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thren; but it is as undoubtedly the case, that | ARTESIAN WELLS, NEAR LONDON.* the use of opium and chalk, both of which are used in large quantities, are productive of the "waxy complexions" which Dr. Walsh mentions. (The latter, it may be observed, is used by the women to produce an artificial whiteness of the exposed parts of their bodies.)

Whiskers are by no means so uncommon as are generally supposed, but when they appear they are carefully plucked out; and if I can judge of the virility of the Chinese by the prodigious numbers of children (not taking into account the numbers of females which are doomed to death) which every even insignificant village produces, I cannot believe that the east coast of China suffers much from the effects of negative electricity.



Ar a late meeting of the Freemasons of the Church, Mr. George Isaacs delivered a lecture on ancient glass as applied to domestic purposes. After alluding to the arts of form. ing and colouring glass vessels among the Egyptians, Mr. Isaacs explained the nature of their manufacture, and described many of the finest known specimens in existence. Following the art through the histories of Tyre, Sidou, and Etruria, he proceeded to the period of Greek art, on which he dwelt at some length, adverted then to the Portland vase, some specimens in the Bibliotheque Royale, and those exhibited at the last meeting by the Earl of Cadogan, in all of which examples, it seems conclusively demonstrated that the glass was blown of two colours, viz., of deep purple coated with white, and that on the exterior surface were carved those exquisite bas-reliefs, which, from their extraordinary delicacy and precision, have been an enigma to antiquaries of considerable authority. A wonderful specimen of Greek art, in the possession of Mr. Herley, was then described, having a series of gold figures burnt in from the interior of the vessel, and some curious information was given on the subject of malleable glass from Dion Cassius, Petronius, Arbiter, and Isidorus, Ibn Abd Alnolm, Nero, and many other writers. The composition of malleable glass was said to have been discovered in France some months

AT a meeting of the Instititution of Civil Engineers, on the 30th June, a paper was read, describing the "Effect of the deep Wells of the Metropolis on the supply of Water in the London Basin," by F. Braithwaite, Esq. The object was, to direct attention to the fact, that the numerous deep wells sunk in and near the metropolis are gradually draining the chalk basin; and that every additional well driven in search of water has the effect of diminishing the water level in all the wells already existing. As a proof of this fact, it was stated that, in a well at Combe's Brewery, sunk 20 years ago, the water rose at that time to within 70 feet of the surface, but that it now only rises to within 120 feet; showing a diminishing of 50 feet. From this and other instances, it was argued, that the supply of water is rapidly decreasing; and this was attributed as well to the improved under-drainage of the lands which receive the falling rain, as to the thus shown, that the deep springs are not increased demand upon the springs. It was inexhaustible, and that obtaining water from them is attended with considerable expense and uncertainty. It was argued, thence, that it is necessary to consider very carefully supply of water from the chalk of the Lonany attempts for obtaining a considerable

don Basin. A remarkable fact, also shown in one of the tables, is, that, on the 5th of April, 1832, there occurred a sudden depression, of 18 feet, of the springs, which lasted for half an hour; at the end of which time, 13 feet of the 18 were regained. The paper contained many interesting facts as to from the different strata; and was illusthe general amount of the supply of water trated by a series of plans-the first of which was a map, on a large scale, taking St. Paul's as the centre, and describing around it a series of circles, with a radius of four miles. The external circle was divided

into the 32 points of the compass; from which lines were drawn to the centre (St. tions were laid down, exhibiting the vaPaul's). Upon these lines a series of secrious strata down to the chalk, as shown by the deep wells sunk in the districts between those lines, as far as the information could be gathered from those employed in sinking and boring them. These sections exhibit a remarkable contour of the chalk basin; and furnish fertile subject for speculative geology, as well as very valuable information as to the probable production of water from the various strata. In the discussion which en

ago, and various paragraphs appeared in the public journals announcing the discovery, but latterly nothing has been heard upon the subject. The removal of the excise duty, how-sued, the Dean of Westminster treated, with ever, will cause the manufacture to advance with giant strides.



AT a meeting of the Paris Academy of Sciences, a letter was read from M. Lecoq, in which he shows the possibility of cultivating the tea plant in France. The mere cultivation of the plant in that country is, we believe, a matter of no difficulty; the main point is to produce tea with the aroma peculiar to that of the Chinese, who appear to possess some secret which has not yet been revealed. The English, who have introduced the tea plant to the Mauritius, and even the Brazilians, who have so propitious a climate for the growth of tea, have not succeeded in obtaining this aroma, which is said to depend considerably on the preparation of the leaf. Such, at least, is the statement of M. Lecoq, who says that he is able, by his mode of preparing tea grown in France, to produce as fine qualities as the best that are imported from China. He has forwarded samples to the Royal Society of Agriculture, and we shall probably soon have the report of that body on this subject, which is really one of importance.


his usual clearness of scientific research, the difficult problem of the origin of subterraneous lakes or sheets of water, and the causes of the spontaneous ascent of the water towards the surface of the earth. He described the influence of the alternating impermeable beds of clay in retaining within the more porous strata the water received at their out-crop; whence, it became evident, the cause of the spontaneous rising of water in the artesian wells sunk through the impermeable London clay down to the porous chalk basin into which the water had fil tered, through the fissures and veins of flints, from the extensive denuded surface of chalk around the London district. After treating this subject at considerable length, the Rev. Doctor alluded succinctly to the proposed speculation for supplying the metropolis with water from the River Colne; and described the labours of the Rev. Mr. Clutterbuck, who, in papers read before the Institution, had demonstrated, by a longcontinued series of measurements of the water in the chalk hills of Hertfordshire, that all the water taken from that neighbourhood would have been abstracted from the supplies of the river Colne, and would have trenched upon the water rights of the mill owners. He alluded, also, to the rain-gauge experiments of Mr. J. Dickenson; who, during many years, had found by arithmetical evidence that the quantity of summer water in the river Colne varied with the quantity of rain in the preceding winter; and regulated his contracts for paper to be manufactured in the summer and autumn by the quantity of water shown in his winter rain-gauge. These observations have been corroborated by foreign experiments. He then treated briefly the general subject of artesian wells-the inereased temperature of the water in the exact ratio of their depth-the sympathy between the depression of water in the various wells throughout an extensive chalk district, proving the identity of origin of the supplies. As, therefore, the number of deep wells was constantly increasing, the extra pumping upon one of them necessarily affected all within a certain distance around it. Mr. Clutter-lated clouds, in a clear sky, producing thunbuck's observations confirmed this. He had der. "To these instances," observes M. further observed that the surface line of sub- Duperrey, of the Academie des Sciences, I terranean sheets of water was not horizontal, can add a fifth, of which I was myself a witbut inclined at a considerable angle, in con- ness. In 1818, being between the islands of sequence of the friction of the strata through Timor and Ombay, we saw one evening a which the water descended. The Dean con- small white cloud, suddenly launching forth cluded by drawing attention to the remark-thunder on every side. It rose slowly, notable contour of the surface of the chalk ex-withstanding the force of the wind, and was hibited in the sections, upon which he proposed on a future occasion to offer some observations.

A SPECIMEN of this substance was found in a blast furnace, imbedded in the mass of matter which had collected at the bottom of the furnaces, in the course of two years and a half. It was in a cavity about eight inches below the level on which the liquid metal rested, and was interspersed with beautiful crystals of titanium. It has the general character of asbestos, forming small masses, consisting of delicate filaments or fibres easily separable. The fibres are flexible, though not so much so as common asbestos; they fuse with difficulty, and are not attacked by sulphuric, nitric or muriatic acid.

SINGULAR THUNDER CLOUD. M. ARAGO, in his observations on thunder (Annuare du Bureau des Longitudes for 1838), relates four instances of small iso

separated by a great distance from the rest of the clouds, which latter remained stationary, and as if fixed in the horizon. The small cloud was round, and might occupy a

[blocks in formation]

AMERICAN GOLD MINES. THE produce of gold in the two Carolinas is on the continued increase. The quantity brought into the Mint in 1843 amounted to the value of 272,000 dollars. The state has recently turned to account the sands of the river Catawba, flowing through the gold district. A private individual, named Gibson, has obtained from it the proprietorship of the soil lying below the waters of the stream. The sand is withdrawn from the bed of the river by means of long-handled ladles of peculiar construction, for which Mr. Gibson has taken out a patent. Each evening, the sand and gravel are washed on the banks, amalgamated by means of mercury, and the amalgamated gold forwarded to the mint, where it has been recognized as very pure. This gold seems to come from a mine of brown hematite, lying in the district of Centerville, near the Falls of the Catawba, and in the neighbourhood of a coal mine.

NEW REGULATION OF THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES. Ar a meeting of the students of University College, held on Wednesday, July 15th, 1846, for the purpose of considering the determination of the Apothecaries' Company, not to commence the registration of students till after August 3rd-Mr. J. E. Wood in the chair-it was proposed by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Randall, and resolved unanimously:-"That this meeting, having obtained official intimation that it is the intention of the Society of Apothecaries to depart, this year, from their usual custom of registering the attendance of students on the summer courses of lectures, before the termination of the session, and to postpone the same until after the 3rd of August, begs hereby to express its deep regret that the Worshipful Society should so inconsiderately institute a regulation which will detain the students in London at an unnecessary expense and inconvenience, and deprive them of a portion of the short time allotted for relaxtion, and for the enjoyment of the society of their friends."

Moved by Mr. Park, seconded by Mr. Lowe, and resolved unanimously :-"That

this meeting desires, therefore, most respectfully to call the attention of the Worshipful Society to the foregoing resolution, and to solicit them either to continue the practice of former years or to adopt some other plan by which the vacation will not be encroached upon."

Moved by Mr. Ransom, seconded by Mr. Acland, and carried unanimously:-"That a committee of three gentlemen be appointed to transmit a copy of these resolutions, signed by the chairman on behalf of the meeting, to the Society of Apothecaries, and to receive their reply."

Moved by Mr. West, seconded by Mr. Webb, and carried unanimously:-"That the committee transmit a copy of these resolutions to the Editor of the Lancet, with a request that he will use his influence in support of their objects."


A HISTORY OF INVENTIONS, DISCOVERIES, AND ORIGINS. By John Beckmann, &c. Fourth edition carefully revised and enlarged. By Wm. Francis, Ph. D., F.L.S., and J. W. Griffith, M.D., F.L.S. Vol. 1. London: H. G. Bohn. THIS new edition of Beckmann's well-known work, is a welcome addition to the popular scientific literature of the day; it forms one of the volumes of "Bohn's Standard

Library." The work has evidently been very carefully revised, and such portions sa the light of modern science has proved to be incorrect, have been expunged. In addition to this the work contains many valuable notes and additions, in which more recent discoveries and observations are carefully recorded. Altogether it is one of the most readable books we have recently met with.

TO CORRESPONDENTS. "CRITO "We refer our correspondent to page 19 of The Chemist for 1845. "J. BROOKS "" (Leeds)-The mode of preparing Ebelman's Silicic Ethers has been already described at page 175 of the present volume of The Chemist.

"H. S." (Croydon)-Certainly not; it occurred in the year 1839.

NOTICE.All Communications and Books for Review must be addressed “To the Publisher of THE CHEMIST, 310, Strand, London." Communications must be prepaid, and sent before the 15th of each month, Books for Review before the 10th.




Finally, this work, such as it is, will, I hope, not only be useful to beginners, but of assistance to those who are advanced in their knowledge of chemistry.

CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE AND | indifferently, as they do, in Germany in par-


THE appearance, in 1787, of the Nouvelle Méthode de Nomenclature Chimique, was soon followed by the publication of several works, destined to extend the new chemical language, and at the same time to point out the modifications it was necessary to introduce into it. But these works have long been left behind by the rapid progress of science. The new impulse given to the study of chemistry by Messrs. Thénard, Gay-Lussac, Chevreul, Dumas, &c., in France; M. Berzelius, in Sweden; Messrs. Mitscherlich, H. Rose, Liebig, Woehler, &c., in Germany; and Messrs. H. Davy, Thomson, and Graham, in England, have induced me to undertake the present work.


Almost at the same instant as that in which the revolution of 1789 broke out, four individuals, Frenchmen, and men of genius, bestowed a new constitution on a science that prepares so brilliant a future for art and industry-Guyton-Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy, created the chemical nomenclature.

On the 18th of April, 1788, these illustrious chemists laid before the Academy of Sciences, a memoir, "On the necessity of reforming and perfecting the Chemical Nomenclature." This memoir was read before the Academy, by Lavoisier.

The necessity for such a reform had been long felt, for the ancient terminology adapted to the mystic doctrines of the black art, and alchemy, were more likely to impede than to facilitate the progress of science. This had already been clearly seen by Black and Bergmann. The latter had appealed to all the chemists in Europe, and called on them to substitute a new nomenclature in place of the eccentric denominations of the art of alchemy. "Show no favour," they said, "to any improper name; those who already understand, will still do so, and those who do not, will the sooner learn."

The first part, containing the nomenclature, classification, &c., will be particularly useful to those who are beginning to study chemistry. The second part, comprising, under the title of "Lexicon," the present names, the formulæ, the old names, the authors, and the dates of each discovery, may be consulted with advantage, even by those who are already initiated in the science. It is by laborious research, alone, that I have succeeded in rendering this part of my work as perfect as I possibly could. In those cases where the documents are without the name of an author and the date of the discovery, I have preferred taking no notice of them, that I might avoid error. The exact determination of the formulæ presented difficulties equally serious. It could be wished that chemists would enter into some understanding among themselves, and adopt, uniformly, either atoms or equivalents, and not employ one or the other N.S., VOL. IV.-No. XLV., September, 1846.

Guyton-Morveau, the translator of Bergmann's works, first answered the masterly appeal of Scheele. In 1782, he published his plan of reform, and had the modesty to solicit, not the approbation, but the objections of those who, at that time, cultivated the science of chemistry.

Morveau's memoir was inserted in the Abbe Rozier's "Journal de Physique" for 1782, p. 370, and entitled, "On Chemical Denominations, the necessity of perfecting the system, and the rules for attaining that

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end." The following are the principles laid down in this memoir:-"1. The names of chemical products ought to indicate them on every occasion, without having recourse to circumlocution. 2. The denominations ought, in every case, to be in conformity with the nature of the objects. 3. When we have no certain knowledge of the character which ought principally to determine the denomination, we should prefer a name that has no determinate meaning, to one that may express a false idea. 4. In the choice of the names to be introduced, we should prefer those which have their roots in the dead languages most generally diffused, so that the word should be easily discovered by the sense, and the sense by the word. 5. The words should be carefully selected, according to the genius of the language for which they are formed."

Three orders of facts, dominated by the principle of dualism, particularly fixed the attention of the authors of the celebrated memoir of 1787, the true charta of modern chemistry. It is on acid compounds, basic compounds, and saline products, resulting from the combination of acids with the bases, that the labours of these hardy reformers of science bore. As to simple bodies, they preserved their old names. The four elements of organised nature, alone, lost their ancient names: vital air was called oxygen; inflammable air, hydrogen; phlogistic air, azote; charcoal, carbon. The authors of the chemical nomenclature insisted strongly on the adoption of these new names, as if they foresaw that these four elements, oxygen, hydrogen, azote, and carbon, would some day become the very sanctuary of organic chemistry. The reasons laid down by Guyton-Morveau to justify the new terms applied to the four elementary bodies of organic nature, form one of the most interesting chapters in the history of science.

He explains the name given to vital air in the following manner:-"The logic of nomenclature requires their substance to be named first, in order that the word by which we remember it should become the type of its compounds. We fulfil these conditions by adopting the expression oxygen, derived, as M. Lavoisier long since proposed, from the Greek óğuç, acid, and yɛvoμat, I beget, on account of the well-established property of this principle to convert a great number of substances, with which it combines, into acids. If we say, therefore, that vital air is oxygen gas, that oxygen unites with sulphur and phosphorus during their combustion, metals, during their calcination, &c.; the language will be perfectly clear and exact."

veau laboured, of having considered oxygen as the generator of all the acids, is, therefore, gratuitous. Vital air received the name of oxygen because this gas, by combining with other bodies, begets a large number of acids.

(Tɛivouaι is a barbarism; it is no doubt yiyvoμat he intended to say. But the verb yivopai itself never had the transitive signification of yɛvváw, beget. In fine, the name oğuyεvýs signifies, literally, not the generator of acid, but acidly born, of an acid parentage, which gives an absurd meaning. It is rather žvyεverns, or oxygone. ožuyovos he ought to have said.)

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Hydrogen owes its ancient name of inflammable air to a property it possesses, of taking fire when brought into contact with a lighted body. "But this property,' observes Morveau, judiciously, "does not exclusively belong to it, while it is the only body that produces water by its combination with oxygen. This is the character we thought we ought to seize upon to extract the word hydrogen, that is to say, begetting water."

When he created the name azote, Morveau was already acquainted with the experiments of Berthollet, Black and Cavendish; he knew that this gas, then called phlogisticated air, enters equally into the composition of ammonia and nitric acid, and he did not conceal his embarrassment to give a name to a body "which forms the radical of an acid, and assists at the same time in the production of an alkali.' From which of the two compounds should he deduce the name? Must he call it nitrogen or alkaligen? These two names both offered themselves to Morveau's mind, and he finally made choice of the word azote. Here he met with the same difficulty as that which he had taken so much pains to avoid when he invented the word hydrogen. "We imagined," he observes,

that we could not do better than stop at the property of phlogistic air, which is so plainly manifested-its being unable to support animal life." In the same way, as in the case of bydrogen, Morveau would have to observe," but this property does not exclusively belong to it." This he seems to have seen; for in proposing the word azote he hastens to add, "this gas is essentially unable to support life; it is so more truly than the acid and hepatic gases (sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphurous acid) which do not, like it, form an essential part of the atmosphere, and we have called it azote from a, the Greek privative, and Coɛ, life."


Thus, then, according to Morveau's intention, azote signifies a gas, not vital, and existing naturally in the atmosphere: it is this that distinguishes it from other gases The reproach under which Guyton-Mor-equally unrespirable, which do not form an

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