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" Gartenkunst. Bacon , F. , Of Gardens ; an Essay. With Introduction by Helen Milman. London, Lane. 8°. 30 S. 2 sh 6 d. [1310 Some recent drawings of English and continental gardens by George S. Elgood. — The Studio. XXV, S. 119—125. "
Internationale Bibliographie der Kunstwissenschaft - Página 82
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Index to the Periodicals of ..., Volumen 13

1903 - 274 páginas
...Rhododendrons Recent Outdoor Literature, by Charles H. Shinn (ill.), O M, XXXIX. Feb, 637, Mar, 711 Some Recent Drawings of English and Continental Gardens, by George S. Elgood (ill.], 8tu, XXV. Mar, no Miss Ella Du Cane, Painter of Gardens ; Interview, by Miss Alice Stronach...
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