The Gentleman's Magazine, Volumen 266F. Jefferies, 1889 The "Gentleman's magazine" section is a digest of selections from the weekly press; the "(Trader's) monthly intelligencer" section consists of news (foreign and domestic), vital statistics, a register of the month's new publications, and a calendar of forthcoming trade fairs. |
Facts and Fancies about Macbeth By JOHN COLEMAN | 1 |
Knights Tale A BY ALEX CHARLES EWALD F S | 22 |
Olympus On the Slopes of By J THEODORE BENT | 64 |
Picnic An Island By GEO EVRETODD | 70 |
Pilgrimage A to Newstead Abbey By EDWARD WALFORD M A 243 | 81 |
Some Terrible Eyes By F G WALTERS | 104 |
103 | 205 |
583 | 499 |
Página de créditos | |