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a Cottage.
the Cataract.
His eccentric Habits. Suspends himself over
His Firmness. His Principles. He com-
mits suicide. His Life and Travels. Examination of his
Cottage. Reflections. Progressive Changes in the Rock of
the Falls. Water Rockets.-An interesting Walk.-Sport-
ing.-Canadian Rifleman.- Queenstown Heights.- Extensive
View. General Brocke. Mr. W. H. Merritt.- The Wel-
land Canal. Embark on Lake Ontario.
Capital of Upper Canada. Its Rise.
- Arrive at York, the
The Lieutenant-Go-
vernor. The University. - Colonel Givings. Ride to the
Credit Creek.-Clearing Land.-Emigrants.-American Inn-
keepers. An Indian Village.-Change of Habits in Indians.
-Their Appearance. Distribution of Presents. -Birds of
Prey. Consequence of allowing Methodist Preachers among
the Indians. Chief Yellow Head.-Ride up Young Street.
German Settlers. An old Highland Woman. - Sail to
Kingston. Its Appearance. Attend a Ploughing-match and
Show of Cattle. Ride to Kingston Mills. The Rideau
Canal. A Funeral. The Lake of the Thousand Isles.
Farm House. The St. Lawrence.-Brockville.-Prescott.-
Sail up the Ottawa. Philemon Wright of
The Cascades.
Hull.-Story of a Beaver.-Arrive at Bytown.
Colonel By, R. E.-His Cottage Orneé. — The delightful
prospect from it. The Union Bridge.-Fall of the Chaudière,
and Rideau. Bytown, and its Environs. The Rideau Canal.
-Voyageurs. The bursting of the Hog's-back Dam. — The
Wilderness of Rideau.-Indian Wigwam.-Halloween-Rapids.
- Merrick's Mills. Service on the Rideau. A Warm
The Cranberry Marsh. -Fevers.-
Brewer's Mills.· Settlers on the Rideau.. Wild Irishmen.-
- Island of Montreal. - Habitans.
Canadian Hotel.-
-The City of Montreal. - The Streets.
The Public Buildings. - Isle of St. Helen's. Ride into the
Country, and Evening Party.-Loss of Captain Ross, R.N.-
The question of Boundaries. The North-western Frontier.-
A Settlement on the Columbia. Turning the Tables. Com-
municative Fur-traders. An Expedition proposed. Embark
again. How to get a Berth.-The Banks of the St. Lawrence.
Seigniories. Arrive at Quebec. - Cape Diamond.-Mag-
nificent View. - Mountains of Labrador. - The Citadel.
The Obelisk. Lord Aylmer. - The Place d'Armes.-Wolfe's
Statue. The Golden Dog.-Public Buildings. Lauzon.-
Falls of Montmorenci.- Indian Lorette. Charleburgh. The
Plains of Abraham. Opening of the Parliament of Lower
Canada. The Governor-in-chief's Speech.
Enquiries regarding Emigration. — Population of Canada. —
Distress anticipated. - Condition of old Settlers. - The Roads.
Liberal Policy. The French Canadians.- The Irish sit on
their Skirts. English and Irish Landlords. Pensioners.
Employment of Pauper Emigrants. Wages. The Canada
— -
Company.-Emigrants settled on Seigniories. Infamous Con-
duct of Captains of Timber-ships. A Remedy. - American
Speculators. Mr. Andrew Stewart's judicious Plans for dis-
posing of Emigrants.-An American Settler locating himself.-
Emigration ought always to be directed to Canada. - Disad-
vantages of the States. Mr. George's Plan for internal Im-
provements.-The Bersiamits River explored.-Discovery in
Magnetism.-Leave Quebec.-The Road to St. John's. - Isle
aux Noix.-Lieut. Ingal.-Lake Champlain.-Crown Point.—
Ticonderoga.-The Royal Highlanders.-A Canal-boat.-Troy.
-Albany.—Breaking up of the Ice on the Hudson.-Economy
of Time.—The Ex-King of Spain.-The Highlands.— Arrived
at New York
Leave New York to see Congress opened.-General Wool.—
Sail to Brunswick in New Jersey.
connected with it. The Delaware. Joseph Buonaparte.-
Bristol and Burlington. Philadelphia. - The William Penn
Steam Vessel.-Newcastle. The Chesapeak and Delaware
Canal.-Sail up the Patapsco to Baltimore.-Uninviting ap-
pearance of Maryland.-Slavery and its Effects too apparent.
-The great Chesapeak and Ohio Rail-road. — Bladensburgh.
-Pass over the Battle-field. Silent approach to Washington.
- Resembles a Russian city. The Streets. -Houses indiffer-
ently heated. Audience of President Jackson.-A Sketch of
his Career. The Pennsylvania Avenue.-The Capitol, Sculp-
tures, and Paintings.-The Rotunda, National Library.-Halls
of the Senate and of Representatives.-The President's Mes-
sage. A gratifying Account of the Prosperity and Prospects
of the United States. Visit Mr. Clay.-Inspect the Arsenal.
-Visit the Theatre and attend Church.-Mr. Bankhead.-The
Nunnery. A Party at the President's.
Leave Washington. - My Fellow Travellers. The Author
of " Pelham.”—Slang.-Enter Baltimore by a Railway.-Spirit
of the Inhabitants. View from an Observatory. The Battle
Monument.-The Cathedral.-The Washington Pillar.-Charles
Carroll of Carrolton. Journey to the Susquehannah. — An
English Radical. Philadelphia. The State-house. The
Banks and Churches. Peale's Museum.
- The 160-gun Ship
Pennsylvania. The Theatre. The Fair Mount Waterworks.
- Anecdote. Mechanical Genius of the New Englanders.
The Penitentiary.-Its Arrangement. Sketch of the Life of
a Convict. How to prevent Prison-breaking.— Facetious
Thieves. Robbery of a Mail Coach. A Robber's Advice to
Travellers. The Philadelphia Prison.
-Why liberated Pri-
soners do not reform. - Dr. Rush.- Luxury of the Philadel-
phians. A grumbling Traveller.—A Wistar Party.—A grievous
Disappointment.-Return to New York
Leave New York to Visit West Point.
The frozen Hudson.
The Military Academy. - The Course of Study. — The
Classes.-Artillery Cadets.-Subsistence of Cadets.- Confine-
ment to Halls of Study. Excesses. Effects of the Ordeal at
West Point. The Army of the United States.-Artillery and
Infantry. The Ordnance.-Major-General Macomb.-Military
Chiefs.-The Staff of the Army.-Desertions and Enlistments.
-The Privates. - Moral Culture neglected. The Non-com-
missioned Officers.-Intemperance.-Uniform of the American
Army.-Temptations to belong to it.-Military Experience of
a young Artillerist.- Posts.-Bush Expeditions.-British and
American Soldiers compared.-Arsenals. - Rifles. - Topogra-
phical Enquiries highly commended.-The States not fortifying
the Maine Frontier.- Field Works. The American Hatchet.
—The Militia.—Injudicious System.-A Muster in Vermont.
-Evacuation Day at New York.-The Invincibles.-Prospects
of War.—Britons ought to be superior to petty Jealousy. 273
Leave the Military Academy.-The Valley of Canterbury.-
Murderer's Creek.-Newburgh.-Fire.-Journey to New York.
-The City Hotel. - A Concert.-An Evening Party. — The
Penalty of Indulgence. Useful Receipts for Topers.-General
Santander. Lawrie Todd. - Dine with the St. Andrew's So-
ciety. A Patriotic Speech in honour of Scotland.-Visit Long
Island. The Navy-yard.—“ Ready, aye, ready.”— Leave New
Connecticut. The Buildings of New England.-Anecdotes
of New-Englanders.-The Automaton Chess-player.-Fantoc-
cini and Fire King. New England in Winter. American
Helps.-Distress of a British General.~Harford.—Boston.—
View from the Dome of the State House. The Streets.
Houses and People.-Hint to marrying Bachelors.-The Athe-
næum.-Bunker's Hill.-The Monument.-Leave Boston.-A
Somerset.-Again enter New York. - Festivities of the New
Year.-Reflections on leaving America. Sail for England.-
The Sherbet of Death.-Land at Liverpool