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them, and the Prince and Princesse of Orange: wch you are effectually to represent vnto them by all the arguments and reasons you can frame, and of what dangerous consequence the contrary may be to their interests and restitution.

You shall likewise give unto our Sister and Nephew, a true and particular knowledge of the state of the Treatyes betweene us and the States Ambassad" (as our principall Secretary shall informe you) as well of that of the Marriage, as of y Confederation, in the latter of which, we are resolued (as aforesaid) to take a special care of their interests.

You are to acquaint them, that although the two Treatyes are not come as yett to a conclusion, neuerthelesse hauing been pressed by the Prince of Orange, that his son might passe into England before his going to the Field, Wee haue so farre giuen our assent thereunto as that wee haue left it to him, to doe therein as he shall thinke fitt.

You are to impart these our Instructions vnto Sr William Boswell our Resident, and to take his aduise in all things that may concerne our seruice, and you are wth him to addresse your selfe in our name to the Prince & Princesse of Orange, & to passe like offices with them for the endeauouring & setling of a good understanding betweene our deare Sister, our Nephew, and them, according as wee soe earnestly desire, and their interest requires: Giuen under our Signe-manuall att our Court at Whitehall y 28th of Febru: 1640.




"His Matles Instructions to Mr. Browne, going into Holland 1641:"

Instructions for our trusty and welbeloved Richard

Browne, Esq. one of the Clerkes of our Privy Councell, and our Agent wth our good brother the most Christian King: (in 1641).


Wee hauing occasion to imploy our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin the Earle of Leycester,' 1 Robert Sidney, nephew of the gallant Sir Philip.

our extraord" Ambassad' with our good brother the French King, in the gouernmen' of our Realme of Ireland, as our Lieutenant generall there, and to that end being now to recall him from his employment in France: Wee haue that confidence of your fidelity, and abilities, and particularly of your experience in those parts, that wee haue thought fitt to make choice of you for to be our Agent there, and that you may the better acquitt your selfe in that charge, you shalbe provided with the Instructions following:

First vpon your arriuall in that kingdome, you shall addresse yo"selfe vnto our said Ambassad' extraord" for to be by him presented vnto that King, to whom you shall deliuer yo' l'res of Credence, and impart your charge:

And when you shalbe thus admitted to his presence, you shall in due, and the best manner, lett him know the great affection wee beare to his person, and the good aduancement and prosperity of him and his affaires, and how much wee doe desire, according to the antient friendshipp and strait obligations betweene us, to maintaine all good intelligence and correspondence. To web end, that there may be nothing wanting on our part, We haue now, vpon the comming away of our Ambassad', sent you to reside there: And soe you are accordingly to make this your principall aime, as it is indeed the proper charge of all Amb", Legats, and Agents, to nourrishe and maintayne a good correspondence betwixt the two Crownes.

And therefore you are to informe youselfe of all former Treatyes, and more especially of the last and most freshe in practice, betweene these Crownes, being the rule by we the procedings of the subjects of both sides are to be regulated.

And that you may better know wherein Wee, or our subjects, are any wayes concerned in those parts, whether in suites, processes, or otherwayes, you are to take all fitting and necessary information from our said Ambassad', and what businesse shalbe left in agitation by him for o" seruice, you are in our

name to continue the prosecution thereof, and to giue account of yo' proceedings therein.

Another part of your charge is, that you watch carefully ouer the motions of that State where you are, what treaties, alliances, assistances, or ennemityes shalbe moued wth other States openly, or vnderhand, wherein our affaires may be any wayes concerned; and for yo' better light and information herein, you are to keepe intelligence with our AmbassadTM and Agents wth other Princes and States, to whom wee will giue orders to correspond with you.

And as there shall further occasion arise for you to negotiate in, for our seruice, you shall receiue directions, either immediately from our selues, or from our principall Secretaries in our name, wch you are to obserue & follow, as if it came vnder our owne hand, and from time to time to aduertise them (or vs as the importance of the occasion may require) of all yo proceedings, and what soeuer else may come to yor knowledge, wch may be usefull and necessary for the good of our affaires. the 23 of July 1641.

"Instructions for Mr. Browne." July 23, 1641.




Nostre feal et bien amé Richard Browne, Gentilhom'e de Nostre Chambre Privée, Secretaire en Nostre Conseil Privée, et Nostre Resident en France, salut. Comme ainsi soit que ceux contre qui Nous avons a faire presentem' touchant le reste des derniers Dotauli' de Nostre tres chere Epouse la Reyne, se veulent servir contre Nous de certains pretendus Ordres donnez l'un au mois d'Octobre 1633, par feu Nostre Grand Thresorier : l'autre par

'This resumption in regard to the Queen's dowry was to facilitate supplies from the Continent; her Majesty at this precise period transmitting to the King a considerable sum of money raised upon the pawned jewels of the Crown. She. had gone to Holland on the 23rd of February preceding. • Richard Weston, Earl of Portland.

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