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" Clothes cynically loose, free and easy ; — smokes infinite tobacco. His voice is musical metallic, — fit for loud laughter and piercing wail ; and all that may lie between ; speech and speculation tree and plenteous. I do not meet in these late decades,... "
Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review - Página 418
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The North American Review, Volumen 165

1897 - 808 páginas
...world," said Carlyle of him to Emerson. " A great shock of rough, dusky-dark hair, bright, laughing, hazel eyes, massive aquiline face, most massive yet...cynically loose, free-and-easy; smokes infinite tobacco." He had a study, bare except for books, at the top of the house, and to this den the chosen few were...
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The Quarterly Review, Volumen 186

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray IV, John Murray, Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle), George Walter Prothero - 1897 - 610 páginas
...almost Spanish complexion ; ' but Carlyle's portrait of the poet at forty is the most graphic : — ' One of the finest-looking men in the world, a great shock of rough, dusky dark hair ; bright loving hazel eyes ; massive aquiline face, most massive yet most delicate...
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Proceedings of the Literary & Philosophical Society of Liverpool, Número 51

Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool - 1897 - 346 páginas
...about this period will interest you : — " A great shock of rough, dusky-dark hair ; bright, laughing hazel eyes ; massive aquiline face— most massive,...complexion, almost Indian-looking ; clothes cynically loose, free and easy ; smokes infinite tobacco. His voice is musically metallic — fit for loud laughter...
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The Modern Review, Volumen 4

1883 - 896 páginas
...they were,Jat least just as they appeared to one of the keenest of observers. There is Tennyson, " one of the finest-looking men in the world. A great...massive aquiline face, most massive yet most delicate ;" his voice " musical metallic, fit for loud laughter and piercing wail, and all that may lie between."...
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Lord Tennyson: A Biographical Sketch

Henry James Jennings - 1884 - 326 páginas
...visits, lodging in some old comrade's rooms. I think he must be under forty — not much under it. One of the finest-looking men in the world. A great shock of rough, dustydark hair ; bright, laughing, hazel eyes ; massive aquiline face, most massive yet most delicate ; of sallow-brown...
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Lord Tennyson: A Biographical Sketch

Henry James Jennings - 1884 - 326 páginas
...visits, lodging in some old comrade's rooms. I think he must be under forty — not much under it. /One of the finest-looking men in the world. A great shock of rough, dustydark hair ; bright, laughing, hazel eyes ; massive aquiline face, most massive yet most delicate ; of sallow-brown...
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Swinton's First [-sixth] Reader, Libro 6

William Swinton - 1885 - 620 páginas
...who are and remain beautiful to me, — a true human soul, to whom your own soul can say brother ! One of the finestlooking men in the world. A great...complexion, almost Indian-looking; clothes cynically loose, free and easy. His voice is musical metallic, — fit for loud laughter and piercing wail, and all...
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A Popular Manual of English Literature: Containing Outlines of ..., Volumen 2

Maude Gillette Phillips - 1885 - 648 páginas
...painting by Samuel Laurence : numerous other likenesses are now in circulation. PERSONAL APPEARANCE. One of the finest-looking men in the world. A great shock of rough, dusky- dark hair; bright, laughing hazel eyes ; massive aquiline face — most massive yet most delicate...
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A Popular Manual of English Literature: Containing Outlines of ..., Volumen 2

Maude Gillette Phillips - 1885 - 612 páginas
...painting by Samuel Laurence : numerous other likenesses are now in circulation. PERSONAL APPEARANCE. One of the finest-looking men in the world. A great shock of rough, dusky -dark hair; bright, laughing hazel eyes ; massive aquiline face— most massive yet most delicate;...
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American Literature: And Other Papers

Edwin Percy Whipple - 1887 - 342 páginas
...lectured and hectored him on the folly of writing in verse. He is described in these volumes (1844) "as one of the finest-looking men in the world. A great shock of rough, dusty-dark hair; bright, laughing hazel eyes; massive, aquiline face — most massive, yet most delicate ; of sallow-brown...
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