Imágenes de página

abeigh, adv., aloof, off.
aboon, prep., above.
abrayde, pt. s., started (from

abread, adv., abroad.
abye, v., to pay for.
accompted, pp., accounted.
achat, n., purchase.
adoun, adv., downwards.
ae, adj., one.

affyle, v., to file, i.e., to render smooth.

afray, n., alarm, terror, fright. agast, pp., scared, frightened. agayn, adv., again. agley, adv., askew. agraste, v., to favor.


agree. to, v., accord with. aiblins, adv., maybe, perhaps. ain, adj., own.

airts, n., the directions. al, adj., all.

al be, conj., although. alday, adv., always. alderbest, adv., best of all. ale-stake, n., ale-stake, a horizontal pole projecting from an alehouse to support a sign or brush. algate, adv., always. allye, v., to ally.

allyed, pp., allied. als, also.

als ... as, so... as.


als and, both... and. amate, v., to dishearten, dismay, subdue.

amblere, n., an ambling nag. amis, adv., wrongly. amis, n., a hood, or cape with a hood.

ance, adv., once.

anlas, n., a short two-edged knife, broad at the hilt and tapering to the point, formerly worn at the girdle. antiphoner, n., anthem-book. apyked, pp., trimmed, adorned.

areedes, v., to declare, tell, counsel.

areste, n., arrest.

arras, n., tapestry, rich figured fabric.

arrerage, n. pl., arrears.

[blocks in formation]


aryve, v., to arrive. ascendent, n., ascendant. aspye, n., spy.

assaid, pp., assailed. assente, v., to assent. assoille, v., pardon, absolve. assoilling, n., absolution. asterte, v., to escape. astored, pp., stored, provided. attamed, pp., broached. atte best, in the best way. Atte Bowe, At Bow. auctours, n. pl., authors. Augustyn, St. Augustine. auld, adj., old. ava, at all, of all. availle, v., to avail. avale, v., to descend, subside, droop.

avantour, n., boaster. avisoun, n., vision. awayt, in wait.

axeth, seekest (v. 2d sing.).

Ay, adv., aye, ever.

bace, adj., low. baite, v., to bate. band, i.e., tie.


banes, n., bones. bar, pp., bare, carried. bare, carried (v. preterit). barkit, pp., barked. barley-bree, n., ale, whisky. barres, n. pl., stripes across a girdle.

batailed, pp., crenelated. bauldricke, n., a belt, sometimes richly ornamented, worn over one shoulder, across the breast, and under the opposite arm, to support the sword, the bugle, etc. bawdrik, n., baldric. See bauldricke.

bawk, n., a field path. bawsnt, pp., white-streaked. beggestere, n., beggar,

beth war, beware.
bett, pp., beat, beaten.
beuks, n., books.

bever, n., drink, drinking, a light repast between meals. beye, v., to buy.

bicched bones, dice (n. plural). bield, n., a shelter, a sheltered spot.

bifel, befell (v. preterit).
bifore, adv., before.
biforn, prep., before.
big, v., to build..

bigonne, begun (v. preterit).
biknewe, pp., confessed.
bile, n., beak.
bill, n., a bull.

billies, n. pl., fellows, com

rades, brothers.

binethe, prep., beneath, within. binne, n., bin, hutch, chest. birkie, n., a fellow (usually implies conceit).

birks, n., birches.

bisette, employed (v. preterit). bismotered, pp., besmuttered, dirtied.

bisyde, prep., from the neighborhood of.

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blastie, n., a damned creature.
blate, adj., modest.
bleer't, pp., bleared.
bleezin, adj., blazing.
blellum, n., a babbler.
blent, pp., blinded.
blink, n., a moment, a short

Boece, Boethius.
boles, n. pl., bulls.
bollet, n., bullet.
boon, n., bone.

prop-boortrees, the shrub elder

erly a female beggar. behight, v., to vow, promise; to deliver, grant, adjudge. ben, n., parlour. bene, n., bean. bere, n., bier.

berne, n., barn.

beryis, n. pl., berries. bet, v., to go quickly. bet, adv., better.

planted much of old in hedges in barnyards.

bord, n., table.

bost, n., boast.

bote, n., salvation.

botes, n. pl., boots.

boughtes, n. pl., coils.

bour, n., inner room.

bourde, jest (v. present 1 pers sing.).

bracer, n., bracer, a guard for ceruce, n., white lead.

the arm in archery.
Bradwardyn, n., Bishop.
braes, n. pl., small hills.
brast, burst out (v. preterit).
brattle, n., a spurt, a scamper.
braw, adj., gaily dressed, fine,

breares, n. pl., briars.
breech, n. pl., breeches.
breem, n., breem, a fish.
brenninge, burning (v. present
brent, pp. burnt.
brent, adj., straight.
bretful, adj., brimful.
briddes, n. pl., birds.
brinstane, n., brimstone.
brock, n., a badger.
brode, adj., broad.

brouke, v., to enjoy, use.
buirdly, adj., stout, stalwart.
bulles, n. pl., papal bulls.
bulte, v., to sift.
bum-clock, n.,

a humming

beetle. burdies, n. pl., maidens. burdoun, n., burden of a song, bass accompaniment. Burgeys, n., burgess, citizen. burn, n., rivulet. but-if, conj., unless. butt, n., kitchen.

butty, adj., rooty.
by-cause, because.
byke, n., bees nest, hive.
byre, n., cowhouse.
byte, v., to bite, burn.

caas, n. pl., cases of law. ca'd, pp., called.

caller, adj., cool, refreshing. cam, pr. s. of come; came. cannilie, adv., quietly, prudently, cautiously. Canon, n., the "Canon," title of a book by Avicenna. canstow, for canst thou. cantie, adj., cheerful, lively, jolly.

cantraip, adj., magic, witching. canty, see cantie. cappe, n., сар.

carf, v., to cut, carve. carke, n., load, charge, burden. carl or carle, n., a rustic, countryman. carpe, v., to talk, discourse. cas, n., case, affair, circumstance, condition. castel-wal, n., castle wall. catapuce, n., caper, spurge. catel, n., property, wealth, possession.

centaure, n., centaury. centonell, n., sentinel.

change-house, n., tavern. chaunterie, n., an endowment for a priest to sing mass. chear, n., chair, cheer. chere, n., behavior; also entertainment.

cherles, n. pl., churls.

coverchiefs, n. pl., kerchief
worn on the head.
covyne, n., deceitfulness.
crack, n., tales, talk.
cranreuch, n., hoar-frost, rime.
creast, n., crest.
creeshie, adj., greasy.
croked, adj., crooked.

chevisaunce, n., dealing for croose, adj., cocksure.

chide, v., to blame.
chiels, n. pl., fellows, a young
fellow, indicates approval.
N., a military


cink, five.

claes, n. pl., clothes.

cleped, pp., called.

clepen, v., to call, name. clergeon, n., chorister boy.

clerkis, n. pl., writers, scholars. clokke, n., clock. clout, n., bit of cloth. cloutes, n. pl., rags. clyme, v., to climb. coche, n., coach. coft, pp., bought. coillons, n. pl., testicles. cokes, n. pl., cooks. cokewold, v., to deceive, play false.

col-fox, n., coal-fox, black fox. colpons, n. pl., shreds, bundles. complecciouns, n. pl., complexions.

conne, v., to con, learn.
conning, n., experience.
consent, n., harmony.
contek, n., strife, contest.
contrarie, n., opposite, foe,
cood, n., cud.

coost, v., to throw off.
cootie, n., a wooden dish.
cop, n., top.
cope, n., cope.

coppe, n., cup.
corages, n.,



coronall, a circlet for the head, a crown; also, a garland. corse, n., corpse. coste, n., coast. cote, n., skirt, petticoat or gown (for a woman). counterfesaunce, n., counterfeiting, imposture. countour, n., auditor. countrefete, v., to counterfeit, imitate.

cours, n., course, path, orbit. courtepy, n., an upper short coat of coarse material. couthe, pp., pl. well-known. covent, n., convent, conventual body.

cropt, pp., bitten, pulled or snipped off.

croud, n., crowd, an ancient Celtic instrument with a rectangular body and six strings; fiddle.

crouse, adv., cheerfully, lively, jolly.

crowdie-time, n., porridgetime.

crulte, adj., curly.

crummockcudgel, n., crooked staff.

crump, adj., crisp.

cuif, n., a dull fellow, a dolt. curchie, n., curtsey.

cure, n., attention. cushat, n., wood pigeon. cut, n., lot.

cutty-sark, n., short skirt.

daffin, n., larking fun. dails, n., deals, planks. daimen-icker, n., an Occasional ear of corn. daliaunce, n., gossip. Dan, Sir, Lord, title of respect. darg, n., labor, task, a day's labor.

darrayne, v., to order, manage; to wage (battle); to prove by wager or battle. Daun, n., (for Dominus), Lord, Sir, title of respect. daunce (the olde), the old game of love.

dawds, n. pl., lumps and large portions.

dawening, n., dawning. dawtit, pp., fondled, petted. deas, n. pl., dice. defeasance, n., defeat. defended, v., forbidden. defouled, pp., defiled. Deil-haet, nothing (tho the devil have it). Deils, Devils.

del (a greet), n., a great deal, largely, to a large extent. delen ger, to have dealing with.

deliverly, adv., nimbly.
demen, v., to ask.
depe, adj., deep.
depeint, pp., stained.
dere, adj., deer.

descant, n., the melody or

the eir, n., air.

counterpoint sung to cantus or plain song, desolaat, adj., shunned. despitous, adj., merciless. desport, n., sport, diversion, merriment, amusement. despyt, in contempt of you. detteless, adj., free from debt. deye, n., dairy woman. deyntee, adj., good.

deys, n., dais, platform, the high table in the dining

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eke, adv., also, moreover. eldritch, adj., horrible, unearthly.

Ellebor, n., Hellebore, a kind of poison.

elles, adv., else, otherwise. embard, pp., confined, imprisoned.

embayd, pp., enclosed.

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feck, n., the bulk, the most part.

felicitee, n., happiness. fell, adj.. keen, cruel, dreadful, pungent.

felly, adv.. fiercely, cruelly, barbarously.

embosse, v., to encase, en- fen, n.. chapter or subdivision

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
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dormant, n., table dormant, a ettle, n., aim.

donsie, adj., unlucky.

doon, v., to do.

permanent side table.

dorste, durst.

doun, adv., down.


everich, every.

everichon, every one.

every-deel, adv., every whit.

doure, adj., stubborn, obsti- ewghen, adj., yewen, of yew.

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excheat, n., escheat. expect, v., to await. ey, n., egg.

eyes (of hawks), adj., newly fledged.

eydent, adj., diligent. eyen, n. pl., eyes. eyled, pp., ailed.

eyleth, aileth (v. present).

fa', n.. a fall, lot, portion. fadres, n. pl., ancestors. faille, v., to fail.

fair, n., a good one.

fest, n., fist.

festne, v., to fasten. fet, pp., brought. fethered, pp., feathered. fetishly, adv., elegantly. fient-a, nothing of a. fient haet o', not one of them. fiere, n., comrade.

fil, fell (preterit of fall). filch, v., to steal, pilfer. finch, n.. finch (bird), "pulle a finch," pluck a dupe. fithele, n., fiddle.

flainen or flannen, adj., flannel. flasket, n.,

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falding, n., a sort of coarse for, instead of.


earst, adv., formerly, a while fand, pp., found.

eek, adv., also, moreover.

een, n. pl., eyes.

eerie, adj., weird, inspiring ghostly fear. eet, pp., ate. eftsoones, adv., soon after, presently, forthwith.

faren, pp., gone.

forlete, v., to abandon, forsake. forn-cast, pp., premeditated. forneys, n.. furnace.

farls. n. pl., small thin oat for-pyned, pp., wasted away.


farsed, pp., stuffed. faste, v., to fast. fause, adj., false.

fawsont, adj., seemly, decent, honest.

faytor, n., an impostor.

fors, n., force.

for-sleuthen, v., to waste in

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forwiting, n., foreknowledge.
forwoot, foreknows, forsees
(v. present).

fother, n., a load; properly, a
fou', adj., full.
foule, adj., wretched.
foure, four.

fowles, n. pl., birds.
Frankeleyns, n. pl., Franklins.
frayneth, prays, beseeches (v.

fruytesteres, n. pl., fruit sellers.
fumetere, n., fumitory.
fundement, n., fundament,

furms, n. pl., wooden forms.
fustian, n., fustian.
fyke, v., to fuss, fidget.
fyl'd, pp., defiled, fouled.
fyneste, adj. (superl.), finest.
fyrie, adj., fiery.
fyr-reed, adj., red as fire,

gabbe, lie, speak idly present).

giusts, n. pl., jousta tilts.
gizz, n., wig.
glaikit, adj., foolish, thought-
less, giddy.
glowr, v., to stare.

glyster, n., an injection, an


gnarre, v., to snarl.
gobet, n., piece, morsel.
golet, n., throat, gullet.
goliardeys, n., buffoon,
scurrilous talker.
goost, goest (v. present).
goot, n., goat.

harrow, interjection, help.
hasardrye, n., gambling.
hasty accidents, the accidents
of haste, i.e. the marriage
day was probably changed
at short notice to a date
earlier than that set origi-

haud, v., to hold, keep.
hauffet, n., temple locks.
a haunt, n., usual resort.
hauteyn, adj., loud.
hawe, n., yard, enclosure.
hawkie's, n., cow, esp. a white-
faced cow.

gorcock, n., the moorcock.
governaunce, n., management,

gowd, n., gold.

graith, n., garb, attire.
granes, n. pl., groans.
grat, pp., wept.
gree, n., the prize.
greyn, n., grain, corn.
griesly, adj., grisly, horrible,

(v. griple, adj., griping, grasping.
grope, v., to try, test, examine.
grosse, v., to increase.
grote, n., groat, (Dutch) coin.
grozet, n., gooseberry.
gruf, adv., on
grushie, adj., growing.
grys, n., a gray fur.
guerdon, n., reward, recom-

gadrede, pp., gathered.
gaed, went (v. preterit).
galingale, n., sweet cyperus. A
spice was prepared from the
root of the plant.
game, n., amusement, fun,
gamed, it pleased.
gan, began (v. preterit).
gang, v., to walk, go.
gargat, n., throat.

gars, causes, makes, compels
(v. present).
gart, pp., made.
gash, adj., wise.
gat-tothed, adj., having the
teeth far apart.
gaude, n., trick, course of

Gaufred, Geoffrey de Vinsauf,
Anglo-Norman Trouvère.
gaun, going (v. pr. part.).
gawsie, adj., big and joyous.
gaytres beryies, berries of the
goat tree.

gear, n., money, wealth.
gees, n. pl., geese.

gentil, adj., mild in manner.
geordie, n., guinea.
gere, n., utensils.

gerner, n., garner.
gies, v. pr. 8., gives.

gills, n. pl., glasses of whiskey. gin, conj., if.

gin, prep., against, by.

their faces,

guidmen, n., husband.
guid-willie, adj., hearty, full of
good will.

gyse, n., guise, way.

habergeoun, n., a hauberk or
coat of mail.
habundant, adj., abundant.
haffets, n. pl., the temples, the
side of the head.
hafflins-wise, adv., half, partly.
haith, n., faith.

hald, n., holding, abiding

hallan, n., a partition between
the door of a cottage and a

halse, v., to conjure, beseech.
halwes, n. pl., shrines of

hame, n., home.

hap, n., that which happens
suddenly or unexpectedly,
chance, fortune.

hap, v., to cover up, clothe.
happer, n., hopper (of a mill).

gipoun, n., a short cassock or hap-step-an-lowp,


gipser, n., pouch, purse.

girland, n., a garland.

harn, n., coarse cloth.
harre, n., hinge.

healsome, adj., wholesome.
heastes, n. pl., hests, com-

heben, adj., ebony, of ebon.
heberwe, n., inn.
hech, exclamation.
heed, n., head.

heep, n., great number, crowd.
heer, n., hair.
heer, adv., here.
hegges, n. pl., hedges.
hele, n., cure, recovery.
heled, pp., healed.
helpelesse, adj., irremediable.
hem, pron., them.

heng or henge, v., to hang.
henne, adv., hence.

hente, pp., seized, caught hold of.

hente, v., to acquire, get. her, adv., here.

praise (v.,

herde, n., herd, keeper of
herien, herieth,
herteless, adj., heartless.
hertely, adv., heartily.
heryinge, n., praise.
hestes, n. pl., commands.
het, adj., hot.

heughs, n. pl., crags, steep

heve, v., to heave, lift.
hewe, n., hew, color, com-

hewed, adj., colored, hewed.
heyre, adj., hair, made of hair.
hider, adv., hither.
hight or highte, pp., called,

named, mentioned by name.
him happede, it happened.
hindreste, adj., hindmost.
hir, pron., her, them, their.
hirplin, adj., limping, hobbling.
histie, adj., bare.
hizzies, n. pl.,


hob, n., fairy, sprite, elf. hoddin, n., the motion of a countryman riding on a cart horse.

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