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Relicks, miraculous, 2 Kings, xiii. 21. Matthew, ix. 20, 21. Acts, xix. 11, 12. Saints departed, assist us by their prayers, Luke, xvi. 9. 1 Corinthians, xii. 8. Apocalypse, v. 8. We have a communion with them, Hebrews, xii. 22, 23. They have power over nations, Apocalypse, ii. 26, 27. chapter v. 10. They know what passes amongst us, Luke, xv. 10. 1 Corinthians, xiii, 12. Christ in heaven, before the general resurrection, 2 Corin1 John, iii. 2. They are with thians, v. 1. 6, 7, 8. Philippians, i. 23, 24. Apocalypse, iy. 4. chapter vi. 9. chapter vii. 9. 14, 15., &c. chapter xiv. 1. 3, 4. chapter xix 1 4, 5, 6 chapter xx 4. For their invocation, consult the texts quoted above with rela tion to Augels: and such as testify the great power which the prayers of God's servants have with him; and which authorize us to call for their prayers. Exodus. xxxii. 11. 14, 1 Kings, vii. 8, 9, 10. Job, xiii. 7, For which see 8. Romans, xv. 30. Ephesians, vi. 18, 19. lonians, v. 25. Hebrews, xiii. 13 1 ThessaHoly Scriptures, hard to be understood, and wrested by James, v. 16. many to their own destruction, 2 Peter, iii. 16. Not of

private interpretation, 2 Peter, i. 20. Corrupted by HereApostolical Traditions, 1 Corinthians, xi. 2. 2 Thessalonians, tics, St. Matthew, xix. 11. 1 Corinthians, vii 9. chapter ix. 5. chapter xi. 27. Galatians, v. 17. Hebrews, xi. 21. 11. 15. chapter iii. 6. 2 Timothy, i. 13. chapter ii. 2. chapter iii. 14. See also Deuteronomy, xxxii. 7. Psalm, xix. 5, 6, 7.

Transubstantiation. See Eucharist.

Trinity of persons in God, Matthew, xxviii, 19. 2 Corin
thians, xiii. 13. 1 John, v. 7.
The B. Virgin Mary. Her dignity, Luke, i. 28. 42, 43.
All generations of true Christians shall call her blessed,
Luke, i. 48. See for her veneration and invocation, what
is said above of Angels and saints.

Women, must not preach nor teach, 1 Corinthians, xv. 34,
35. 37. 1 Timothy, ii. 11, 12.

Good Works, meritorious, Genesis, iv. 7. chapter xxii. 16, 17, 18. Psalm, xvii. 11. 23, 24. Psalm, xviii. 8. 11. Matthew, v. 11, 12. chapter x. 42. chapter xvi. 27. 1 Co. rinthians, iii. 8. 2 Timothy, iv. 8.


For all Sundays and Holidays throughout the Year; and also, of the most notable Feasts in the Roman Calendar.

It must be observed, that the Verses at which the Epistle or Gospel begin and end are set down after the Chapter.

ADVENT, Sunday, Epistle Romans, Ash Wednesday, Epistle Joel, ii. 12. 20. Corpus Christi. Epistle 1 Corinthians,

11. 14. Gospel Luke, xxi. 25. 34.-2 Sunday, Epistle Romans, xv. 4. 13. Gospel Matthew, xi. 2. 10.3 Sunday, Epistle Philippians, iv. 4. 7. Gospel John, i 19. 28.4 Sunday, Epistle 1 Corinthians, iv. 1. 5. Gos. pel Luke, iii. 1. 6.

Christmas, 1 Mass, Epistle Titus, ii. 11. 15. Gospel Luke, ii. 1. 15.-2 Mass, Epistle Titus, ii. 4. 8. Gospel Luke, fi. 15. 21.—3 Mass, Epistle Hebrews, i. 1. 12. Gospel Juhu, i. 1. 14. St. Stephen, Epistle Acts, vi and vii. 54.59. Gospel Matthew, xxiii. 34. 39. St. John, Epistle Ecclesiastes, xv. 1. 7. Gospel John, xxi. 20. 24. Holy Innocents, Epistle Apocalypse, xiv. 1.6. Gospel Matthew, ii. 13. 18. St. Thomas, Canticle Epistle Hebrews, v. 1. 7. Gospel John, x. 11. 17. St. Silvester, Epistle 2 Timothy, iv. 1. 9. Gospel Luke, xii, 35. 41. New Year, Epistle Titus, ii. 11. 15. Gospel Luke, ii. 21, 22. Epiphany, Epistle Isaias, Ix. 1. 7. Gos. pel Matthew, ii. 1. 13.

1 Sunday, Epistle Romans, xii. 1. 6. Gospel Luke, i 42. 52.-2 Sunday, Epistle Romans, xii. 6. 16. Gospel John, ii. 1. 12.

Name of Jesus, Epistle Acts, iv. 8. 12. Gospel Luke, ii. 21.-3 Sunday, Epistle Romans, xii, 16, 21. Gospel Matthew, viii. 1. 13.-4 Sunday Epis tle Romans, xiii. 8. 11. Gospel Matthew, viii. 23 28.-5 Sunday, Epistle Colossians, i. 12. 18. Gos. pel Matthew, xiii. 24. 31.-6 Sunday, Epistle! Thessalonians, i. 2. 10. Gos. pel Matthew, xiii. 31. 35. Septuagesima, Epistle 1 Corinthians, ix. 21. x. 5. Gospel Matthew, xx. 1. 17.

Sexagesima, Epistle 2 Corinthians, xi. 19. xii. 10. Gospel Luke, vii. 4. 16. Quinquages. Epistle 1 Corinthians, xiii. 1. 13. Gospel Luke, xviii. 31. 34.

1 Lent,

Gospel Matthew. vi. 16. 22.
Epistle 2 Corinthians, vi. 11. Gos-
pel Matthew, iv. 1. 12.-2 Lent,
Epistle Thessalonians, iv. 1. 8.
Gospel Matthew, xvii. 1. 10.-3 Lent,
Epistle Ephesians, v. 1. 9. Gospel
Luke, xi. 14. 29.-4 Lent, Epistle
Galatians, iv. 22. 31. Gospel John,

vi. 1. 15.

Passion Sunday, Epistle Hebrews, ix.
11. 15. Gospel John, viii. 46. 59.
Palm-Sunday, Epistle Philippians ii. 5.
H. Gospel Matthew, xxi. 1. 10. and
Maunday-Thursday, Epistle 1 Corinthi-
chapter xxvi. xxvii.
Good-Friday, Epistle Exodus, xii. 12.
ans, xi. 20. 23. Gospel John, xiii. 1.15.
Holy Saturday, Epistle Colossians, iii.
Gospel John, xviii. xix.
Easter Sunday, Epistle I Corinthians,
1. 4. Gospel Matthew, xxviii 1.7.
Easter Monday, Epistle Acts, xx. 37.
v. 7, 8, Gospel Mark, xvi. 1. 7.
Easter Tuesday, Epistle Acts, xiii. 26.
43. Gospel Luke, xxiv. 13. 35.
Low Sunday, Epistle 1 John, v. 4. 10.
33. Gospel Luke, xxiv. 36. 47.
Gospel John, xx. 19. 31.-2 Sunday,
after Easter, Epistle 1 Peter, ii 21.
25. Gospel John, x. 11. 16.-3 Sun-
day, Epistle 1 Peter, ii. 11. 18. Gos-
pel John, xvi. 16. 22.-4 Sunday,
Epistle James, i. 17. 21. Gospel John,
xvi. 5. 14.-5 Sunday, Epistle James,
i. 22. 27. Gospel John, xvi. 22. 30.
Ascension, Epistle Acts, i. 1. 11. Gos-
pel Mark, xvi. 14. 20.-5 Sunday,
Epistle 1 Peter, iv. 7. 12. Gospel
John, xv. 26. xvi. 4.
Whitsuntide Sunday, Epistle Acts, ii. I.
Whitsuntide Monday, Epistle Acts, x.
11. Gospel John, xiv. 23. 31.
Tuesday, Epistle Acts, viii. 14. 17. Gos.
42. 48. Gospel John, iii. 16. 21.
Trinity Sunday, Epistle Romans, x. 33.
pel John, x. i, 10,
36. Gospel Matthew, xxviii. 18. 20.

xỉ. 23. 29. Gospel John, vi. 50 59. 2 Sunday, Epistle I John, iii. 13. 18. Gospel Luke, xiv. 16. 24.-3 Sunday, Epistle 1 Peter, v. 6. 11. Gospel Luke, xv. i. 10.-4 Sunday, Epistle Romans, viii. 18. 23. Gospel Luke, v. 1. 11.-5 Sunday, Epistle 1 Peter, iii. 8. 15. Gospel Matthew, v. 20. 24.-6 Sunday, Epistle Romans, vi. 3. 11. Gospel Mark, viii. 1. 10.7 Sunday, Epistle Romans, vi. 19. 23. Gospel Matthew, vii. 15. 21.8 Sunday, Epistle Romans, viii. 12. 17. Gospe! Luke, xvi. 1. 9.-9 Sunday, Epistle 1 Corinthians, x. 6. 14. Gospel Luke, xix. 41. 47.-10 Sun day, Epistle 1 Corinthians, xii. 2. 11. Gospel Luke, xviii. 9. 14.-11 Sunday, Epistle 1 Corinthians, xv. 1. 10. Gospel Mark, vii, 31. 37.-12 Sunday, Epistle 2 Corinthians, iii. 4. 9. Gospel Luke, x. 23. 37.-13 Sunday, Epistle Galatians, iii. 16. 22. Gospel Luke, xvii. 11. 19.-14 Sunday, Epistle Galatians, v. 16. 24. Gospel Matthew, vi. 24. 33.-15 Sunday, Epistie Galatians, v. 25. vi. 11. Gospel Luke, vii. 11. 16.-16 Sunday, Epistle Ephesians, iii. 13. 21. Gospel Luke, xiv. i. 1.-17 Sunday, Epistle Ephesians, iv. 1. 6. Gospel Matthew, xxii. 35. 46.-18 Sunday, Epistle 1 Corinthians, i. 4. 9. Gospel Matthew, ix. 1. 8.-19 Sunday, Epistle Ephesians, iv. 23. 28. Gospel Matthew, xxii. 1. 14.-20 Sunday, Epis tle Ephesians, v. 15. 21. John, iv 46, 53-21 Sunday, Epistle Gospel Ephesians. vi. 10. 17. Gospel Mat thew, xviii. 23. 25.-22 Sunday, Epistle Philippians, i. 6. 11. Gospel Matthew, xxii. 15. 21.-23 Sunday, Epistle Philippians, iii. 17. 21. Gospel Matthew, ix. 18. 26.-24 Sunday, Epistle Colossians, i. 9. 14. Gospel Matthew, xxiv. 15. 35.


St. Andrew, Epistle Romans, x. 10. 18. Gospel Matthew, iv. 18. 22. Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Epistle Proverbs, viii. 22. 38. Gospel Matthew, i. 1. 16.

St. Thomas, Epistle Ephesians, ii. 19. 22. Gospel John, xx. 24. 29.

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St. Patrick, Epistle Ecclesiastic. xliv. xlv. Gospel Matthew, xxv. 14. 23. St. Joseph, Epistle Ecclesiastes, xlv. 1.6. Gospel Matthew, i. 18. 22 Annunciation, Epistle Isaias, vii. 10. 15. Gospel Luke, i, 26. 38.

8. 10. iii. 10. 12. Gospel John, xv.

St. Mark, Epistle Ezechiel, i. 10. 15.
Gospel Luke, x. 1. 9.

SS. Philip and Jacob, Epistle Wisdom,
v. 1. 5. Gospel John, xiv. 1. 13.
Inv. Cross, Epistle Philippians, ii, 5.
11. Gospel John, iii. 1. 15.
St. Barnaby, Epistle Acts, xi. 21. 27.
Gospel Matthew, x. 16. 22.
St. John Baptist, Epistle Isaias, xlix. 1.
8 Gospel Luke, i. 57. 68.
SS. Peter and Paul, Epistle Acts, xii. 1.
11. Gospel Matthew, xvi. 13. 19.
Visitation Blessed Virgin Mary, Epistle
Canticles, ii. 8. 14. Gospel Luke, i.

39. 47.

St. Mary Magdalen, Epistle Canticles,
Mi. 2. &c. Gospel Luke, vii. 36, 50.

St. James, Epistle 1 Corinthians, iv. 9.
15. Gospel Matthew, xx. 20. 23.
St. Ann, Epi t'e Proverbs, xxxi. 10.,
&c. Gospel Matthew, xiii. 44. 52.
Transfiguration, Epistle 2 Peter, i. 16.
19. Gospel Matthew, xvii. 1–9.
St. Laurence, Fpist'e 2 Corinthians, ix.
6. 10. Gospel John, xii. 24. 26.
Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary, Epis
tle Ecclesiastes, xxiv. 11. 20. Gos.
pel Luke, x. 38. 42.

St Bartholomew, Epistle 1 Corinthians,
27. 31. Gospel Luke, vi.

12. 19.

Nativity Blessed Virgin Mary, Epistle
Proverbs, viii. 22. 36. Gospel Mat-
thew, i. 1. 16.

Exaltation Cross, Epistle Philippians,
ii. 5. 11. Gospel John, xii. 31. 36.

St. Matthew, Epistle Ezechiel, i. 10 15
Gospel Matthew, ix. 9. 13
St. Michael, Epistle Apocalypse, i. 1.5
Gospel Matthew, xviii. 1. 10.
Angel Guardians, Epistle Exodus,
xxiii. 20. 23. Gospel Matthew, IVÜL.
1. 10.

St. Luke, Epistle 2 Corinthians, vii.
15. 24. Gospel Luke, 1. 1. 9.
SS. Simon and Jude, Epistle Ephe.
sians, ir. 7. 13. Gospel Joha, Xг.

All Saints, Epistle Apocalypse, vii 2.
12. Gospel Matthew, v. 1. 12.
All Souls, Epistle 1 Corinthians, v.
51. 57. Gospel John, v, 25 29.
Presentation Blessed Virgin Mary,
Epistle Ecclesia-tic. xxiv. 14, 16. Cros
pel Luke, xi. 27, 28

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The Order of the Books of the OLD TESTAMENT, with the Number of their Chapters.

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Osee...................... 14

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NOTE-That A. M. signifies Anno Mundi, that is, in the year of the World.—
A. C. Ante Christum, year before Christ.-A. D. Anno Domini, in the year of
our Lord-Supra, i, e. above, denotes, that the chapter and verse before which
it is prefixed, is to be found in the same book, but foregoing.And Infra, i. e.
below, denotes the chapter and verse is to be found in the same book, following.
The other marginal contractions and marks are sufficiently obvious.

The Order of the Books of the NEW TESTAMENT, with their proper Names, and Number of Chapters.

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NOTE-That A. M. signifies Anno Mundi, that is, in the year of the World -A. C. Ante Christum,
year before Christ.-A. D. Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord.-Supra, i. e, above, denotes, that
the chapter and verse before which it is prefixed, is to be found in the same book, but foregoing.-
Aud Infra, i, e. below, denotes the chapter and verse is to be found in the same book, following. The
other marginal contractions and marks are sufficiently obvious.



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