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" To the audience I come, kind gentlemen, strange news to tell ye, I am the ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be not frighted, I'll be civil; I'm what I was, a little harmless devil... "
Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review - Página 492
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Poésie, versification [etc

Albin-Joseph-Ulpien Hennet - 1806 - 360 páginas
...THE BEARER. Hold! Are you mad, you damn'd confounded dog? I am to rise, and speak the epilogue. * TO THE AUDIENCE. I come , kind gentlemen , strange news...to tell ye ; I am the ghost of poor departed Nelly. ** ÉPILOGUE CE LA TRAGÉI'JÎ DZ L'AMOUR TVKANNIQUE, Prononcé pu Mi» Nelly Gwîn , au moment oïl...
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The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes ..., Volumen 3

John Dryden - 1808 - 462 páginas
...THE BEARER. HOLD ; arc you mad f You damn'd confounded dog ! I am to rise, and speak the epilogue. TO THE AUDIENCE. I come, kind gentlemen, strange news...ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be not frighted ; I'll be civil, I'm what I was, a little harmless devil. For, after death, we spirits have...
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Dramatic Table Talk: Or, Scenes, Situations, & Adventures ..., Volumen 2

Richard Ryan - 1825 - 332 páginas
...tlte Bearer. HOLD ! are you mad, youd — d confounded dog? I am to rise, and speak the epilogue. To the Audience. I come, kind gentlemen, strange news...the ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be notfrighten'd, — I'll be civil ; I'm what I was — a little harmless devil ; For, after death, we...
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Dramatic Table Talk: Or, Scenes, Situations, & Adventures ..., Volumen 2

Richard Ryan - 1825 - 326 páginas
...ike Bearer. HOLD! are you mad, youd — d confounded dog? I am to rise, and speak the epilogue. To the Audience. I come, kind gentlemen, strange news...the ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be notfrighten'd, — I'll be civil ; I'm what I was — a little harmless devil ; For, after death, we...
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The Laughing Philosopher: Being the Entire Works of Momus, Jester of Olympus ...

John Bull - 1825 - 782 páginas
...are you mad, you d-*— d confounded dog ? I am to rise, and speak the epilogue. To the Audience. T come, kind gentlemen, strange news to tell ye ; I...ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be not frighted, J'll be civil : I'm what I was, a little harmless devil ; For after death, we sprites have...
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Some Account of the English Stage: From the Restoration in 1660 ..., Volumen 1

John Genest - 1832 - 656 páginas
...— " Hold, are you mad? you damn'd confounded " dog, " I am to rise and speak the Epilogue." Then to the audience — " I come, kind Gentlemen, strange...Ghost of poor departed Nelly. " Sweet Ladies, be not frighted I'll be civil, " I'm what I was, a little harmless devil. *********** " To tell you true,...
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Memoirs of the Court of England During the Reign of the Stuarts ..., Volumen 4

John Heneage Jesse - 1840 - 558 páginas
...THE BEARERS, Hold, are you mad ? you damn'd confounded dog ! I am to rise, and speak the Epilogue. TO THE AUDIENCE. I come, kind gentlemen, strange news...ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be not frighted : I '11 be civil, I'm what I was, a little harmless devil. For after death, we spirits have...
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The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volumen 3

John Dryden - 1854 - 324 páginas
...THE REARER. HOLD ! are you mad? you damned, confounded dog! I am to rise, and speak the epilogue. TO THE AUDIENCE. I come, kind gentlemen, strange news...ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be not frighted ; I'll be civil, I'm what I was, a little harmless devil. For, after death, we sprites have...
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Essays Biographical and Critical: Chiefly on English Poets

David Masson - 1856 - 528 páginas
...am to rise, and speak the epilogue." and then running to the footlights, and beginning her speech to the audience : — " I come, kind gentlemen, strange...ghost of poor departed Nelly. Sweet ladies, be not frighted ; I'll be civil : I'm what I was — a little harmless devil." &e. &c. It is a tradition that...
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Famous Beauties and Historic Women: A Gallery of Croquis Biographiques

William Henry Davenport Adams - 1865 - 330 páginas
...footlights, and then addresses the audience in language more polite, but scarcely less emphatic : — " I come, kind gentlemen, strange news to tell ye ;...be civil, I'm what I was, a little harmless devil. For, after death, we sprites have just such natures We had, for all the world, when human creatures...
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