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lated to point out the path of real knowledge. We would not, by this assertion, lead our readers to conclude that they can, by the work above mentioned, obtain their object without thought or pains on their own part. Nothing but thought can give any value to the results of thought, at least in any higher sense than that in which the maker of a telescope can be said to avail himself of the mind of Galileo or Newton. The man, however, who, to an ordinary knowledge of the results of scienti fic inquiries up to the present time, adds some power of reflection, and delights in the exercise of it, will here find the development of views which he might have searched for in vain in most other treatises, filled as they are with experiments and results, and not with the use which may arise from the study of the method of obtaining them. We will even go farther, [and say, that this work will be better adapted even for children than most of those which are in their hands; though they will find much which they cannot understand, there is no small difference between obscurity which is worth explaining, and that which is not. And the mind of a young per son would be forcibly impelled to know more of that which presents difficulties, from the very interesting nature of the illustrations with which the treatise abounds, and which are in most cases more intelligible than the examples given in works written expressly for their use. The whole is a splendid verification of what we have already asserted, that knowledge of the highest kind is never more urgently wanted, or more advantageously displayed, than in an attempt to illustrate the most elementary principles of any branch of knowledge.

The additions necessary to render this work a proper basis of school instruction are, a teacher who thoroughly

enters into its spirit, and a mass of facts in connexion with the different points on which it treats. The first, though a rara avis, is sometimes caught; and the second, though the collection of a sufficient number would be a work of much research, might be partially supplied by any one possessed of moderate information, to an extent which would considerably benefit his pupils. This being done, the "Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy" would form a class-book infinitely superior to those now in use, both in style and matter. If there be any who smile at our proposing a disquisition worthy the serious attention of the most learned as a study for the beginner, we would say, that an elementary work is of little value to the latter, unless it contain matter of interest for the former; and will refer them to the fact, that the first principles of every science are among the last to be clearly understood. Moreover, we do not assert that the work in question is complete in itself for the purposes of education; but we do not find in it any assertion, or any principle, which does not admit of such elucidation as would bring it within the comprehension of a child. Let us take, for example, the following paragraph, being the enunciation of the general method of classification,-page 102:

"It is thus we perceive the high importance in physical science of just and accurate classification of particular facts, or individual objects, under general well-considered heads or points of agreement, (for which there are none better adapted than the simple phenomena themselves, into which they can be analysed in the first instance,) for by so doing each of such phenomena, or heads of classification, becomes not a particular, but a general fact; and when we have amassed a great store

of such general facts, they become the objects of another and a higher species of classification, and are themselves included in laws which, as they dispose of groups, not individuals, have a far superior degree of generality, till at length, by continuing the process, we arrive at arioms of the highest degree of generality of which science is capable. This process is what we mean by induction; and from what has been said, it appears that induction may be carried on in two different ways,— either by the simple juxtaposition and comparison of ascertained classes, and marking their agreements and disagreements, or by considering the individuals of a class, and casting about, as it were, to find in what particular they all agree, besides that which serves as their principle of classification."

If we had proposed that the pupil should learn this, as an answer to a question in a catechism, our absurdity, though considerable, would not be unparalleled, since, to compare great things with small, this would not be more unintelligible to a child, than the last of our quotations in p. 225: it is evident, however, that we have imagined no such thing. But if, on the other hand, the words were first properly explained, not out of a dictionary, but by actual example and illustration; if, again, to the instances given by the author others were added in considerable quantities, and such might be obtained, in any number, from among those objects with which the pupils are most familiar; if it were not regarded as material, whether so important a method were made the subject of one or of twenty lessons,-what is there in the development of this principle of which a clear conception could not be formed, or a good foundation of it laid, at almost any age? And, if such be the case, why

should sense be excluded because the language is difficult, when that difficulty may be removed; while nonsense, in language equally hard, is circulated and learned by rote without any attempt whatever to make it more easy? Undoubtedly the method of removing all objections would be to write a Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy which should be to the child what the one before us is to the man; but who is there to perform this task? It would require knowledge, and power of illustration, no ways inferior to that of the distinguished author of the "Discourse," combined with great experience in instruction. Nevertheless, that a

work should exist, from which by any means so desirable an end may be gained as that which is proposed, is matter of congratulation for all who value knowledge as a source of civilization and happiness.

Although our remarks have been wholly confined to the study of natural philosophy, the same would apply, in some degree, to that of natural history. The present neglect of both will furnish a curious story for aftertimes. It will be on record, that among the first commercial people in the world, who depended for their political existence on trade and manufactures, there was not, generally speaking, in the education of their youth, one atom of information on the products of the earth, whether animal, vegetable, or mineral, nor any account of the principles, whether of mechanics or of chemistry, which, when applied to these products, constituted the distinction of their country. And this, when the studies so abandoned were allowed by all to be worthy of pursuit, simply as an exercise of the reason, and without any reference to their application. This story will one day excite some wonder, which will be removed

when it is added, that the tone of school education was given by certain endowed establishments, which, resting their existence upon the fame acquired when Latin and Greek were reputed the only useful branches of instruction, used their influence to exclude all others, long after the rational part of mankind had pronounced that more was necessary. Thus much we can assert without laying claim to the title of prophets; but it may be, and we would put it to those who direct the public schools whether it is not worth taking it into consideration, that their historian shall have to finish by saying, that while previously acquired reputation was supporting them in their quiescent obstruction of all improvement, a gradual change took place in the public mind on the subject of education, which they, occupied as they were in constructing elegant Greek and Latin verses, were among the last to perceive, that when, at a late period, they became willing to alter their system for the better, the time had past, and the recollections of former obstinacy rendered their demonstrations of improvement of no effect; that they sunk in estimation from that time, and finally became an object of interest to the antiquary only, for the remains of Gothic architecture which they left behind.

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