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or mis-ftated one important fact, relating either to him or Churchill. Inttead, therefore, of having reafon to regret that thefe publications had not appeared ere I ventured with mine before the publick, I have reafon to think that they would never have been published but for the intereft excited by a new edition of Churchill's Poems; and to my labours of arrangement the compilers or editors of both feem indebted for nearly four-fifths of that matter which they now prefume to offer as original compofition to the publick; whilft, excepting the maft uninterefting letters, fcarcely one line of the whole but has been verbatim copied from the Magazines and other periodical publications of the first ten or fifteen years of the prefent reign.

As a corroboration of the fact I had adduced, of Mr. Wilkes having left no MS notes on Churchill, I thought it a duty incumbent on me to addrefs this letter to the public eye; otherwife the flovenly Memoir I have alluded to would, from motives of pure contenipt, have been as much beneath iny notice as the doers of thefe Memoirst have, from more prudential confiderations, deemed my work unworthy of their ac knowledgments.

The difcreditable nature of most of the letters, and the profligate character of the degraded writer of them*, muft always detract from the reputation of the immortal Poet, who could proftitute the facred name of friendship in fayour of fo unworthy an object. W. T.


Dec. 13, SEND you an addition to the re

North point was called Milton, and had a temple facing the famous temple of Jupiter Urfus, built by Phryxus, the fite ftill called Ieron by the Greeks, on the Afiatic coaft, where is now a formidable battery of 25 pieces of heavy metal erected 1798 by the engineer Monnier. At the foot of the battery are fill to be feen remains of the dam, to which was faftened the chain that blocked the entrance of the Propontis. Further on the caftle of Europe (Roumeli Kavak), and the battery built by Touflaint 1788, enlarged by Monnier 1794. The ruins near this cattle are thole of a Genoefe fort. The river beyond it was antiently called Chryforhous, from its golden fands. On the hills near it, to the North, was the tower Timea, with a pharos, to point out the entrance of the Bofphorus, from which might be feen the Black fea, the Bofphorus, Conftantinople, and the fea of Marmora. The port of Borouk Liman, which follows the mouth of the river Chryforhoas, is the antient port of the Ephefiaus: from which mouth to fort Karipché, where was the port of the Lycians, the canal is bordered with very high craggy rocks reaching to the gulph of Borouk Liman, the battery at which, erected by Lafitte and Monnier, mounts 12 pieces of cannon, as Fort Karipché does 23, erected under the direction of Baron Tott 1773. The Fanal of Europe (Roumeli Fener), fituated on the antient promontory of Panium, is defended by Fanaraxi caftle with 15 pieces of cannon, built in 1769 by a Greek architect. At the foot of this Fanal are the Cyanean rocks, on one

I view of Chevalier's Voyage in Pro- of which is feen the pretended pillar of

pontis, p. 1029.

Some distance from the valley of Boroukdere is a village, called by the Greeks Selectrina, and by the Turks Sarikew, at the mouth of the gulph called by the antients Selectrinum, terminated on the South by Cape Simas, now Mezarbouram, on whofe fummit was an altar of Venus Meretrix. The

* Our correspondent certainly here rides his own bobby at a furious rate—A Candid and impartial opinion of thefe publications will be given in the Review deportment of our Mag-zine for January. EDIT.

With a due regard to the fair fame of Mr. Wilkes, they have omitted all notice of his elegant controverfial correfpondence with the Rev. Mr. Horne, published in one volume, 12mo, 1771. W. T.

Pompey, which is nothing more than an aliar erected in honour of Auguftus, as appears by the following infcription

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Dec. 13.

OUR Correfpondent Q. P. p. 911, is pleafed to convert the queftions I asked, p. 721, into affertions of the affirmative on thofe queftions. The information I received, at Kirkton, was certainly affirmative; but I did not fo far intend to adopt that information, as to be perfonally refponfible for its truth.

I believe the chancel at Kirkton is to be taken down, if not already down; as I faw that work of demolition be gun upon. And I confefs I could not fee any good reafon for its being taken down, if it was the intention of the parties concerned to restore it to its original fate. I beg leave pofitively to deny any intention to give a falfe coJour to the fubject of my first letter by a partial fuppreflion of the truth, as infinuated in the letter of Q. P.

I am not an Architect by profellion; but an admirer of the venerable remains of antient Architecture, anxious to preferve them, wherever it is poffible, from the fanaticifm of modern improvement. I am not an inhabitant of Kirkton, nor do I refide within 40 miles of the place, nor have I any other intereft in the fubject than fuch as I have ftated.

My drawing is upon a fcale too large for your Mifcellany. And the infide of the chancel and tranfepts, where ftones of an hundred weight were fre quently falling on the floor, from the hands of the mafons above, afforded

no eligible fitnation for taking drawings of monuments, or copies of monumental infcriptions. E. B.

Mr. URBAN, Walfall, Dec. 5. Ivious on Impropriety of Speaking,

Naddition to the excellent obferva

p: 1010, I shall flate fome fashionable phrates in this neighbourhood, which,

think, are not grammatical; viz. “ I fhall name it to him."-" Mr. B. is in the Mercery line."-" Where do you propofe to fleep to-morrow night ?—I fhail lay at the Swan Inn at W-.” nifh frigates with treasure on-board, The taking and detaining the Spap. 1059, is a curious circumftance. If it was done to force the payment of the Manilla rantom, due fince the peace of 1763, or to prevent the ma‐ ney getting into the hands of Buonaparte, it might be defended as a matter of political expediency; but, otherwife, it feems to be of a piece with fome of the tranfactions of our " fierce and haughty foe," who fiicks at nothing in opprefling defenceles nations, feizing ambaffadors, &c. &c. Spain is to be pitied, experiencing, at one time, Petilence, Famine, and Oppreflion.

To come to matters at home: I read in the St. James's Chronicle last night, that fine flour was nearly five pounds per fack! Surely the corn-jobbers and fpeculators are not going to revive the horrors of 1800? It is well known, that though the harvest this year was not fo very abundant as the preceding, yet it was a good harveft; and there is plenty in the land, and not the leaft reafon for the prefent high price of grain.

Much inconvenience is felt in this neighbourhood, for want of filver in change. There are many collieries, lime-works, forges, and furnaces, which employ hundreds of people; and the mafiers, to pay their workmen, iffue cards of various forts, from one fhilling to ten each, nominal value. Thefe cards have been brought to the markettowns adjacent, and paid for provifions, clothing, and other things, fʊ that they become a drug, and very lile hard cafh is to be feen. Moreover, many of them have been counterfeited, and the holders have been obliged to fuftain the lofs. Some Bank of England crown dollars are in circulation too; but people are afraid to take them, for they alfo have been counterfeited fo nicely, that they are


only to be diftinguished by the ring of them and the weight.

It is a ferious buûnefs; and if Governiment fhould iffue a new coinage of filver, if the pieces are made full weight they will be melted, and if otherwife they will be counterfeited. Silver is now cheaper than it was fome time ago, and it is well it is, for there are many thousand ounces ufed in the year in plated goods, never to he recovered.

Whether the lofs of gold noticed, p. 1019, in articles of gilt work, is a caufe of guineas being fearce, I know not: but, a golden guinea is feldom feen here. I would not have it underflood that I with the gilding or plating trades to be fupprefled, for it would be the ruin of thousands. TEE.

Mr. URBAN, Bishopfrow, Dec.14. EADING in Crutwell's Bath Chro

heaths, and fens of Norfolk and Suffolk; but no data are yet elablished to prove that this race alone is fufficient to account for the very abundant appearance of Snipes upon almost all the marshes, from the prefent time till the end of October, when they difappear till the end of February. It appears that the projects of this Society, whofe object feems to be to effablish a complete natural hiftory of the Snipe, will be conducted upon a very extenfive fcale, as they mean to have correfpondents upon the coaft to watch for the ingrefs and migration of thefe fingular birds; while others are to be established on the fmall and rapid fireams of the county, and in the vicinity of the extenfive fens, where they are known to harbour. As the times of their migration are known to be fynchronous with occurrences in the kingdom of Naturalifts, thefe agents are to take

Racle of vefterday the following notice when their appearance or difap

article of intelligence, "A few days fince, as-Colone! Wingfield, of the 4th dragoons, was in purfuit of faipes, near Lewes, a flight of Swallows crofsed him, one of which he fhot," brought to my recollection a niemorandum I had made, and intended immediately to have fent you for infertion in your wide-extended and entertaining Micellany, "that on the 4th of November last, confiderable number of Swallows made their appearance about 4 o'olock in the afternoon, flying as if feeling for fuelter, againfi the house of one of my neigh tours." They were feen by many. One of them, which flew into a dairy houfe juft by, was taken the day following, and found to be very weak, and apparently emaciated. It is matter of regret that their deftination that evening was not accurately obferved. I do not pretend to offer any conjecture on this fact, leaving that to your numerous intelligent Correfpondents who fiudy, with avidity and fuccefs, the pleafing and inftructive pages of Nature. JAS. EYRE.

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pearance coincides with any fact oblerable in the animal or vegetable kingdoms; though thefe coincidences can only be confirmed, by the obfervations of feveral years.



Dec. 19.

CONFESS I can hardly refrain from confidering our friend Malcolm's account of the fones in the ley yew-tree, p. 995, as a ftrong infance of credulity or felf-deception; and if it at all refembles the Blockley ah, it is that, as the bones fell into before they fell from the tree, fo the stones have been chucked by idle boys from time to time into this, till they feemed to incorporate into its growing or decaying bark. But as all fuch extraor dinary narratives are open to examination, I hope the Oxford naturalifts and profeffors will not think this unworthy their notice, or compare it with Dr. Plot's wonderful fiories in the infancy of natural fcience among us, efpecially as Ifley is at a convenient diftance for a morning's walk.

I hope the Editor of the Hiftory of Surrey will confider Mr. Neild's account of the fhameful fate of the Kingfton prifon, p. 992, as an omiflion neceffary to be fupplied in his fecond volume, if his or fome other good man's intereft does not previously fuc ceed in getting it removed. This is one of the grievances which Englishmen thould obviate, before they feel for ob


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jects of diftrefs out of their own country. I am glad to fee other improvements fuggefted in the fame town in p. 1106. P. 997. The portrait of Edward IV. resembles that engraved by Vertue for Rapin's Hiftory, folio, and the octavo edition, vol. VI. from an antient painting in Kensington palace. I wifh your correfpondent E, J. might have the good fortune to recover a fingular portrait of Queen Elizabeth (not Edward the Fourth's wife), that was formerly feen at the Bull inn at Bourn, or Folkingham.-Col. 1, 1. 5, for duke and dutchefs of Brandon r. of Suffolk; and 1. 29, dutchefs of Suffolk.

There is juft fuch an amphora fhewn in the locker of the abbey-church at St. Alban's, and engraved in the laft edition of Camden's Britannia (Herts), as that from Suffolk, p. 1006. Yours, &c.



P. Q.

Dec. 20.
N the prefent diffufion of topogra-
phical defcription, how unfortunate
is the county of York, with fuch ex-
cellent and copious materials, to have
twice failed of being brought to the
birth. Of Dr. Townfon's effort you
will recollect what was faid in vol.
LXXII. p. 702; and now Mr. Fother-
gill, who feveral years ago formed a
refolution to engage in its natural and
civil hiftory, whofe fituation as a na-
tive of the county, and a refident in one
of the fairest parts of that fair province,
could not but prove highly advantage
ous to the purfuit, and who continued
to labour in the undertaking till it be-
came neceffary for him to change his
refidence, and till he found Dr. Town-


fon had embarked in the fame under-
taking, and had obtained fo much pa-
tronage that the fuccefs of a rival work
was rendered improbable-Mr. F, in
fhort, yielded to Dr. T.; and his "
pers were allowed to remain by me
without arrangement, and in their pre-
fent rude ftate, till I had added confi-
derably to their number by a journey
through Scotland, and a late vifit to fe-
veral parts of South Wales." With all
this enlargement, the county of York,
"the province in queftion (for whofe
wealth or extent, whether natural or
artificial, many a petty Sovereign of
Europe might imagine himfelf peculi-
arly bleffed of Heaven, were it in his
power to exchange his own dominions
for a country of fo much more import-
ance in every political point of view,) it

will be allowed by every candid mind,
that a nobler field of enquiry could not
have been found within our own imme-
diate limits." Thus is the author's
great defign at once felo de fe. A work
capable of furnishing materials for ma-
ny volumes is to be crouded into ONE,
and to borrow South Wales and Scot-
land for its fupporters. On the execu
tion of this defign is to depend the in-
vettigation of two regions of the globe,
one never explored by any mortal, and
with the trifling and comparatively
unimportant refearches in the other we
are far from refting fatisfied. To raise
a fund for this execution is the apology
for the mode of publication here adopt-
ed, to which Mr. F. has in fome de-
gree been compelled by the certainty of
incurring expences in the execution of
this work which are of no fmall import-


even before it can be at all prepared for public infpection." The first divifion of the work, occupying the firk volume, will be divided into fections: 1. analyfis; 2. antiquities; 3. biogra phy; 4. agriculture; 5. quadrupeds; 6. birds; 7. fifh; 8. reptiles; 9. infeets; 10. literature as connected with natural hiftory; 11. divifion of the work, containing remarks, obfervations, and refearches, made in feveral parts of England, Scotland, and Wales. The whole is to be illuftrated with not lefs than 20 and not more than 30 plates.

Such, Mr. Urban, is the way in the which we are at length to be brought D. H. acquainted with all that is interefting in the county of York !!!

Mr. URBAN, Lydd, Kent, Nov. 20.
HAVING been fhewn the original

papers that paffed between his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Corporation of this town, in the poffeffion of Robert Cobb, efq. of this place (to whofe father we are indebted for the correct decyphering of the fame), I herewith fend you a copy, which is at your fervice, thould you judge them worthy a place in your C. C. Curate. Magazine.

To the moft Rev. Father in God, Mathew, Lord Archbishop of Canterburye, Metropolitane and Prymate of all England.

In most humble and lamentable wyfe fhewethe unto your Grace, the Baylyffe, Jurats, Com'ens, Churche wardens, and fworne Sydefemen, of



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