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" F., The Wood family of ¿: A brief biography of those of its members who were sculptors, modellers and potters. "
Internationale Bibliographie der Kunstwissenschaft - Página 58
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A Guide to the Printed Materials for English Social and Economic ..., Volumen 2

Judith Blow Williams - 1926 - 670 páginas
...1850 but has some useful material for the earlier period. Falkner, Frank, The Wood family of Burslem, a brief biography of those of its members who were sculptors, modellers and potters. With an introduction by Wm. Burton. 1912. xx, 118 p. Illus. Diaries and private letters, etc., used....
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Book-prices Current: A Record of Prices at which Books Have Been ..., Volumen 31

1917 - 954 páginas
...45., contemp. mor. ex., Feb. 23, 1910, Christie, Lot 28.] Falkner (Frank). The Wood Family of Burslem: Brief Biography of those of its Members who were Sculptors, Modellers and Potters, Introduction by Wm. Burton, col. front. and plates, 1912, 4 to. (272), May 7, Sotheby (265) Levine,...
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