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§ 2. It shall be the duty of the District Superintendent to see that a Committee on Foreign Missions is appointed at the fourth Quarterly Conference of each Pastoral Charge, of five or more persons, including one Sunday School Superintendent and one Epworth League President, of which Committee the Pastor shall be Chairman. Its duty shall be to aid the Pastor in disseminating missionary information, planning for the Annual Foreign Missionary Day, and securing a thorough canvass of the members of the Churches and Congregations in the interest of Foreign Missions.

VIII. Duties of Pastors and Churches

¶ 387, § 1. The support of Foreign Missions is committed to Pastors, Congregations, Sunday Schools, and Epworth Leagues.

§ 2. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Foreign Missions, to provide for the diffusion of missionary information among the members of his Church, Congregation, Sunday School, and Epworth League.

§ 3. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Foreign Missions, to institute a monthly missionary prayer meeting or missionary address in his Charge, for the purposes of imploring the divine blessing upon Missions throughout the world, and for the diffusion of missionary intelligence among the people.

§ 4. The Pastor, aided by the Official Board and the Committee on Foreign Missions, shall provide for a thorough foreign missionary canvass and an Annual Missionary Day, when the Pastor, or some

one invited by him, shall present the cause of Foreign Missions, when contributions shall be taken for our foreign work exclusively. If so desired, the contributions may be paid weekly or monthly, and the Board of Foreign Missions shall supply envelopes for the same.

§ 5. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to see that each Sunday School on his Charge is organized into a Missionary Society, and that at least one Sunday in each month is observed in the interest of Missions and a collection taken, which shall be divided equally between the Board of Foreign Missions and the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension; and all contributions of the Sunday School shall be reported in a separate column in the Annual and General Minutes. It shall be the duty of the Sunday School Missionary Society to provide, with the consent of the Sunday School Board, for brief missionary exercises on the day that is set apart for the monthly missionary collection to be taken, to cause suitable literature to be distributed in the Sunday Schools, and to arrange for occasional missionary concerts. The Sunday School Missionary Society shall include both Foreign Missions, and Home Missions and Church Extension, and the contributions shall be equally divided between the two Boards.

§ 6. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to organize Mission Study Classes on his Charge where prac ticable.




¶ 388. For the more successful prosecution of the Missionary work of the Church among women in foreign lands, there shall be an organization known as the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be governed and regulated by its Constitution, which may be altered or amended by the General Conference as the necessities of the work may require.

§ 1. This Society shall work in harmony with, and under the supervision of, the authorities of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The appointment, recall, and remuneration of Missionaries, and the designation of their fields of labor, shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Managers of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and annual appropriations to Mission fields shall be submitted for revision and approval to the General Missionary Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

§ 2. All Missionaries sent out by this Society shall labor under the direction of the particular Conferences or Missions of the Church in which they may be severally employed. They shall be annually appointed by the President of the Conference or Mission, and shall be subject to the same rules of removal that govern the other Missionaries.

§ 3. All the work of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society in foreign lands shall be under the direc

tion of the Conferences or Missions and their Committees in exactly the same manner as the work of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Superintendent or District Superintendent having the same relation to the work and the person in charge of it that he would have were it a work in the charge of any Member of the Conference or Mission.

¶ 389, § 1. The funds of the Society shall not be raised by collections or subscriptions taken during any of our regular Church services, nor in any Sunday School, but shall be raised by such methods as the Constitution of the Society shall provide, none of which shall interfere with the contributions of our people and Sunday Schools for the treasury of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and the amount so collected shall be reported by the Pastor to the Annual Conference, and be entered in a column among the Benevolent Collections in the Annual and General Minutes.

§ 2. The provisions of § 1 of this paragraph shall not be so interpreted as to prevent the Women from taking collections in meetings convened in the interests of their Societies; nor from securing memberships and life memberships in audiences where their work is represented; nor from holding festivals or arranging lectures in the interests of their work.



I. Incorporation

¶ 390. For the prosecution of Missionary and Church Extension work in the United States, Territories, and insular possessions, there shall be a Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, duly incorporated according to law, and having its office in the city of Philadelphia, said Board being subject to such rules and regulations as the General Conference may from time to time prescribe.

NOTE.-For Charter, Constitution, By-Laws, etc., see Annual Report and other publications of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension.

II. General Committee of Home Missions and Church Extension

391, § 1. There shall be a General Committee of Home Missions and Church Extension consisting of (1) the Bishops, one of whom, as they may determine from time to time, shall be chairman; (2) the Corresponding Secretary and such Assistant Corresponding Secretaries as the General Conference may elect, the President, the Treasurer, and Recording Secretary of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension; the Recording Secretary being ex

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