Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History

Bloomsbury Academic, 28 feb 2006 - 455 páginas
Examines the ways in which hair has served as a signifier of class, gender, ethnicity, conformity/non-comfority, authority, and power throughout history. Countless issues and examples are explored in this volume including: hair styles of royalty; wigs worn by lawmakers and judges; ceremonial hairstyles of tribes throughout the world; Oliver Cromwell's Roundheads; hair in the counterculture (including the musical Hair); skinheads, Mohawks and punk style; the hairstyles of First Ladies; celebrity hairstyles; women shaving their heads to subvert gender and sexuality stereotyping; the entire hair-care industry; the search for a cure to baldness; and diseases and disorders related to hair. Broad topics in this book include hair arrangement/styling; care and cleansing; business and commercial aspects; laws and legal matters; trends and trendsetters; and health and science. An introductory essay explores the universal human interest in hair and hair-styling throughout history and around the world. It is followed by alphabetically arranged entries, each including sources for further reading. This work is highly relevant to the study of class, gender, popular culture, and politics. A lavish set of color and halftone illustrations completes this fun and useful title.

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Sobre el autor (2006)

VICTORIA SHERROW is the author of For Appearance's Sake: The Historical Encyclopedia of Good Looks, Beauty, and Grooming (2001), Encyclopedia of Youth and War: Young People as Participants and Victims (1999), and Women and the Military: An Encyclopedia (1996), a 1996 RUSA Outstanding Reference Source award winner.

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