Imágenes de página

329. BALZAC (HONORÉ DE). Droll Stories, Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Translated into English, Complete and Unabridged. Illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops.

London: Privately printed, n. d.

330. BANVILLE (THÉODORE DE). Poésies. Idylles Prussiennes (1870-1871). 16mo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and centre ornaments, inside gilt borders, gilt edges.

One of 25 copies on Holland paper.

Paris, 1872

331. BARNARD (GEORGE). Drawing from Nature; a series of progressive instructions in Sketching. Illustrated with 18 colored plates, and numerous woodcuts. Royal 8vo, cloth.

London, 1878

332. BARTLETT (W. H.). Jerusalem Revisited. Engraved plates, and woodcut text illustrations. FIRST EDITION. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut, slight damage to front cover. London, 1855 333. [BECKFORD (WILLIAM).] Italy: with Sketches of Spain and Portugal. By the Author of "Vathek." 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt, slightly rubbed. Philadelphia, 1834

334. BÉRANGER (PIERRE JEAN DE). Œuvres Complètes de Béranger. Édition Unique revue par l'Auteur. Ornée de 104 vignettes en tailledouce dessinées par les plus célèbres. 5 vols. 8vo, boards, calf backs, gilt, backs somewhat damaged, numerous leaves spotted. Paris: Perotin, 1834

Plates are engraved after the designs of,-Johannot, Charlet, Daubigny, Lemud, and others.

335. BEYLE (MARIE-HENRI). La Chartreuse de Parme. Translated from the French by E. P. Robins. With 30 illustrations etched by G. Mercier after V. Foulquier. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, calf backs, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1895

One of 250 copies on Holland paper.


Le Chasseur Bibliographe, Revue Bibliographique,
Philologique, etc., rédigée par une Société de Bibliographes et de
Bibliophiles, suivie d'une Notice de Livres rares et curieux, etc.
Première Année [et] Deuxième Année. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, mo-
rocco backs.
Paris, 1862-1863

337. BLACKMORE (R. D.). Fringilla; or, Tales in Verse. With decorative picturings by Will H. Bradley, and printed in red-and-black. 8vo, boards, holland back, gilt top, uncut.

Cleveland: Burrows Bros., 1895 One of 600 copies on handmade paper.


338. BOCCACCIO. Tales done into English by Joseph Jacobs. illustrations by Byam Shaw, and each page of text within an ornamental border. Small 4to, decorative cloth, gilt top.

New York, 1899

339. BOCCACCIO. Stories from The Decameron. Translated from the Italian

into English. With 11 original etchings by Léopold Flameng, on India paper. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. New York, n. d. 340. BODFISH ILLUSTRATIONS. Through Spain on Donkey-Back. ings by W. Parker Bodfish. 4to, half boards and cloth, gilt. Boston [1883]


341. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Le Gallois (Pierre). Traitté des Plus Belles Bibliothèques de l'Europe. Des Premiers livres qui ont été faits,

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de l'invention de l'imprimerie, etc. 12mo, full tan calf, gilt back. Paris, 1630


342. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. The Philobiblion. A Monthly Bibliographical Journal, containing Notices of Rare, Curious and Valuable Old Books. Vols. I and II. Illustrations. 2 vols. square 8vo, half vellum and boards, uncut. New York, 1861-1863

A number of copperplate portraits inserted.


A Handy-Book about Books, for Book-Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book-Sellers. Attempted by John Power. Facsimiles. 8vo, decorative cloth, gilt top, uncut.

London, 1870

344. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Rogers (Horatio). Private Libraries of Providence, with a Preliminary Essay on the Love of Books. Frontispiece, and illustrations. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut.

Providence (R. I.), 1878

One of 250 copies printed. Presentation copy from the publisher, Sidney S. Rider, with autograph inscription on fly-leaf.

345. Books ABOUT Books. Burton (John Hill). The Book-Hunter, etc. Square royal 8vo, cloth, leather back, uncut, binding somewhat damaged at corners. Philadelphia, 1881

One of 27 copies on Large Paper.

346. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Tredwell (Daniel M.). A Monograph on Privately Illustrated Books. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut.

Brooklyn, 1882

Author's presentation copy with autograph inscription on fly-leaf. 347. Books ABOUT Books. Richard (Jules). L'Art de Former une Bibliothèque. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut.

One of 50 copies issued in this form.

Paris, 1883

348. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Ireland (Alexander). The Book-Lover's Enchiridion: Thoughts on the Solace and Companionship of Books. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 12mo, vellum-boards, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1884

349. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Fitzgerald (Percy). The Book Fancier, or The Romance of Book Collecting. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original

cloth, gilt, gilt top, lower edges uncut.

London, 1886

350. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Bouchot (Henri). Des Livres Modernes, qu'il

convient d'acquérir; De La Reliure, Examples à imiter ou à rejeter. Numerous reproductions and illustrations, some IN COLORS. 2 vols. original wrappers, uncut.

Both Limited Editions.

Paris, 1891

351. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Blades (William). Books in Chains, and other Bibliographical Papers. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth, gilt, uncut.

New York, 1892

352. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Crazy Book-Collecting or Bibliomania, by Bellioud-Mermet. [Translation of the original text of the edition of 1761]. 12mo, flexible cloth, gilt, uncut. New York, 1894

353. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Bierstadt (O. A.). The Library of Robert Hoe. With 110 illustrations from manuscripts and books in the collection. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. New York, 1895

One of 350 copies printed throughout on Japanese paper. With bookplate of E. H. Bierstadt, engraved by French.

354. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Blades (William). The Enemies of Books.
Preface by Richard Garnett. Illustrations by Louis Gunnis and
H. E. Butler. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut.
CHOICE COPY on Large Paper.

London, 1896

355. BOUKAY (MAURICE). Chansons Rouges. Musique de Marcel Legay. Illustrations de Steinlein. 12mo, half red-polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in.

Paris, n. d.

356. BOOK-LOVER'S ALMANAC (THE). A Complete Set from 1893 to 1897, inclusive. COLORED PLATES by Henriot, portraits and etchings by Robida on Japanese paper, colored and plain page-borders, reproductions, etc. 5 vols. 12mo, original wrappers as issued, uncut, wrappers of Vol. I. worn. New York, 1893-1897.

Not over 450 copies of each on Van Gelder paper were printed. The Almanac for 1897 is on Japanese paper of which but 100 copies were issued. Contain original contributions by W. Loring Andrews, Beverley Chew, Eugene Field, Octave Uzanne, and others.

35%. BOOK-LOVER'S ROSARY (THE). New York, 1885; Books and BookLovers. By Ralph A. Lyon, Evanston, 1903; Anacreon. Thomas Stanley's translation. Illustrated by J. E. Weguelin. New York, 1894, and others. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, and smaller, various bindings.

358. BRASSEUR (ALBERT) and JOURDAIN (FRANTZ). Jean-Jean. Illustrations de Job. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half crimson morocco, gilt, gilt top. Paris, n. d.

359. BUNYAN (JOHN). The Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated by W. Strang on Japanese paper. Medium 4to, full claret-colored levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière. London, Nimmo, 1895

A Desirable Copy.

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360. BURNS (ROBERT). The Works of Burns Life of the Poet, and an Essay on his genius and character, by Professor Wilson. Illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1878

361. BURY (RICHARD DE). Ernest C. Thomas.

The Philobiblon. Edited and Translated by 12mo, maroon buckram, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London: [Printed at the Chiswick Press], 1888

362. CANOVA. Opera di Scultura e di Plastica di Antonio Canova. Descritte da Isabella Albrizzi. With 150 plates, many folding. 4 vols. in 2, half vellum and cloth, leather labels. Pisa, 1821-1823

363. CARLETON (WILL). Farm Ballads; Farm Legends; Farm Festivals. Illustrations. 3 vols. square 8vo, cloth, gilt.


New York, 1876-1876-1881

364. CATTERMOLE ILLUSTRATIONS. Evenings at Haddon Hall, A Series of Romantic Tales of the Olden Time. Illustrations by George Cattermole engraved by C. and H. Rolls, J. Goodyear, J. C. Bentley, and others. 12mo, half calf, gilt. London: H. G. Bohn, 1860

365. CAYLUS (A. C., COMTE DE). Recueil d'Antiquités Egyptiennes, Etrusques, Grecques et Romaines. Portrait of Caylus inserted from another edition, engraved title to Vol. I, frontispiece to each of the other volumes, many vignettes, and about 800 reproductions on several hundred full-page plates. Together, 7 vols. 4to, full calf, gilt backs and side borders, gilt edges.

All First Editions with the exception of Vol. I.
a posthumous supplement edited by M. de Bombarde.
of John T. M. Pierce, with bookplate in each volume.

Paris, 1761-1767

The last volume is
From the library

366. CHARLES II. Adams (W. M. Davenport). The Merry Monarch; or, England under Charles II. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt, slightly stained on binding, uncut.

London, 1885

367. CHURCH (ALFRED J.). Isis and Thamesis. Hours on the River from Oxford to Henley. Full-page etched plates, and text illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges, binding somewhat stained.

London, 1886

368. CLARETIE (JULES). Monsieur Le Ministre. Edition Nouvelle, avec une Préface Inédite. Dix compositions par Adrien Moreau gravées à l'eau-forte par Wallet. 8vo, wrappers, uncut.

Paris: Maison Quantin, n. d.

369. COCKNEY IN ARCADIA (A). By H. A. Spurr. Illustrated by Cecil Alden, etc. New York, 1899; The Story of Blue-Beard. Illustrated. London, 1895; Notes in Japan. By A. Parsons. Illustrated. New York, 1896; The Bibelot, 36 issues; The History and Poetry of Finger-Rings. By C. Edwards, New York, (1864). Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. By T. B. Aldrich. Illustrated; and others. Together, 43 pieces, various sizes and bindings.

370. COLUMBIAN EXHIBITION. The Art of the World, Illustrated in the Paintings, Statuary and Architecture of the World's Columbian Exposition. Contributed to by Halsey C. Ives, Moses P. Handy, Charles Yriarte, Humphry Ward and others. With a large number of plates, some tinted and some colored, full-page and in the text. 2 vols. folio, full embossed morocco, gilt edges.

New York, 1894

371. COQUELIN (Cadet). Le Rire. Numerous text illustrations by Sapeck. Second Edition. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top.

Paris, 1887 372. COSMOPOLITE (LE); Par M. De Monbron, Paris, 1797-8; Poésies de Sapho; suivies de Différentes Poésies dans le même genre. Londres, 1792. 2 vols. small 8vo, mottled calf, not quite uniform. 1792-1798

373. COSTUME PLATES. Mills (Alfred). Costumes of Different Nations, in Miniature. From drawings by A. Mills, with Descriptions. Numerous woodcuts. 64mo, full morocco, leaves somewhat stained.

New York: Samuel Wood & Sons, 1817

Shows costumes of,-the Greenlanders, Peasants of Finland, Circassians, Tartars, Chinese, Peruvians, inhabitants of Nootka Sound, etc. 374. CRANE ILLUSTRATIONS. Spenser (Edmund). The Shepheard's Calendar. Newly adorned with 12 pictures and other devices by Walter Crane. Square 12mo, pictorial cloth, uncut.

New York and London, 1898 375. [CRÉBILLON (PROSPER J. DE).] Angola, Histoire Indienne, Ouvrage sans vraisemblance. Nouvelle Edition, revue et corrigée. Copperplates. 2 vols. 24mo, mottled calf, gilt backs, slightly rubbed, name on titles. A Agra, 1776 376. [CRÉBILLON (PROSPER J. DE).] Angola, Histoire Indienne, ouvrage sans Vraisemblance suivi D'Acajou et Zirphile, Conte. 2 vols. 24mo, Spanish calf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt edges, somewhat rubbed. A Londres, 1781

377. [CRÉBILLON (PROSPER J. DE).] Le Sepha, Conte Moral. C***. Nouvelle Édition. 2 vols. 24mo, sprinkled calf, gilt, leather labels. A Londres, 1781

378. CROWQUILL ILLUSTRATIONS. [Combe (William).] The Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the Picturesque. Illustrated with original designs by Alfred Crowquill. 16mo, half calf, gilt back, gilt edges. Boston, 1866

379. CRUSADES. History of the Crusades. By Michaud. Illustrated with 100 compositions by Gustave Doré. 2 vols. folio, half morrocco. Philadelphia, circa 1879

380. DALE (ALAN). Familiar Chats with the Queens of the Stage. Portraits. 4to, cloth, gilt. New York, 1890

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