESSES, TUTORS, MATRONS, and HOUSEKEEPERS. There are no charges for Registration or Postages either to Principals or Candidates. Parents are helped to make a suitable choice of SCHOOLS or HOLIDAY HOMES, and are advised about CAREERS for BOYS and GIRLS. TRANSFERS or SALES of SCHOOLS and PARTNERSHIPS negotiated with secrecy and despatch. Messrs. Hoopers, having special knowledge about the working of Schools, are able to negotiate Policies at LLOYD'S to cover all risks with one payment, making an allowance for unexpired portion of existing Policies, and to quote special rates to meet special cases. In all cases they are able to indicate a material saving of time, trouble, and expense. HOOPERS (Educational Agents) LIMITED are over Messrs. Mappin & Webb. The Entrance to Sheffield House is on the JANUARY 20. CENTRAL LIBRARY, HOLLOWAY ROAD, ISLINGTON, at 7.30.-Celebration of BEDFORD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, REGENT'S PARK, N.W. 1, at 10 a.m.-Prof. C. F. E. Spurgeon: The Art of Writing. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 3. Prof. E. G. Gardner: Problems on the Inferno (Barlow Lectures on Dante) (1). LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, HOUGHTON STREET, W.C. 2, at 5.-Mr. W. H. Ansell: The Principles of Design as Applied to Buildings (2). BEDFORD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, REGENT'S PARK, N.W. 1, at 5.15.- Miss Hosgood: Rhodesia. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 5.30. Mr. J. H. Helweg: English Influence on Danish Literature in the Nineteenth Century (1). Also on January 28. VOL. 57 No. 666. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 5.30. Mr. H. Jenkinson : JANUARY 22. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 5. Dr. A. S. Parkes: The Physiology of Reproduction (1). Also on January 29. BEDFORD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, REGENT'S PARK, N.W. 1, at 5.-Miss Johnson : UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 5.15.- Prof. J. E. G. de Montmorency: African Customary Laws (1). Also on January 29. The French Theatre in the Middle Ages. JANUARY 23. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 6.-Miss M. S. West: The Literary and Historical Study of the Bible (1). JANUARY 25. SHORNELLS, BOSTALL HEATH, PLUMSTEAD, at 7. Celebration of Samson Agonistes: Arranged by Dr. F. H. Hayward. The new Wolsey Hall 80-pp. Prospectus forms a useful Guide to London Matriculation and Degrees, giving the Subjects, dates re applying for and returning Entry Forms, &c., and particulars of Wolsey Hall Staff, Courses, and Fees. There is also a full section on the A.C.P., L.L.A., and other Teaching Diplomas. The Teachers' World says: "A Handbook.. which gives a mass of information with regard to University and other exams., which will be of the utmost value to Teachers." A Free Copy (with Specimen Lesson-please mention Exam.) may be obtained from The Secretary, Dept. E. 1, Wolsey Hall, Oxford WHETHER SELLING or BUYING SCHOOLS consult the TRANSFER & PARTNERSHIP DEPT. (Under the Direction of F. C. NEEDES, Β.Α.) OF THE FUTURE CAREER ASSOCIATION SCHOLASTIC AGENTS (Director: H. Becker) £200,000 waiting to be invested in School Properties. 888 2005 20 School Examinations and The Universities The special series of Articles for 1925 will The ground covered will include a consideration of recent In January, 1925, appears : A GENERAL INTRODUCTION. By Dr. CYRIL NORWOOD, of Marlborough College. OXFORD. By G. E. S. CoXHEAD, M.A., Grammar School, Hinckley. In succeeding months will appear : LONDON UNIVERSITY. CAMBRIDGE. NORTHERN UNIVERSITIES. Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham. DURHAM. BRISTOL. WALES. SCOTLAND, LEAVING CERTIFICATE, &c. OTHER EXAMINING BODIES: Oxford and Cambridge Joint Locals, Joint School Board. IRELAND. COMMON SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS, COLONIAL, &c. Further details will appear shortly. London: Mr. WILLIAM RICE, Three Ludgate Broadway, E.C. 4 שממ Messrs. GRIFFITHS, POWELL & SMITH, Telegraphic Address: 'SCHOLASQUE, RAND, LONDON." (Licensed by L.C.C.) The Oldest Established Firm of Educational and School Transfer Agents (Established over 90 years), Telephone: GERRARD 7021. 12 & 13 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. 2. Graduates, Undergraduates, and other well qualified Senior and Junior Mistresses, and Music, Kindergarten, and other Teachers seeking appointments in Secondary and high-class Private Schools for the term commencing in January are invited to apply at once to Messrs. GRIFFITHS, POWELL & SMITH, as above, who will send immediate notice of all the most suitable Posts. NO REGISTRATION FEE, and the Commission Charge is very moderate. Candidates should state full details as to their qualifications, and enclose copies of testimonials. GENERAL. ASSISTANT MISTRESS (Graduate), wanted for good Eng., French, Hist., Modern Geog., Latin. To prepare for exams. Salary, £100, res. (Middlesex.)-No. 2,808. ASSISTANT MISTRESS (Graduate), for Maths. and Science. Salary, £120, res. R.C. essential. (Kent.)--No. 2,796. EXPERIENCED GRADUATE required for Private School. General Form subjects. Salary according to quals., up to £120, res. (Hants.)No. 2,794. MATHEMATICAL MISTRESS wanted who is also able to teach Elem. Physics and Chem. for the Botany syllabus for the Camb. Univ. School Cert. Exams. Maths. must be up to Lond. Matric. standard. A lady with Degree by preference. Salary, £100, res. There are 200 students in the college, of whom 20 are boarders. (Devon.)No. 2,708. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for Maths. and some other subjects, other than French or Botany. Good class school, recognized by Board of Education, 50 boarders, 20 day pupils, 8 mistresscs. Salary, £90, res. (Midlands.)-No. 2,755. GRADUATE required for advanced Maths., Elem. Chem., and Physics if possible. Exp. essential. High-class Private School, recognized by Board of Education, and run on public school lines; 100 boarders, staff of 15 mistresses. Salary, £150-£180, res. No. 2,783. GRADUATE required, chiefly for Maths. up to Matric. standard. Salary, £120, res. R.C. essential. (Yorks.) -No. 2,769. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted with good quals. and boarding school exp. Church of England. Good Hist. and Eng. subjects generally. Salary, about £100, res. (Sussex.)-No. 2,771. SCIENCE MISTRESS wanted for Maths. and Science. Salary according to quals. and exp. (Notts.)-No. 2,777. SENIOR MISTRESS wanted to teach girls 12-17 years of age Maths., Botany, Elem. Science. Salary according to quals., up to £120, res. (Devon.)No. 2,795. TWO ASSISTANT MISTRESSES wanted. (1) Graduate or equivalent, for Arith., Alg., Botany to Oxford Senior standard. Salary according to exp. and quals. (Suffolk.) -No. 2,809. (2) Also a Graduate to teach Geog. and Comp. to Oxford Senior standard. Salary according to exp. No. 2,810. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted to teach Eng., Hist., French, and Latin. Salary according to quals. and exp., about £90, res. (Hants.)No. 2,820. TWO ASSISTANT MISTRESSES wanted to take between them Maths. to Senior Oxford, Elem. Science, or Botany, Games, English, Divinity, Hist., French, Elem. Latin. Salary, about £80, res., each. (Oxon.) -No. 2,824. ENGLISH LADY, Graduate by preference, to teach French (direct method) to common Entrance standard. Boys' Prep. School in London. Salary to commence, £130, non-res. -No. 2,804. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted, Graduate if possible, to teach French. Must have good quals. or training. Salary, £90, res. (Kent.) -No. 2,762. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted in September. 1925, for Eng. Lan. and Lit., Hist. and Latin, Exp. essential, also some French is required. Salary, £90 res., rising to £120. (Kent.)-No 2,765. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted to teach Eng., including Geog. and Hist., Maths., French and Latin. Botany if possible. Salary, about £100, res. (Yorks.)-No. 2,785. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for a Prep. School in London. Latin, French, and Music. Salary, £150, non-res. No. 2,748. THREE ASSISTANT MISTRESSES wanted for a School in Lincolnshire. (1) Graduate or equivalent, for Maths. Salary, £90-£100, res. (2) Graduate or equivalent, for Eng. Hist., Geog. and Scripture to Matric. Salary, £90-100, res. (3) Assistant Mistress for Eng. Hist., Geog., and Scripture. Salary, £70-80, res. Nos. 2,742-3-4. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for Convent Day School in Kent. Maths. and Latin to Lond. Matric. Standard. Salary according to quals. and exp. R.C. by preference.-No. 2,807. HEADMISTRESS wanted to look after the educational side of the School and superintend the Mistresses as well as teach. Not too young, and should have a Degree or some other very good qual. Salary according to quals. A partnership might be offered later, should the lady appointed prove suitable. (Yorks.)-No. 2,799. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for Botany, Hist., Eng., Lit., and Scripture to School Cert. standard. Salary according to quals and exp. (Norfolk.)-No. 2,786. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted to take Modern Geog. as a special subject. Eng. subsidiary. Salary according to quals. and exp. (Cheshire.)-No. 2,782. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for Maths. Latin, French, Botany, or Hygiene. Salary according to quals. and exp. Exp. and a good Church woman is essential. (Somerset.) - No. 2,772. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted, chief subjects, Eng. and Geog. Botany an advantage. Salary, about £100, res. (Yorks.) -No. 2,839. SCIENCE MISTRESS wanted for School in the School Games is desired. Salary, £120, res. -No. 2,837. ASSIST ANT MISTRESS wanted for Eng., Latin and Maths. Salary, about £80 res. (Herts.)No. 2,831. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for Maths. and Geog., junior Eng. Salary, about £85, res. (Kent.) No. 2,829. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for Maths. and Science, or Maths. and Latin. Salary according to quals. and exp. (Kent.) -No. 2,827. ASSISTANT MISTRESS wanted for first-class School in Sussex. Geog. throughout the Senior School, with Eng., Grammar, Comp., some Hist. and Latin. Salary, ₤120, res. A lady with Degree and exp., and from 26 to 30 years of age is desired. -No. 2,826. Music VIOLIN MISTRESS wanted, Diploma, L.R.A.M. or A.R.C.M., for Piano and Harmony; experience essential. Salary, £100, res. (Hunts.) -No. 2,639. MUSIC MISTRESS wanted for Piano, Class Singing, Theory. L.R.A.M. or equivalent. Salary, about £70, res. (Sussex.) -No. 2,763. FULLY QUALIFIED MUSIC MISTRESS wanted for Girls' Public School in Wales. Music, Aural Culture, Piano, and Musical Appreciation. Salary, Burnham Scale, £60 deducted for board and residence. No. 2,764. MUSIC MISTRESS wanted to teach Piano to the Advanced Grade, Theory, and Class Singing. Expd. and a Churchwoman. Salary, £85, res. (Devon.)-No. 2,836. EXPERIENCED MUSIC MISTRESS wanted for a School in Cheshire. Piano, good Solo and Class Singing, Theory. Salary, £75, res. No. 3,167. MUSIC MISTRESS wanted, L.R.A.M. or equiv. Piano, Elem, Violin desirable. Salary, £65, res. (Dorset.)-No. 3,107. Kindergarten KINDERGARTEN MISTRESS wanted with Higher N.F.U. Also to take Music and Drawing. Salary according to quals, and exp. (Lancs.)No. 2,780. KINDERGARTEN MISTRESS wanted, with Higher N.F.U. Cert. Drawing and Nature Study. Salary, about 180, res. (London.) -No. 2,792. KINDERGARTEN MISTRESS wanted with Higher N.F.U., qualified to teach Needlework and Class Singing throughout the school. County High School in W. of England. - No. 2,825. KINDERGARTEN MISTRESS wanted for a School in Surrey. Must be qualified to take Junior Piano, Nature Study, and Drawing, with Basket and Paperwork if possible. Salary according to quals. No. 3,155. KINDERGARTEN MISTRESS wanted to take charge of K.G. and Transition class. Handwork, Drawing, Painting, Junior Music, Class Singing Salary, about £70, res. No. 3,138. Art ART MISTRESS wanted for Art and, if possible, Junior Music. Must be experienced. High-class School, recognized by Board of Education, 60 boarders, 60 day pupils. Staff of 18 mistresses. Salary, about £80, res. (Somerset.)-No. 3,100. ART MISTRESS wanted, with Junior Form subjects if possible. Good teaching experience essential. Salary, (90-£110, res. High-class School, 40 boarders. Staff of 17 mistresses. -No. 2,803. ART MISTRESS wanted, with full Certificates R.D.S., able to teach Art throughout the school; also good Needlework, Games. Church of England. Salary, £70, res. (Yorks.)-No. 3,139. ART MISTRESS wanted in January or March for first-class Boarding School in Sussex. Drawing, Weaving, Leatherwork, Dressmaking, and Domestic Science. Preference given to one trained at Reading Univ. Salary, £110, res.-No. 2,838. SCHOOL TRANSFER DEPARTMENT. SCHOOLS TRANSFERRED AND VALUED. A List of Boys' and Girls' Schools for Transfer and of Partnerships will be sent to intending purchasers, to whom no Commission will be charged. 12 & 13 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. 2. Telegraphic Address : "Scholasque, Rand, London." Telephone: Gerrard 7021. WESTFIELD COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON) TWO Post-Graduate Research Studentships of the value of £150 and 120 will be awarded in the Lent Term, 1925. Women graduates of any University are eligible. Applications, together with three copies of three testimonials and two references, must reach the Principal by February 20. For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY, E WESTFIELD COLLEGE, ALDENHAM SCHOOL NTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS. An Examination will be held, June 1 to 6, 1925, for Scholarships open to boys under 15 on May 1, namely, one Alfred Smith Scholarship of £50, and about five Junior Platt Scholarships equal in value to the tuition fee (at present £50). Assistance, by partial remission of Tuition Fees, may be given at the discretion of the Governors to Scholars and other boys showing promise in cases where need of such assistance exists. Application should be made at the time of entry. Further particulars may be had from the HEADMASTER. A CANFORD SCHOOL, WIMBORNE N Examination will be held during the first week in July, 1925, for the awarding of One Scholarship value £100, and Six Scholarships, value £60 downwards, open to boys under 14 on June 1, 1925. Boys under 15 on the same date may compete for one of the Scholarships, but a higher standard of work will be expected. For particulars apply to the HEADMASTER. CHARD SCHOOL, SOMERSET A CHURCH Public School for 100 Boys.- Fees, £75 per annum.- Entrance Scholarships of various amounts awarded in January, April, and July on the Nomination of Headmasters of recognized Preparatory Schools. Apply, The Rev. J. DRUMMOND ROBERTSON, Headmaster. KENSINGTON SCHOLARSHIPS.-One Scholarship, value about £75 per annum for four years, and tenable at an approved University, will shortly be awarded. Candidates must be males between 18 and 20, in need of assistance, and members of the Church of England. Preference given to Kensington Scholars and residents. Examination: May, 1925. Application by March 8, 1925. Forms and full particulars from the CLERK TO THE TRUSTEES, 62 Church Street, Kensington, W.8. K ENSINGTON HIGH SCHOOL (G.P.D.S.T.) MUSIC TRAINING DEPARTMENT. Admission in September, January, and May. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, READING. HALLS OF RESIDENCE: Wantage Hall (Men). St. Patrick's Hall (Men). St. Andrew's Hall (Women) Wessex Hall (Women). St. George's Hall (Women). Cintra Lodge (Women). The College provides courses for London University Degrees in Arts, Science, Agriculture, and Horticulture, and for Diplomas and Certificates. There are Faculties of Letters, Science, and Agriculture and Horticulture, and Departments of Fine Arts, Music, and Domestic Subjects. Courses are provided in Dairying and Commerce. There is a Training Department for Teachers. The Halls of Residence accommodate about 450 students. SCHOLARSHIPS IN ARTS, SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AND MUSIC. The An Examination for a Wantage Scholarship and a St. Andrew's Hall Scholarship in Arts, and a Wantage Scholarship and a Minor Open Scholarship in Science or Agriculture or Horticulture, will be held at the College on April 18 to 22, 1925. Each Wantage Scholarship (of £60 per annum) is open to men. St. Andrew's Hall Scholarship (of £40 per annum) is open to women. The Minor Open Scholarship (entitling to remission of the tuition fee) is open to men and women. Candidates must be prepared to read for a London Degree. Entries must be sent in by March 14, 1925. An Examination for one or more Scholarships in Music, each of about £26 per annum, open to men and women, will be held at the College on July 8, 1925. Entries must be sent in by June 24, 1925. The Scholarships are tenable at the College for not more than three years from October, 1925. Further particulars of the Scholarships, and prospectuses of the College, may be obtained from the Registrar, University College, Reading. THREE SCHOLARSHIPS awarded annually. POCKLINGTON SCHOOL, EAST YORKS. For information apply to the HEADMISTRESS, Kensington High School, St. Alban's Rd., Kensington, W.8. CANTERSCHOOL, KINGS BURY. ENTRANCE and KING'S SCHOLARSHIPS. Some FIFTEEN SCHOLARSHIPS each June and November. For particulars apply to Headmaster-A. LATTER, M.Α. KING WILLIAM'S COLLEGE, MODERATE Fees. Special nomin sons of Clergy. Entrance Scholarship Examination in March.-Apply to the SECRETARY. KING'S SCHOOL, BRUTON, SOMERSET. THIS School, which was founded in 1519, is an endowed Public School in which boys are prepared primarily for University, Army, and Professional Examinations. Three Scholarships (£50, £40, and £30 per annum), tenable in the School, are offered annually in June, and there are two Leaving Exhibitions and one Leaving Scholarship. There is a Junior House for boys under 12. Fees, 184 to £91.-C. H. TREMLETT, M.A., Headmaster. Founded A.D. 1514. ENTRANCE Scholarships annually in June, when two Scholarships of £50 are awarded for Classics, Mathematics, or Science. Fees £75 inclusive. For prospectus apply-Headmaster, P. C. SANDS, M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. RENDCOMB COLLEGE, CIRENCESTER AN Examination will be held in May for the award of an Open Scholarship of the value of £60 per annum. Particulars can be obtained from the Headmaster, J. H. SIMPSON, M.A., Rendcomb College, Cirencester. SEDBERGH SCHOOL. THE Examination for Ten EN TRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS and EXHIBITIONS, of the annual value of £100 to £40, will be held in May or June, 1925, in London after a preliminary test at Preparatory Schools. Candidates must be under 14 years of age on January 1, 1925. For further information apply to THE HEADMASTER'S SECRETARY, Sedbergh School, Yorkshire. Continued on pages 3 and 5 |