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Copyright, 1928, by Cosmopolitan Book Corporation

Printed in the United States of America



The Rise of the House of Rothschild

In the course of my researches I found that references to the name of Rothschild in official documents and in books of memoirs were as common as they are rare in contemporary textbooks. I made a point of collecting all available data until my drawers were literally crammed with letters, deeds, and documents containing the name of Rothschild, and bearing dates of almost every year of the nineteenth century. My next step was to visit the various European capitals which had been the scene of the family activities, in order to enrich my store of references with all the relevant literature. The subject is indeed inexhaustible, but the material I had amassed encouraged me to essay a complete picture.

The subject required the most delicate treatment, but my determination to undertake the work was accompanied by the definite intention of according it complete impartiality, for I was convinced from the beginning that a prejudiced outlook would render the work utterly valueless.

The House of Rothschild, as will be readily understood, did not throw open its archives to my inspection, for it is particularly careful in guarding its more important business secrets. But this was not entirely without its advantage, for it left me completely free from political considerations and uninfluenced by racial, national, and religious predilections or antipathies. I was thus enabled, in accordance with my wish, to begin an independent historical research into the part played by this House in the nineteenth century, which I knew to be far more important than is commonly thought.

The general scheme of this work will be built upon facts alone, in a practical way such as will help us to form our own judgment on individuals and the part they played in world events.

I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my special sense of gratitude toward all those whose advice and assistance have been so valuable to me in my work.

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