DOM MINA OXFORD BOOKS RECENT TEXT-BOOKS OF HISTORY THE ANCIENT WORLD An Outline of Ancient History. "This is an enlarged edition of Mrs. Hamilton's much valued 'Outlines of Greece and Rome,' new sections having been contributed by Mr. Blunt upon Babylonia, Egypt, Assyria, and Persia. We have no hesitation in saying that this is the best school-book on Ancient History that we have come across."-A.M.Α. Ancient Rome The Lives of Great Men, told by M. A. HAMILTON. From Brutus and Tarquin to Julius Caesar. With 53 illustrations. 2s. 6d. The Writers of Rome. By J. WIGHT DUFF. With 16 illustrations and a map. (World's Manuals.) 2s. 6d. net. GENERAL HISTORY A Brief History of Civilization By JOHN S. HOYLAND. With 145 illustrations. 3s.; in blue cloth, gilt lettered, 7s. 6d. net. Surveying the life of the peoples throughout the ages, devoting more attention to movements, tendencies, and influences, than to lives and reigns. Outlines of Modern History By J. D. ROGERS. A brief history of Europe and European Expansion. With 45 illustrations and maps. 3s. 6d. net. Europe Overseas By J. A. WILLIAMSON. With 32 illustrations. (World's Manuals.) 2s. 6d. net. This brief survey traces the spread of European settlement and influence in other continents, and the reaction of these movements upon the life of Europe itself. THE BRITISH EMPIRE IOS. A New History of Great Britain By R. B. MOWAT. Fourth impression. Pp. 1068, with over 400 illustrations. Also in three Parts (3s. 6d. each), and in numbered Sections (from 2s. 6d.). A 16pp. illustrated prospectus will be sent on application. The Story of England By M. O. DAVIS. Designed for the lower forms of Secondary Schools. A new edition brought down to 1914, with 82 illustrations and maps. 3s. 6d.; or in two Parts, 2s. each. The English-Speaking Nations A Study in the Development of the Commonwealth Ideal. By G. W. MORRIS and L. S. WOOD. With 169 illustrations and maps. 3s. 6d. net; prize edition, 8s. 6d. net. "The rising generation is to be congratulated if this is the sort of history book it is going to read." -The Times. The British Empire A Short History. By J. P. BULKELEY. With an Introduction by Sir CHARLES DOM MINA INVS TIO ILLV MEA RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE The Four Gospels: A Study of Origins Treating of the Manuscript, | arranged. Both volumes are illustrated. It should be added Tradition, Sources, Authorship, and Dates. By Dr. B. H. This important work will prove quite indispensable for serious students of the New Testament. In it Canon Streeter re-examines the Synoptic problem from a new point of view and arrives at some significant conclusions, modifying his earlier hypothesis. He concludes in favour of a "Four Document Hypothesis. thesis." He also deals, very suggestively, though in a tentative way, with the problem of the Fourth Gospel. Another important feature is the masterly survey of the manuscript tradition. The book is by no means one merely for specialists. It can-and ought to be read by the intelligent general student. (1) Religion in the Kindergarten: A Course in Religion for the Beginners' Department in the Sunday School or for Use in the Day School or the Home. By BERTHA M. RHODES. ($1.75. University of Chicago Press.) (2) Stories of Shepherd Life : A Second-Grade Course of Study We have pleasure in calling the attention of teachers to these publications of the University of Chicago. In the editor's preface to (1) it is remarked: "The religion of little children is concerned with the simplest fundamentals. That we are living in God's world, that the processes of Nature which give us food, clothing, shelter, and beauty, are the gift of God, that He is the Heavenly Father these are the elements of a sound Christian experience that fit the little child to live in his world. . and prepare him to live in the larger world that is constantly opening before him." A skilfully arranged series of lessons (with hints to teachers) is presented on these lines, designed to fit into the child's experience of life, each illustrated by a story. Volume (2) is an attempt to "carry the children into the life of a simple people, and thus enable them to share dramatically their endeavours to find food and clothing and shelter, and to live in friendship with one another, always in the presence of the protecting God." The lessons are well that provision is made for expression work. God, Conscience, and the Bible. By the Rev. Dr. P. SMYTH. (3s. 6d. net. Low & Marston.) Dr. Paterson Smyth uses his gifts of popular exposition to good purpose here in expounding the basis of the moral law. Four sections are devoted to Conscience in its various relations, and two to the making of the Old and New Testaments. The book is helpful, sane, and modern in its methods and outlook. Some Problems of Home and School Life. Addresses to Parents by Mrs. G. CHITTY. (IS. net. S.P.C.К.) This little book will be found of great interest by teachers. It contains addresses on Boys, Girls, and Books," "Holidays," Some Public School Difficulties," &c. It is well worth reading. Scripture Reading Cards: A Set of Twelve Coloured Pictures, mounted on Card, with Biblical References. By H. COPPING. (6s. net the set. 6d. net each card. Religious Tract Society.) Reminiscences of Jesus by an Eye-Witness. By Dr. H. D. A. MAJOR. (3S. 6d. net. Murray.) The World Task of the Christian Church: Being Addresses Delivered at a Conference on International and Missionary Questions, Manchester, December 31, 1924, to January 6, 1925. (2s. 6d. net. Student Christian Movement.) The Progress of Prophecy: A Study of Hebrew Prophecy in its The Making of the English New Testament. By Prof. E. J. That Which Shall Follow" : Talks to Boys. By E. A. H. FENN. (Is. net. Bale.) Key to the Exercises in the late Prof. A. B. Davidson's Revised Introductory Hebrew Grammar, with Explanatory Notes. By Prof. J. E. MCFADYEN. (IOS. Edinburgh: Clark.) SCIENCE (1) The Wonders of Electricity. By A. T. MCDOUGALL. (25. 6d. Pitman.) (2) Our Physical World: A Source Book of Physical Nature Study. By E. R. DOWNING With a Chapter on Radio Communication by F. G. ANIBAL. ($2.50. University of Chicago Press.) The mode of arousing in young people an interest in science is a matter to which much thought and effort have been given in recent years; and perhaps more in the United States than in this country. For many years there was only one book of this character which possessed the highest merits, viz. Faraday's " History of a Candle"; and it may appear strange that this was not followed sooner by a series of books attempting to proceed on the same lines. Perhaps this absence of followers was due to the fact that so few schools, in those days, included any science in their curriculum, and consequently there was no demand for such books. But all this is changed now, and the steady flow of new books intended for the instruction in science of the juvenile is somewhat bewildering. Here we have two books of this class. (1) The young school boy, when at home or with free time in the school workshop, often may have his interest aroused in the phenomena of electricity and of magnetism by having at his disposal the materials for making quite simple appliances. In this book the making of many little working models are described, and, as a rule, corks, pins and needles, wires, odd bits of wood, glass rod, tumblers, the glue-pot, and shellac varnish, &c., figure largely in the material required. Of course there is a certain amount of descriptive matter included in the text. (2) This is a book of far higher standard, and intended for the teacher as much as for the student. To quote from the preface: "It is the purpose of this book to organize the subject-matter of elementary physical science or physical nature-study about toys and familiar home appliances. It is hoped it may serve as a guide in the workshop of the boy or girl who enjoys making things, that it may help children to understand how commonplace appliances work, and may aid parents and teachers in answering the questions of inquisitive youngsters." The subject-matter covers a wide field, including the universe, the earth's rocks, air and water, the sling, bow, and other weapons, fire, the nature of matter, engines, electrical inventions, telescopes, microscopes, cameras, &c. It is a book of distinct merit, and the illustrations are excellent. The Story of the Atom. By W. F. F. SHEARCROFT. (Limp Cloth, 2s. 6d. net. Cloth Boards, 3s. 6d. net. Benn.) Principles of Transmission in Telephony. By Prof. M. P. WEINBACH. (17s. net. New York: Macmillan.) The Ideal Aim of Physical Science: A Lecture Delivered on November 7, 1924, before the University of London, at King's College. By Prof. E. W. HOBSON. (2s. 6d. net. Cambridge University Press.) The Teaching of Science. By E. J. HOLMYARD. (6d. net. Bell.) Hints on Notemaking in Science and Mathematics: For Students and Teachers. By R. T. HUGHES. (2s. 6d. net. Bell.) The Theory of Quantitative Analysis and its Practical Application. By Dr. H BASSETT. (15s. net. Routledge.) Animals in the Making: An Introduction to the Study of Development. By J. A. DELL. (2s. 6d. Bell.) Elementary Experimental Science. Part I. General PhysicsCLOUGH. Twenty-Second By Dr. A. F. DuNSTAN. Two Parts together, 5s. Mechanics-Heat. By W. T. Electrical Engineering. By Prof. L. A. HAZELTINE. (30s. net. A Student's Manual of Organic Chemical Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative. By Prof. J. F. THORPE and Prof. MARTHA A. WHITELEY. (9s. net. Longmans.) A Test of High-School Chemistry. By H. L. GERRY. (3s. 6d. net. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University.) The Selborne Nature Students' Note and Observation Book: A A General Text-book of Entomology: Including the Anatomy, (Continued on page 256) MACMILLAN & CO'S LIST KING Over 11,000 Copies Sold A Biography. EDWARD VII. By SIR SIDNEY LEE. Vol. I. From Birth to Accession. With Portraits, Facsimile Letters, AN ETON POETRY BOOK Edited by Cyril Alington and George Lyttelton, of Eton College. With an Introduction by AN ANTHOLOGY OF MEDIEVAL LATIN Chosen by STEPHEN GASELEE, M.A., F.S.A., C.B.E., Librarian and Keeper of the Papers at the Foreign Office, Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge. 7s. 6d. net. A TEXT-BOOK OF INORGANIC CHEMIS- A GOLDEN TRY FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. A TREATISE OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Dr. ERIC K. RIDEAL in Nature.-"Prof. Taylor, his co-workers, and the publishers are to be heartily congratulated on the production of this textbook, which, at any rate on the desk of the reviewer, will replace all others." LAY'S PUPIL'S CLASS BOOK OF Book II. Paper, 7d.; Cloth, rod. A SHORTER SCHOOL GEOMETRY. By H. S. HALL, M.A., and F. H. STEVENS, M.A. Part I, 2s. 6d. Part II, 2s. 6d. Complete, 4s. 6d. KEY to Part I. By E. H. LockwOOD, B.A. 45. "The writers of this work have proved, by the wide popularity of their old School Geometry,' that they are able to provide what the schools want. This work has been undertaken to meet the newer requirements of the subject."-Teacher's World. MACMILLAN VERSE. TREASURY OF IRISH Edited by LENNOX ROBINSON. Cloth, ENGLISH LITERATURE SERIES. NEW VOL. STEVENSON : Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Edited by R. E. C. HoUGHTON, M.A. With Map. Is. 9d. Send for Complete List. ENGLISH CLASSICS. NEW VOL. With Intro SCOTT: A Legend of Montrose. A FIRST BOOK OF WORLD HISTORY. [First Books of History. "We have rarely found an author so skilful in the condensation of his material as Mr. Hearnshaw. His book is a marvel of accuracy, lucidity, and interest."-Education. HISTORICAL ATLAS OF THE BRITISH PALGRAVE'S DICTIONARY OF PAPERS RELATING TO POLITICAL ECONOMY. By F. Y. EDGEWORTH, Emeritus Professor of Political Economy at the University of Oxford. 3 Vols. 50s. net. Send for Macmillan's Educational Catalogue. Post free on application. CO., LTD., ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON, W.C. 2 ENGLISH, POETRY AND DRAMA The Teaching of English in Secondary Schools for Girls. By GRACE H. BRACKEN. With a Chapter on the Teaching of French in French Schools, by Mademoiselle BERGERON. (6s. net. University of London Press.) While avowedly written for the use of students in training colleges and for those who are beginning to teach, Miss Bracken's book deserves to find a place in all staff libraries, and many chapters of it might well receive consideration from teachers of other subjects than English, although to these it will make its main appeal. It is likely indeed that only after some years of experience will the insight and observation that have gone to the making of this book be thoroughly appreciated. At a time when interchange of teachers between this country and France is being discussed and arranged, the last eighty pages are particularly interesting, dealing as they do with the teaching of French in a French Lycée and giving an account of the Lecture Expliquée as practised in the different years of school life. Selected Passages for Précis Writing: for Use in Schools. By T. E. J. BRADSHAW and G. G. PHILLIPS. (2s. 6d. Bell.) This is a useful collection of passages for Précis writing. The thirty-six extracts are classified in four parts; simple narratives, more difficult continuous pieces, passages which contain conversations, and documents and separate extracts to be turned into a continuous narrative. The book is intended for the use of candidates for the School Certificate Examination. Hours with English Authors. Edited by Prof. E. T. CAMPAGNAC. Book IV. By H. S. KERMODE. (25. 3d. Pitman.) An attractive volume for the middle school with a due provision of passages dealing with adventures and great actions of the past. There is no doubt that the reading will be an enjoyment and that the suggested exercises will add to, and not detract from, the interest. It is unnecessary to say that the editor's introduction is a worthy preface to the book, but it has in addition the great merit of being directly addressed to the readers. A School Edition of the Diary of Samuel Pepys. Edited by C. J. HALL. (2s. 6d. Black.) This suitably abridged edition of the famous diary is prefaced by a brief historical outline of the period and of Pepys' own life, and gives a useful series of short biographies of the chief persons mentioned in the text. Reader and Guide for New Americans. By A. W. CASTLE. (Book I. 5s. net. Book II. 6s. net.) New York: Macmillan.) Purposive Speaking: A College Text-book for Courses in Public Speaking. By Prof. R. WEST. (6s. net. New York. Macmillan.) The first of these books is intended to be used at night schools by the alien adult immigrant who has to get a working knowledge of the English language in a short time. The acquisition of a vocabulary goes on side by side with an introduction to the habits and ways of a new country. The second outlines a practical course for American undergraduates who either intend to enter the law, the ministry, or politics, or who wish to be equipped for speaking in public in any capacity. The author properly regards the study of the art of public speaking as applied psychology and Part I is devoted to the consideration of fundamental human reactions and the developments from these. One may venture to hope that "purposive" will not become a popular variant of " purposeful." Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero. By W. M. THACKERAY. 2 Vols. (Is. 6d. net each. Nelson.) Sketches by "Boz": Illustrative of Everyday Life and Everyday Poems and Essays of Oliver Goldsmith. Selected and Edited by The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth. By WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and JOHN FLETCHER. Edited by Dr. R. WILSON. (Is. 6d. net. Dent.) In the Morning of Time. By C. G. D. ROBERTS. (Is. 6d. net. Dent.) Lulu's Library. By LOUISA M. ALCOTT. (Is. 6d. Sampson Low.) Some Scenes and Episodes from the Broad Highway: A Romance of Kent. By J. FARNOL. (2s. Sampson Low.) These additions to well-known series will be welcomed by the teacher who wishes to add to the school library without much outlay. The Moonstone: A Romance. By W. COLLINS. Yeast: A a L'Abbé Prévost. The History of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier des Grieux. Translated, with an Introduction, by G. D. GRIBBLE. (7S. 6d. net. Routledge.) Little Folks of Many Lands. By L. MAUDE CHANCE. With Nisbets' General Progress Cards (Self-Help Series). Part I.- POLLARD. (4s. Nisbet.) The Queen Bee and Other Fairy Tales from Grimm. The Iron Stove and Other Fairy Tales from Grimm. The Three Crows and Other Fairy Tales from Grimm. Edited by SARA E. WILTSE. (Is. each. Ginn.) Stories that Grow: Cumulative Tales Selected from the McCloskey Primer. By MARGARET O. MCCLOSKEY. Two Vols. (rod. each. Ginn.) Page, Esquire, and Knight: A Book of Chivalry. By MARION F. LANSING. Two Vols. (Is. each. Ginn.) Barchester Towers. By ANTHONY TROLLOPE. (Cloth, 2s. net. Leather, 3s. 6d. net. Milford: Oxford University Press.) Short Studies on Great Subjects. By J. A. FROUDE. First Series. (Cloth, 2s. net. Leather, 3s. 6d. net. Milford: Oxford University Press.) The Little Wizard of White Cloud Hill. By F. E. CRICHTON. (2s. 3d. Arnold.) The Treasure of the Tremaynes. By C. B. RUTLEY. (25. The Boy Kings. By M. B. REED. (25. 6d. Arnold.) Hints on Notemaking in English Subjects. By D. C. SOMERVELL. (Is. 6d. net. Bell.) The English Way: A Text-Book on the Art of Writing. By Watch Your English: Common Errors in Speech and Writing. Allen & Unwin.) Treasure Island. By R. L. STEVENSON. Stories of Ahbou, the Owl. By H. L. GEE. The Principal's Sister. By Eva GRAY. Table: Retold from Sir Thomas Malory. (Is. each. Chambers.) (2s. 6d. Arnold.) What Toby Saw in Australia. By EDITH L. of the Golden Harp. By L. PHILLIPS. 7d. each. Chambers.) Off to the Sea. Cinderella. (3d. each. Chambers.) (25. 3d. Arnold.) Tales of the Round By R. A. SPENCER. ELIAS. The Quest (4d. each. Cloth, Cloth, 6d. each. Charles Dickens and Other Victorians. By Sir A. QUILLER- |