Imágenes de página

toujours ever, forever, continually,

always, still

tour m. turn; ~ à ~ in turn, each

in his turn

tour f. tower

tourment m. torment, distress tourmenter torment, torture tourner turn, direct

tout adj. adv. all, quite; ~le the whole; tous les every; tous deux both; à fait altogether, perfectly; p. everything, all; toutpuissant all-powerful toutefois however, nevertheless trace f. trace, mark, sign; sur leur

~ in their footsteps tragédie ƒ. tragedy tragique tragic

trahir betray, be faithless to, abandon, belie, go contrary to, frustrate, reveal

traîner draw, draw along, drag along, trail

trait m. trait, flash

traiter treat

traître m. traitor

trancher cut off, put an end to tranquille tranquil, unmoved, at ease, undisturbed (à before) tranquillement tranquilly, calmly transport m. transport, outbreak, outburst, passion, rapture, ecstasy, frenzy

travailler work, toil; ~ à strive

for, work toward

travers: au amid, through, in the midst

traverser traverse, go through,

cross trembler tremble

trente thirty

trépas m. death

très very, very much trésor m. treasure triomphant triumphant

triomphe m. triumph triompher triumph (de over) triste sad, melancholy, gloomy,


tristesse f. sadness Troie f. Troy

trois three troisième third

tromper deceive; se be mistaken

trompeur delusive, beguiling, deceiving

trône m. throne

trop too much, too, too many, too well, full well, too great; ~ avant too deeply; c'en est ~ it is too much, you go too far, stop

trouble m. trouble, agitation, turmoil, confusion

troubler trouble, disturb, agitate trouver find, consider, think; se be troyen Trojan

tuer kill, slay, blast tyran m. tyrant

Ulysse Ulysses

un a, one, some; les s some; l' et l'autre both; l'~ à l'autre to each other

unique unique, only, sole unir unite, bring together univers m. universe

usage m. usage, use, custom

vaillant valiant

vain vain, in vain

vaincre conquer, overcome vainement vainly, in vain vainqueur m. conqueror vaisseau m. vessel, ship valeur f. valor

valoir be worth; mieux be better;

faire lay stress upon, plead, impress

vanter boast; se boast

veiller watch

vendre sell

vénération f. veneration

vengeance f. vengeance

venger avenge

vengeur m. avenger

venin m. venom, poison venir come; ~ à happen to ; ~ de

have just; prendre come for; d'où vient que why is it that, why; faire send for, summon véritable true, real

véritablement truly, in truth, as a matter of fact, really vérité f. truth

vers prep. towards

vers m. verse

verser shed, spill

vertu f. virtue
vertueux virtuous
veuve widow
vice m. vice

victime f. victim
victoire f. victory
victorieux victorious

vie f. life

vieillesse f. old age

vierge maiden; de ~ maidenly

vieux old, aged

vigueur f. vigor

ville f. city, town vingt twenty

violence ƒ. violence

violent violent

violer violate

vis-à- de before

visage m. face, countenance vivre live

vœu m. vow, wish, prayer, desire voici here is, here are

voie f. way

voilà there is, that is, there are,

those are

voile m. veil

voir see, look upon.
voix f. voice
voler fly, hasten
volonté f. will, wish

votre your; le vôtre yours
vouer vow, consecrate, pledge
vouloir wish, be willing, will, like,
ask, admit, consent, insist, will
have, mean, try, seek, be re-
solved, require; bien to be
willing, consent; ~ dire mean;
en à be vexed with; que
veux-tu what then

voyage m. voyage vrai true, real

vue f. sight; ma~ sight of me; sa sight of him; à sa ~ to her face, before her sight

y to it, in it, there, here, at it, upon it, thither

zèle m. zeal





About: La Mère de la Marquise et La Fille du Chanoine (Super) $0.50 Aldrich and Foster: French Reader

Augier: La Pierre de Touche (Harper)

Beaumarchais: Le Barbier de Séville (Osgood)

Bourget Extraits Choisis (Van Daell)

Boileau-Despreaux: Dialogue, Les Héros de Roman (Crane)

Colin: Contes et Saynètes.

Coppée: On Rend l'Argent (Harry)

Corneille Le Cid (Searles)

Corneille Polyeucte, Martyr (Henning)
Daudet: La Belle-Nivernaise (Freeborn)
Daudet: Le Nabab (Wells)

Daudet: Morceaux Choisis (Freeborn)
Daudet: Tartarin de Tarascon (Cerf).

De Maistre: La Jeune Sibérienne (Robson).

De Maistre Les Prisonniers du Caucase (Robson)

Erckmann-Chatrian: Madame Thérèse (Rollins)

Féval: La Fée des Grèves (Hawtrey)

Fortier: Napoléon: Extraits de Mémoires et d'Histoires

Guerlac Selections from Standard French Authors.
Halévy: Un Mariage d'Amour (Patzer)

Henning: Representative French Lyrics of the Nineteenth

















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Josselyn and Talbot: Elementary Reader of French History .
Labiche: La Grammaire and Le Baron de Fourchevif (Piatt)
Labiche and Martin: Le Voyage de M. Perrichon (Spiers)




La Fayette, Mme. de: La Princesse de Clèves (Sledd and Gorrell)
La Fontaine : One Hundred Fables (Super)

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