| Lawrence Dundas Campbell, E. Samuel - 1802 - 650 páginas
...of ccflion Uipulated in the prcfcnt treaty, there (hall be allowed to the inhabitants, ot whatever condition or nation they may be, a term of three years,...notification of the definitive treaty of peace, for the purppfe of difpofmg of their properties, acquired and pof(rfled either before or (luring the preterit... | |
 | John Debritt - 1802 - 848 páginas
...that in all the cafes of ceflion ftipulated, there (ball be allowed to the inhabitants, of whatever condition or .nation they may be, "a term of three years, to be computed from the notification of this prefent Treaty, for the purpofe of difpofing of their property acquired and poflefled either before... | |
 | 1802 - 886 páginas
...of cession, stipulated in the present treaty, there shall be allowed to the inhabitants, of whatever condition or nation they may be, a term of three years, to be computed from the nothe present preliminary articles, and have caused our seals to be, put thereto. Done at London Oct.... | |
 | 1802 - 892 páginas
...be allowed to the inhabitants of whatever o>ndition or nation they may be*, aterra of three year?, to be computed from the notification of the definitive treaty of peace, for the purpofe of dilpofing of their properties, acquired and poflefled either before or during the prefent war ; during... | |
 | 1802 - 882 páginas
...fli.ill be allowed to the inhabitants of whatever condition or nation they may be, a term of three }ears, to be computed from the notification of the definitive treaty of peace, for the purpofe ol difpofing of their properties, acquired and poflefled either before or during the prefent war ;... | |
 | Lawrence Dundas Campbell, E. Samuel - 1803 - 948 páginas
...that in all the cafel of cdl'ion ftipufatcd, there (hull be at lowed to the inhabitants, of whatever condition or nation they may be, a term of three years, to be computed from the notification of this prefent treaty, for the purrrole of dilpofinfj of their property acquired and poflelied ei.hcr... | |
 | Great Britain. Foreign Office - 1803 - 494 páginas
...there mail be allowed to the Inha.bitants, pf whatever Condition or Nation they may ;.,-V »»J be, be, a Term of Three Years, to be computed from the Notification of this prefent Treaty, for'the Purpofe of difpofing of their Property acquired and poflefied either before... | |
 | Great Britain. High Court of Admiralty, Christopher Robinson - 1806 - 450 páginas
...cafes of ceffion, " there jhall be allowed to the inhabitants, of whatever condition or nation they be, a term of three years, to be computed from the notification of this prefent Treaty, for the purpofe of difpojtng of their property acquired and poflejfed either before... | |
 | Willem Lodewyk Van-Ess - 1810 - 526 páginas
...of cession stipulated in the present Treaty, there shall be allowed to the inhabitants, of whatever condition or nation they may be, a term of three years,...notification of the Definitive Treaty of peace, for the purpose of disposing of their properties, acquired and possessed either before or during the present... | |
 | 1801 - 452 páginas
...of cession stipulated in the present treaty, there shall be allowed to the inhabitants of whatever condition or nation they may be, a term of three years,...notification of the definitive treaty of peace, for the purpose of disposing of their properties, acquired and possessed either before or during the present... | |
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