Enrol now for your Degree. Equal satisfaction awaits you. The full name and address of any of the following will be sent on application or the originals may be seen at the Normal office. These are but a few of the many to hand. INTERMEDIATE ARTS (Honours English) FINAL B.A. Dear Sirs, I have much pleasure in telling you that, thanks to the Normal I am through the London Intermediate Arts, with Honours in English. I am at present spending my holiday in London, but I will, all being well, write to you later when I return home, to arrange about the Final, in which I should, if you think fit, like to take English Honours with History as the Subsidiary subject. Once again thanking you very much for your excellent tuition in this my third success with you: (1) Government Teachers' Certificate, (2) L.L.A. 1st Class Honours in English in 1923, and now in the Inter. B.A. I am, Yours gratefully, Dear Sirs, I have now taken my B.A. Examination in Geography and Education and shall write you later regarding the result. I desire to say how pleased I was with the tuition given me. Both courses met with my entire approval and both tutors gave me valuable help in every department of my work. I am certain no trouble was spared to make me an efficient candidate. The notes supplied, the expert guidance and the criticisms were all of the best, and gave me perfect confidence in my work. Please inform the tutors of my high appreciation of their work, which is worthy of the traditions of your College. I may say that you have piloted me through the 2nd and Final B.A. courses and the A.C.P. Examination. Thanking you for all past services. FINAL B.Α. Dear Sir, Yours sincerely, I am through my Final B.A. in Mathematics and thanks to you. The result came out last Saturday evening. I appear to be the only one in the Arts Faculty to have done it. I am sure you will be pleased, especially as it is entirely due to you that I have got through. Without your help I am sure I should never have succeeded. I am so happy and exceedingly grateful to you. Thank you very, very much. FINAL B.Sc. Dear Sir, Yours sincerely, This is to inform you that I have got a pass in the B.Sc. Econ. Examination and to thank you for the excellent lessons set by your tutor Mr. H-, whose careful correction of papers and many helpful suggestions have brought about the result. Those three years under the "Normal" will always be a pleasant memory. Again thanking you. Yours sincerely, FINAL B.A. (Honours) Dear Sirs, I have gained First Class (Honours) in Education, the only one given to external candidates in South Africa this year. This is a much coveted distinction here, for very few First Classes in Education have been given either to internal or external students. I am sure that my success was due to the splendid and systematic help from your tutors. The whole course was planned with care and skill. I have now been successful as a student of your College in the A.C.P. and B.A. Examinations. Thanking you for your expert guidance. NORMAL CORRESPONDENCE Yours faithfully, COLLEGE, Normal House, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich ; and Lyddon House, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London, S.E.22 MARCH 14. THE HORNIMAN MUSEUM, FOREST HILL, S.E., at 3.30.-Dr. R. L. Sherlock: MARCH 16. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 5.30.-Prof. A. E. Richardson: MARCH 17. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. 1, at 5.30. Mr. C. D. Forde: The Churches of Constantinople (Byzantine Art) (9). KING'S COLLEGE, STRAND, W.C. 2, at 5.30.-Sir Bernard Pares: Contemporary KING'S COLLEGE, STRAND, W.C. 2, at 5.30. Mr. H. W. Clothier: Electrical Switchgear (3). CENTRAL LIBRARY, HOLLOWAY ROAD, ISLINGTON, at 7.30.-Celebration of Joan KING'S COLLEGE, STRAND, W.C. 2, at 5.30.-Prof. J. D. Wilson: Education and KING'S COLLEGE, STRAND, W.C. 2, at 5.30.-Prince D. Svyatopolk Mirsky: MARCH 20. THE EUGENICS EDUCATION SOCIETY, ROYAL SOCIETY, BURLINGTON HOUSE, PICCADILLY, at 5.-Dr. J. Brownlee: The Present Tendencies of Population in Great Britain in Respect of Quantity and Quality. MARCH 21. THE HORNIMAN MUSEUM, FOREST HILL, S.E., at 3.30.- Mr. S. H. Warren: KING'S COLLEGE, STRAND, W.C. 2, at 5.30.-Prof. P. Dearmer: The Charac- CENTRAL LIBRARY, FULHAM, S.W. 6, at 8.-Prof. A. M. Low: The Future in MARCH 28. THE HORNIMAN MUSEUM, FOREST HILL, S.E., at 3.30. Mr. H. N. Milligan: Living Animals of the Seashore. MARCH 29. KING'S COLLEGE, STRAND, W.C. 2, at 5.30. Mr. A. R. Pastor: Quietism SHORNELLS, BOSTALL HEATH, PLUMSTEAD, at 7.-Celebration of Isaiah: (Spanish Saints and Heretics) (4). MARCH 19. Arranged by Dr. F. H. Hayward. SUMMER SPORTS Ε. Ν. Α. New Guide to necessary Requisites Post Free A post card will bring it & PHILIP L. TACEY 69-79 High Street, Fulham, London, S.W. 6 School Supplies; Manufacturers and Contractors THE E.N.A. SCHOOL OF NEEDLECRAFT CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPAL: ELIZABETH GLASIER FOSTER. DIPLOMA COURSE: Teachers' 20-Lesson Course in Edu-Craft Needlework More than 2,000 Teachers who have taken the Correspondence Course of the E.N.A. School have written in glowing terms of the instruction received. The Scheme has won recognition for its intrinsic educational value by schools and education authorities in every part of Great Britain. For purposes of Examination the E.N.A. School has the cooperation of a committee of representative educationists. Hon. Pres.: Lady Yoxall DIPLOMA COURSE TERM COMMENCING Students enrolling for the Diploma (Full) Course up to March 15th reserve ample time to complete their lessons for August-September Examination, 1925 (Corresp.). CERTIFICATE COURSE: New "Shorter Course" in Edu-Craft A short "introductory" Course in the beautiful Edu-Craft Stitchery has long been desired by teachers wishing to incorporate the new methods in their school work. The Certificate Course provides the means at a very limited outlay. The Inclusive Fee for this Popular 12-Lesson Course is only 45/ Can be paid 17/- on enrolment and 2 further payments Twelve practical articles are made during the Certificate Course. The cost of all materials, &c., required is covered in the fee specified. Finished specimens (value 25s.) belong to the Student. All lesson specimens are begun." Needle and thread demonstrate the exact method of working, both in Construction and Stitchery. A beautiful plaque of pattern stitchery, borders, and motifs, as in the Diploma 66 Course, is completed during the lessons. SEND THIS COUPON OR A POST CARD FOR FREE BROCHURE To the Secretary, THE Ε.Ν.Α. SCHOOL OF NEEDLECRAFT, 308 GRAY'S INN ROAD, W.C. 1. J.E. I shall be glad to receive a Free Brochure with syllabus of subject matter and full particulars of the Diploma and Certificate Needlework Courses for Teachers. Name. Address. E.N.A. SCHOOL OF NEEDLECRAFT, HEADLAND HOUSE, 308 GRAY'S INN ROAD, LONDON, W.C.1 Speech Day, June 20. Opening of War Memorial Hall, May 23 Commemoration, June 28-30. Rugby v. Marlborough, at Lord's, July 29, 30. Speech Day, June 11. Athletic Sports, Mar. 28. Old Boys' Day, June 24. Boat Race House Commemoration Ser- Prize Giving, July 27. Speech Day, June 26. Commemoration Day, June 28. Wellingborough School.. Wellington College, Berks Westfield College, Hampstead. Westminster Medical School. Westminster School April 3 to May I Weymouth College Croydon. Winchester College Worcester Cathedral King's School. Worcester Royal Grammar School. April 3 to May I April 7 to May 8.. April 3 to May 5 Founder's Day, Mar. 23. Senior Sports, Mar. 28. OFFICIAL HOLIDAY COURSES FOR TEACHERS. - The Board of Education has arranged numerous short instruction courses for lecturers in training colleges (Form 105aU), for teachers in technical and evening schools (Form 105eU), and for teachers in secondary schools (Form 105U). For training college lecturers there are courses in hygiene in relation to education and biology at Oxford on July 11-25, and in phonetics at University College, London, on July 24-August 7. Applications are obtainable through the principal of the training college, and must be returned to the Board of Education before March 14. For teachers in technical and evening schools, there are courses in engineering science and in electrical engineering (both partly at Oxford and partly at Birmingham, July 13-29), mining engineering (Birmingham, July 8-18), building and surveying subjects (four centres in London, July 20-August 1), textile subjects (London, July 18-August 1), commercial subjects (Cambridge, July 13-25), methods of teaching needlework (London, July 30-August 12), cookery (Harrogate, July 31August 13). Teachers working under the local education authority must make application to attend courses through the authority; others must apply to the Board before March 21. For secondary school teachers there are several courses at Oxford and Cambridge, and single courses at Eastbourne, Kew, London, and Rugby, in which most of the subjects of the school curriculum are covered. Applications must be submitted to the Board before March 12. At all these instructional courses, instruction is free, and certain maintenance and travelling grants are made. |