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frénétique frantic, wild

fréquenter frequent, visit often frère m. brother

frissonner shudder, tremble, shiver front m. brow, forehead

fruit m. fruit, benefit, result

fuir flee, desert, evade, avoid, leave

fuite f. flight

fumer smoke, reek

funérailles f. pl. funeral rites funeste fatal, sad, melancholy, hopeless, disastrous, baneful, tragic

fureur f. fury, madness furie f. fury, mad rage

furieux furious, raging, in a fury

gage m. pledge, token, security,


gagner gain, win, obtain, win over,

attain to, overtake, take possession of

garde f. guard

garder guard, watch over, keep, preserve, maintain, reserve (à for), take care, beware; se ~ de take care not to

gémir groan, sigh, repine gémissement m. groan, sigh gendre m. son-in-law

gêner torture, torment (in modern French the word has lost this, its primitive force; it means now 'put to trouble,'' bother') généreux generous, noble, (very frequently in the 17th century) magnanimous génie m. genius renou m. knee

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gloire f. glory, reputation, pride, name, self-respect glorieusement gloriously, richly goût m. taste (de for)

goûter taste, enjoy, experience gouverneur m. governor, tutor, preceptor

grâce f. grace, pardon, forgiveness, mercy, thanks be; pl. thanks; rendres render thanks, give thanks (de for); de pray grand great

grandeur f. grandeur

graver engrave, cut, stamp

gré m. will; à son at one's pleasure, as one likes grec -ecque Greek Grèce f. Greece

guère: ne...~ hardly, scarcely guerre f. war guide m. guide

habileté f. skill

haine f. hate, hatred

haïr hate, not care for, disregard hardi bold

hardiesse f. boldness; ~ à tout dire unbridled outspokenness hasarder expose, risk hâter hasten

haut height; sb. m. du de from

above, from the top of

hautain haughty

hé! bien! ah well, well

Hécube Hecuba

hélas alas

Hérodote Herodotus

héroïque heroic

héros m. hero

hésiter hesitate

heure f. hour, o'clock

île f. island

heureusement fortunately, happily, favorably

heureux happy, glad, favorable, lucky, favoring, pleasing, successful

histoire f. history, story, matter Homère Homer

hommage m. homage

homme; de bien good man honnête honest, becoming, wellbred

honneur m. honor; sans ~ disgracefully

honorer to honor

honte f. shame

honteusement shamefully honteux ashamed

horreur f. horror; faire fill with horror

humain human; sb.m.mortal, man;

less mankind humanité f. humanity humble humble, meek humilier humiliate, humble hymen m. marriage hyménée m. marriage

ici here; jusqu'~ till now idéal ideal

idée f. idea, notion, conception ignorer ignore, be ignorant of, not know

illusion f. illusion

illustre illustrious

image f. image, picture, idea imiter imitate

immédiatement immediately,at once immoler sacrifice, slay, put to death immortel immortal, everlasting imparfait imperfect, unfinished impatience f. impatience, eagerness impatient impatient, eager impeccable faultless impitoyable pitiless, inexorable implorer implore

important important

importer to matter; n'importe it matters not; qu'importe what matters it

importune obtrusive, unpleasant, in the way; être

intrude upon

imprécation f. imprecation, curse

impression f. impression

impuissant powerless

impuni unpunished

imputer impute, ascribe incapable incapable, unable incertain uncertain, inconstant incertitude ƒ. uncertainty incident m. incident, detail inconséquence f. inconsistency inconstance f. inconstancy inconstant faithless

indifférence f. indifference indignation f. indignation, anger indigne unworthy, base indigné indignant, angered inexorable inexorable, merciless inextricablement inextricably, inseparably

infidèle faithless; sb. faithless one

infidélité infidelity, faithlessness infiniment infinitely

informer: s' inquire, seek to know

infortune f. misfortune

infortuné grief-stricken, unfortu


ingénieux ingenious, artistic, crafty ingénuité f. ingenuousness, candor ingrat ungrateful: sb. ingrate ingratitude f. ingratitude inhumain inhuman, cruel, hardhearted; sb. heartless woman, heartless man

inimitié f. enmity, hate, hostility injure f. injury, wrong, insult, out

rage, taunt injuste unjust injustice f. injustice

innocence f. innocence, simplicity innocent innocent

inquiet uneasy, restless, bewildered, distraught

inquiéter alarm, worry, disturb inquiétude ƒ. uneasiness, anxiety, trouble

insensé maddened, beside one's self

insolence f. insolence
insouciance f. unconcern

inspirer inspire, arouse, cause
instruire instruct, teach
instrument m. instrument
insu: à son unconsciously

insulter insult

intelligence f. intelligence, understanding

interdire forbid, deny

intéresser: s'~ take an interest (à in), plead

intérêt m. interest, love, care; son

love for him

interrompre interrupt, break intrépide intrepid, fearless intrigue f. intrigue, plot inutile useless, idle inviolable inviolable invulnérable invulnerable ironie f. irony

irriter irritate, incense, aggravate

jadis formerly, long ago, of old jalousie f. jealousy

jaloux jealous

jamais ever; à ~, pour ~, forever;

ne... ~ never

jeter cast, throw, let fall
jeune young
Jocaste Jocasta

joie f. joy, pleasure

joindre join, unite, bring together jouer play; faire ~ cause to be played, stage

jouet m. plaything

jouir (de) enjoy, possess, take

pleasure, reap the benefits of jour m. day, life (pl. life); un ~ some day; se faire ~ see light, find a way

Journal des Débats one of the three or four leading newspapers of France

juge m. judge

juger judge, think, deem, be sure, guess, imagine

jurer swear, resolve, protest jusque(s) even; jusqu'à even to,

until, to; jusqu'ici till now; ~ là till then; jusqu'où how far juste just, apt

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loi f. law loin far

loisir m. leisure

long long

longtemps long, a long time lorsque when

louer praise, commend lueur f. light, gleam, glimmer; à la by the light

lui he, him, her, to him, to her, itself (v. 120)

lumière f. light; pl. intelligence; quelques-unes de vos s some of your intelligence

magnanime magnanimous magnanimité ƒ. magnanimity magnifique magnificent

main f. hand; à forte with violence

maint many, many a maintenant now

mais but, why, come maître m. master

maîtresse f. mistress, lover, sweetheart

majesté f. majesty

mal adv. badly, amiss, with difficulty

mal sb.m. woe, evil, grievance maladroit awkward, tactless malgré in spite of, despite malheur m. misfortune

malheureux unfortunate, unhappy;

sb. unfortunate, wretch mander write, enjoin upon, command

mânes m. pl. manes, shade, spirit manière f. way, manner (de in) manifeste manifest

manquer lack, be lacking, miss, fail

marcher go, go on, proceed; en

marchant as he went mari m. husband

marquer mark, indicate, designate maudit accursed

méchanceté f. wickedness, perversity

méchant bad, wicked, malicious médiocre average, ordinary mélancolie f. melancholy, gloom, gloomy mood mêler mingle

même even, same

mémoire f. memory, recollection menace f. menace, threat menacer menace, threaten ménager spare, make the most of, treat with regard, have regard for, humor

mendier beg, beg for

Ménélas Menelaus

mener lead, conduct

mépris m. scorn, slight, disregard, contempt (de for)

mépriser despise, disregard, scorn, set at naught

mer f. sea; de ~s en ~s from sea

to sea

mère f. mother

mériter merit, deserve, earn

mesure f. measure; à

mieux better

milieu m. middle; au in the midst, among

mille thousand, a thousand, many miracle m. miracle misère f. misery

mobile m. motive, incentive modèle m. model, example modérer moderate, calm, restrain moderne modern

modeste modest, humble, moderate

mœurs f. pl. manners, customs, moral habits

moi me, I

moindre adj. less, smaller; le ~ the least

moins adv. less; au at least, even; du at least; n'en . . . pas none the less, nevertheless; à que conj. unless mois m. month

moment m. moment, instant monarchie f. monarchy

monde m. world, people, society, crowd; tout le everybody

monstre m. monster

montrer show; se appear; ~ à

mes yeux show clearly morceau m. piece, part

mort adj. sb. dead

mort f. death

mortel adj. sb. mortal

que in

mot m. word

proportion as, according as mesuré measured, regular, guarded mettre put, set, bring, lay, thrust;

sens dessus dessous upset

meurtre m. murder

midi m. south

mien mine

mourant adj. sb. dying

mourir die; faire put to death, have die

moyen m. means muet dumb, silent

mur m. wall

muraille ƒ. wall

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